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We share the same dwelling, but since our last mishap at converting him into a humanitarian, we rarely see each other. He's gone when I wake, and seems to come back when i'm sleeping. I tell myself that he's probably met someone, and that i'm happy for him, which is a blatant lie. I hope she resembles a Kowakian monkey-lizard, and lacks good hygiene. Trying to will away the feelings that i've developed for him, he goes and kisses me. Not just any kiss, a "I want you in the worst way" kiss. Silly of me to kiss him back, but it's been awhile. Damn him. I have to leave this planet and find Khan, at least my relationship with him was safe. No extras just no holds barred sex, well.. until he wrote the letter... but i've definitely got to find a release, and soon.

Kylo's been acting different lately, standing to close to me, or finding ways to touch me. I purchased the temple for him, so that he would find some happiness, but also so that I could be free to handle the issues with Khan, and the League. I haven't forgotten about them, I know them, and they're going to strike, when least expected. I'd rather face them on my own accord, than to have them emerge when i've achieved happiness. I have to leave Naboo and Kylo, and after telling him, he's silent. "It will only be for a few weeks at best, I have to..." I'm silenced by the intensity of his gaze. Standing he makes his way to me. "If you must go, I request a parting gift." Tilting my chin, his direct gaze causes my heart to flutter. I move to meet him halfway, his lips lightly brushing mines, he goes for my neck. A kiss, a nip.... sucking... Oh...he's just showing out now. I turn my head even further, to allow him full access.

He doesn't disappoint, i'm turned on moisture pooling in between my thighs. Kissing me, I breathe in his masculine scent, which makes me even hotter. Lifting me onto the table, he doesn't bother with the removal of clothing. Lowering his trousers i'm in a frenzy, I want him inside me. Gasping in surprise at his length, as he plunges into my center, my sex quivering juices flowing. Filled to the hilt, slow steady strokes, I cling to him matching his rhythm.

Wanting to feel his bare skin pressed against mines, I rip his shirt, and In between kisses he removes it. His tongue filling my mouth, we fight for control. Pulling off my blouse, his kisses continue downwards to my neck, and lower to my nipples. His tongue circling, causes my body to tremble in pleasure. His name escapes my lips in a whisper, as he slides me even further down his rod. Biting his shoulder as he goes deeper, his intake of breath at my assault, I ride him harder, forcing him to play rougher. His nails digging into my rear, my climax cresting. "Wait..." I beg, not wanting it to be over with yet. Paying me no attention, he pumps even harder into my womb, as I spread my legs even wider. "Um..." My body convulsing, I pull him over the edge with me.


I was supposed to leave, but ended up staying. In the days that followed, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. Just a look and we didn't care where we were, or who was around. Clothing was discarded, and we were all over each other. We lost half the domestic's within a week, due to our lewd behavior. Days turned into weeks and weeks into two months. Using my gift of sight, we've recruited a few force sensitive's from different planets. Most knowing his past refused us, but a few showed up on their on, after word got out about a new founding Jedi Order.

He's changed, he's not the man that he used to be. I'm watching him with a small group, they're working on force training, when it hits me. A sickness, that has me rushing to the refresher room. I barely make it, emptying the contents of my stomach. The loud knock on the door startles me. "Are you all right?" I don't know what's wrong with me, this has become a common thing this sickness. Opening the door, Kylo's watching me with a concerned look. "I'm fine, just tired. I say, to reassure him. "Go home get some rest, I'll send the healer by tomorrow." He says kissing my forehead. "Yeah, thanks."

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