Kylo Ren III

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My stormtroopers invade the League's compound, killing upon sight. The order given, "no survivors". Underestimating them, they took out a good portion of my troops. The young apprentices taking up arms against us, meet a quick death. I do this for her, myself, and my son, so that we can live in peace. Someone attacks me, from behind stabbing me in the side, and I am about to remove his head, when I stop mid-swing. He's too young, no more than twelve years. "Go!' I tell him. He'll die, but not at my hands.

The victory's mine, and walking past the dead, I get a report of my mother being held in her rooms. Releasing her with a warning, that if she attacks me, my mate or my child, this will be her outcome. Coming back to Mustafar to tell Nova of the good news, I find her and my son missing. Attacking the nearest stormtrooper, I remove an arm and a leg. "Where are they!"

I can only think of two places where she would be, and being that I picked up on his energy in her rooms, I know where she is. Landing at our home outside of the town, it's quiet. Making my way to the door, I find the Voorpak hiding but he comes out to greet me, which alerts me that something is definitely amiss. Upon entering the home, I follow their energies. My son's safe in his bed sleeping. Continuing on to our room, the energies are stronger. Entering, Nova's gagged and bound to a chair. He stands behind her. "This is where it ends." He says, coming from behind her. "Thank you, for clearing my debt with the League. Now I can live the rest of my life, with the woman that I love and your child."

Drawing his sword, we attack at the same time. Pushing me back, he swings at my head, ducking I go for his. Countering with a swing to my side, I barely dodge it. My side still aching from the blow received by the child earlier, I channel my inner strength, yelling with each blow that I issue. Maintaining stamina, he's a formidable opponent. as the fight progresses, I'm losing energy quickly. The fight earlier drained me and now that i'm engaging in another so soon, my endurance is waning. He senses it and attacks harder. I'm knocked to the floor, my breathing coming rapidly. "I'll be a good father to your child." He says, lifting his sword. When I think it's over, a sword comes out the front of his chest. Surprise etched on his face, he turns to his attacker. "I'm sorry, but my son needs his father." She says. Touching her face, he falls to the floor.


I wanted to disband the stormtroopers but Nova insisted that we keep them in place. She doesn't think that all the members of the League were eradicated. We've moved into the small flat, or the holding cell as Nova calls it, until we can find a larger home in town. My son's growing quickly, and we have finally found the happiness that we both longed for. I now have a temple in the city, as well as the town, and my pupils are no longer called Jedi knights, but are now officially "The Knights of Ren".

In my heart and mind she is my wife, but I wanted to make it official. So, we were married in a small ceremony with the domestics, minus the one that was on Mustafar (Nova found her employment on Takodana), the Voorpak, the knights of Ren, and my son in attendance. We're happy, and i've finally found peace.


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