General Leia Organa II

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Passing through the gates of the League's compound, I'm expecting it to be heavily guarded. It's peaceful, quiet, no one in sight. A silver haired man meets me, escorting me through the compound. Pleasing to the eyes, I touch my hair subconsciously, my hand straying to my clothing brushing imaginary particles off of it. His quizzical gaze causes me to stop fidgeting. Admonishing myself, I'm to old to be acting the part of a skittish school girl around a handsome man.

Opening the doors to a small gathering, I'm made to stand before the assembled men, as the silver haired one takes a seat. "General Organa we've asked you here, because of your attack upon our former League member Nova." The dark haired one next to the silver haired one isn't to bad to look upon either. A glance around the room and my body heats up at the attractiveness of these men. Not a face is without charm.

"General Organa, we ask that you cease your detrimental pursuit of Nova." His words bring me back to why i'm here. "We had an agreement, and she reneged on it."

"Your agreement with her is of no consequence to us. She's under the protection of the League, and no harm will come to her until she's fulfilled her contract." Who are they to tell me what I can and can't do, who gave them the authority to do as they please and not others? Be that as it may, I want no fight with the League. "What does her contract entail, maybe I can honor it."

"The details of a contract are between the League and the individual."

"Well maybe you can tell me this, since it's not related to any specific contract... How would one come under the protection of the League?"

"What do you have that we want?"


Avel's returned to me with his hand and arm carved up. The message is loud and clear. I now understand how she can love him, they're both beasts. He's lost seventy percent of the feeling in his hand. Incidents like this shouldn't go unpaid. The League telling me to stand down boils my blood. Darth Vader's dead, and there's no one to lead the first order. It's time that a new power arose, one that doesn't fear anyone, one led by a woman.

Taking control over the first order wasn't as easy as i'd thought it would be. These human droids actually rose up against me. Calling all of my resistance fighters to arms, we attacked Darth Vader's home on Mustafar. We were many, but the stormtroopers were legion. Attacking from the skies, we were able to overthrow them, my pilots having to sacrifice many of our land fighters to eliminate the enemy. It was a pyrrhic victory, but worth it.

Standing in Darth Vader's private quarters, I'm still adjusting to my new position. Our next victory will be the elimination of the League. Then I will take care of Nova and my son. A loud ruckus can be heard outside of my room's door, which brings me from my reverie. "Who's there?" A painful groan breaks the silence. Retrieving Darth Vader's lightsaber, the door opens and in walks the silver haired man. If I thought him handsome before, he's downright frightening now."You were asked to cease your attacks upon Nova."

"Asked? I remember being told, and I haven't attacked her."

"But you will, and you've made the decision to attack the League." The dark haired man walks in, followed by two other cloaked men.

"So what is this, you've come to kill me?"

"Not yet", says dark hair walking towards me. "We come to inform you of your contract details."

"I hold no contract with you."

"You will relinquish your control over the first order."

"And?" I inquire.

"And you get to keep your life."

"I'll think about it." The moment those words leave my mouth, I feel a pain in my neck, and then everything goes black.


I'm being held captive in "decent quarters", waiting for the resistance to come and rescue me. I've lost count of the days, and my captives refuse to tell me how long i've been here. I figure a couple of months at least. I'm relegated to my rooms mostly, but am allowed to roam a section or two unguarded. It's a maze inside their compound, I doubt i'd make it far if I tried to escape.

They hold no secrets about their plans for me, and have advised that my imprisonment is life long. I shall die on the grounds of the League, which they think is an honor. "We don't imprison, we assassinate." Dark hair informed me. Hope is something that I desperately cling to, but i'm also realistic. Putting all of my pride aside, I call out to my son for help. Deep breath, exhaling slowly, I call out to him in my mind, urgently. Daily I call to him and I receive no response, but I never give up hope.

I'm taking my noonday walk with Arro around the grounds, when a man interrupts us. They move a distance from me, talking in hushed tones. He quickly leaves, and Arro rejoins me. "Everything is well?" I ask, prying for any tidbit that I can get. "Your son is here, he wishes to see you." I'm relieved and angry at the same time. He wishes to see me, he should have the resistance or the stormtroopers with him to rescue me!

Following Arro's gaze I turn to see Kylo approaching us, hand in hand with her. Her belly's full to bursting, a child. That's what they want from her, his child. I can finish them both here and now. "Excuse me." Arro says, walking away. He stops them before they reach me, talking to Nova. He leaves with her, and it's just me and Kylo. "General." He says. When did I stop being his mother? "I see that you've been busy." I state, in regards to her protruding stomach. "Nova says that it's a boy."

"I would congratulate you, but it's going to be a sad affair once she has the child." He's reading me, and I give him everything. "She wouldn't do something like that."

"No? To save your life she would." His reaction isn't what I hoped it would be. Quick to the draw, ask questions later is the Kylo that i'm used to. "How is that you're able to walk into here, without them retaliating against you, for what you did their people?" I don't like this Kylo, thinking things through before reacting. "We've decided that this place is going to become your permanent residence. With you here, Nova will be safe."

"What? You can't do this! I'm your mother!"

"You stopped being my mother, the day that you sent me away. I hope that you find some peace."

"Wait!" I say, clinging to him. "You can't leave me here!"

Removing me from him, I make one final plea. "Please Ben, don't leave me here." My words stop him in his tracks. "Ben is dead, and now you're dead to me. You had hoped that I would lose control, and compromise not only myself and Nova, but our child." I'm not ashamed nor am I sorry. "You deserve much worse, but imprisonment will suffice."

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