ChApter 1

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She watches the nurse hand everyone their medicine and sighs when it's her turn to take them.

"You know these pills make me feel drowsy as hell!"

The woman complains but still takes them..The nurse looks at Mrs.DeGrate and shakes her head sadly the woman was very pretty but something caused her to be here in this Looney bin and she wondered what it was and was very curious to find out also.. The nurse noticed the big rock on the woman hand and knew she reeked of money but no one knew about Mrs DeGrate.
The day passes by and the nurse watches Mrs DeGrate go to her room and close the door and the nurse noticed someone is playing Jodeci and that's when the lady leaves with a worried look on her face..

When the nurse goes inside the room she tries to make conversation with the woman..

"I see you be going crazy over Jodeci you know I wouldn't mind getting on Mr. DeVante Swing myself!"

Mrs.DeGrate shakes her head and looks at the nurse crazy..

"No no no you wouldn't he was not nice!"

"What you mean by that he was fine?!"

The nurse leans against the door frame curious..

"I uh I tried to escape he never let me go, had to run here..The woman mutters to herself..
The nurse smirks thinking the woman was indeed crazy she was about to leave when the woman moves to her quickly..

"I have a story to tell you when you have the time!"
The nurse backs away as Mrs DeGrate closes her door back and sits on her bed staring in the dark room..

That night the nurse tosses and turns in her bed thinking of what the crazy lady said something in her eyes read pure fear every time she heard any Jodeci music and her co-worker loved blasting it for their where here favorite group even though the men were waaaaay older then her and her co-worker put together.. When she arrives at work that morning she makes sure to be the one to pass around meds and she stops at Mrs Degrate room and the woman is sitting in there smoking a cigarette..

"Please let me tell my story before you give me them pills they make me feel fuzzy and I want to be normal today."

She was about to respond when her co-worker Brenda walks in blasting Freek n you by Jodeci and Mrs DeGrate freaks out and jumps in her bed..

"Turn his voice off please!!"

Tears roll down her eyes as she stares at Brenda as she turns her phone volume off.
She apologies and stands by the  other coworker trying to calm down the patient.

"Just let me tell my story I dont have time left before he finds me!"

Brenda rolls her eyes.

"How can someone so fine and rich fuck with you and why are you here!"

Mrs DeGrate sits on the bed and lights another cigarette..

"I'm here because I'm married to Donald DeGrate aka DeVante Swing and I ran away from his crazy obsessed ass and I know he will find me but I wanted to tell someone in case he kills me or finds me!"

Her hand shakes as she remembers the first day she met him and how her life changed forever even now..

"It starts like this..................

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