Scene One

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(Narrator enters)

Narrator: Alice was a particular child. That is what the children of Monotown said. they had never seen magenta, chartreuse, or even cyan. Before, Alice lived in a beautiful, colorful town with her parents for years upon years. Alice loved to sit by her window and watch the color filled lights flicker after dark. Her life was perfect, Until that one day. Alice's sixteenth birthday. She was meant to have dinner with her parents. Hours passed, but they did not show up. 

(Scene opens. Alice is staring out of a window with a decorated table in front of her)

Narrator: Alice saw someone coming to her door, but it wasn't her parents.

(Enter messenger)

Narrator: It was a messenger. He informed Alice that her parents have perished in a car accident earlier that day and that they were pronounced dead at the scene.

(Lights fade out, and scene closes)

Narrator: Alice never thought that someone could cry so much that it could create a puddle. She was now planned to live with her aunt Josephine 

(Open scene of Alice on the sidewalk, holding a tattered suit case)

Narrator: She stood there waiting for her driver to come take her to her new home. Wondering about the days to come.

(Narrator exits)

(All lights come on showing a colorful busy town, Car pulls up and Alice gets in)

(starts to drive away and as they get further away color starts to fade and it starts to rain)

Alice: Sir? Does it always rain here?

Driver: It usually does

Alice: I do like the rain, but not an awful lot

Driver: you'll get used to it

(Car pulls up in front of a large mansion)

Driver: Welcome to Claybruke Manor 

(Alice grabs her suitcase and exits the car, the car drives away)

(Aunt Josephine enters)

Aunt Josephine: Hello Alice, I hope that your ride was enjoyable. I welcome you to our humble home. I will have the butler escort you to your room.

(Aunt Josephine claps her hands to call the butler)

(Charles enters)

Aunt Josephine: I will see you at six o'clock sharp for tea.

(Aunt Josephine exists)

(Charles and Alice enter the house and go to Alice's room)

Charles: Is the room to your liking Ms. Walton?

Alice: It is absolutely beautiful, Thank you. You can call me Alice.

Charles: Here is your bag miss.

(Charles hands Alice her bag and exits)

(Alice places bag on the bed)

Alice: It seems like clockwork around here. It is so black and white

(Throws suit case into closet, a hollow thud is heard)

Alice: What the...?

(Alice lifts up trap door to reveal a secret room, she climbs down into the room, looks around and picks up a tattered deep blue top hat)

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