Spotlight | Announcement

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I've been at the hospital for the past hour because after confirming the pregnancy the doctor found it strange how I wasn't able to know that I was pregnant. She scheduled an ultrasound so she could confirm her suspicions that she didn't want to share with me.

Getting an ultrasound and seeing Nicole in the seat beside of me. I knew this was it. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"His birthday is going to be the day of the london press tour." I said.

"Yeah, Conor has something planned." Nicole replied.

"I know. I just have to change the gift that I was going to give him." I said.

The doctor came in and began the ultrasound. She was moving the wand around and heard the heart beat. I began crying.

"Well, it looks like you are having a boy and six months along." She said.

"How come I didn't know I was?" I asked.

"If you work out and take medication it will mask it." She told me. I nodded.

She made me another appointment and I had a bump that was hardly noticeable. Nicole dropped me off at the airport and made me promise that I would tell her Conor's reaction after I tell him. I got on the plane minutes after the appointment.

Arriving in London I was heading to the hotel room and had gotten a gift for Conor. I was nervous about telling him. I gotten a gift for my dad as well. My dad was going to be thrilled. My heels were clicking in the lobby of the hotel room and then I saw Conor.

"Baby!" I yelled then jogging to him and he picked me up swinging me around.

"Hey princess, when did you get here?" He asked as he put me down.

"A few minutes ago." I said yawning.

"Looks like someone needs to go to sleep after a long flight." He said making me giggle.

"I know but I want to be with you so sleep can wait." I said.

He stared at me before shaking his head. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the elevator.

"Go back to the room and sleep." He said as the elevator opened and pushed me in.

"But-" I was about to say before he interrupted me.

"You need to get at least four to six hours of sleep or else I'll tell your father." He said.

"Fine." I said rolling my eyes and the doors closed.

Conor: You asleep?😘

Pandora: just woke up my king 😍

I heard the door open then saw Conor's shadow then he turned on the hall light.

"You got at least four hours." He said then kissing me.

"I got something for you birthday boy." I replied handing him the bag.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Boy, open the bag and find out." I replied.

"It's light." He said weighing the bag.

"Just pull out what's inside." I said.

"Okay." He said pulling out an onesie and also a card which had the ultrasound picture attached to it.

He looked at me before reading the card.

"Looks like you're gonna have a boy to train." He said.

"Conor." I said.

"You're pregnant." He said.

"Six months." I said.

He jumped up and hugged me.

"Oh my god you don't know how happy I am" he told me he was crying happy tears.

"I'm so happy Conor" I said tearing up.

"Get dressed baby I have press in a few hours"

I got dressed and went downstairs with Conor. We got in the huge luxury van you could literally stand up in. My dad was a few feet across from me and I handed him a bag.

"This better not have been expensive" he said.

Liked by NicoleWhite, OfficialMcgregor, PandoraMcgregor and 987,234 others

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Liked by NicoleWhite, OfficialMcgregor, PandoraMcgregor and 987,234 others

OfficialDana I'm so happy for my daughter and Conor. They've always wanted this. 

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AnneWhite ❤😍

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