It's never too late

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  Natsus POV

It's been 3 months now, 3 months of agony, 3 months of wanting to die, 3 months of jealousy. It's been 3 months since Gray and Lucy have been dating, hey I don't mind but the thing is the day I figure out how I feel about her Gray asks her out. What a bastard and the worst part is that he's really clingy, he never lets her out of his sight, he never lets her talk to her friend. But the worst is that she's not even aloud to look at me, Gray thinks that I'll make a move on her.

Lucy: Natsu? Hello anyone in there?

I saw Luce next to me.

Natsu: Sorry I zoned out, wait a minute where's Gray?

Lucy: I pretended to be ill so he'd leave me behind when he went on a job request.

Natsu: Why didn't you want to go with him?

Lucy: Because I want to spend some time with you!

I could feel a blush creep on my face while she giggled.

Natsu: Thanks!

Gray: What the fuck!

We turned to see Gray at the entrance of the guild hall, Lucy went white and I could tell she was scared. He stormed over to us.

Gray: What the fuck are you doing with him I thought you were ill?

Lucy: I felt better and came over to the guild hall. I talked to Natsu because you never let me! He's my team mate what do you expect?

Gray: Your EX-team mate! I'm your boyfriend and team mate from now on OK?

Lucy: Fine but don't expect me to come with you on every mission you go on. I actually want to spend time with my friends, unlike you!

Gray: FINE! Juvia will come with me when you don't!

Lucy: So you've replaced me as your team mate already, how long till you replace me as your girlfriend?

I could tell she was about to cry so I got up, and put my hand on her shoulder.

Natsu: You OK?

Gray: GET OFF HER!!!

Lucy: Yeah thanks Natsu!

Gray: Are you 2 ignoring me?

Natsu: Can you hear that sound?

Lucy: Yeah, it sounds like the voice of my EX-boyfriend!

Everyone: OOH!!

Erza: Wasn't that a little harsh?

Lucy: Isn't it harsh to make your girlfriend cry?

Erza: Fair point.

Gray: Are you being serious? Are you really breaking up with me?

Lucy: Sorry Gray, but yeah.

Gray: Well I have a confession to make, I've been cheating on you with Juvia.

Lucy: Well now you 2 can be happy together! I'm being serious it's nice to know that you've found someone else to be with. Natsu can you come to my apartment with me?

Natsu: Why?

Lucy: Because I want to spend more time with you!

Natsu: Cool!

We made our way to her apartment and sat down on her bed.

Lucy: Mind if I try something on you.

Natsu: Nope!

She put her soft hand on my shoulder and stared into my eyes with her big brown ones, I realized what she was doing.

Natsu: Lucy are you doing the friend test?

Lucy: How did you know?

Natsu: Because Lissana's done is on me before.

Lucy: All I want to know is if you like me.

Natsu: Are you sure? I mean you've just got out of a relationship and I think I'm too late to tell you.

Lucy: It's never too late to tell me how you feel Natsu.

Natsu: Well, no I don't like you.

She tried to turn away from me, but I put my hands around her.

Natsu: I don't like you, I love you!

Lucy: Really?

Natsu: Yep! I've always loved you!

We kissed and man it felt soo nice.

Lucy: I love you 2 Natsu!  

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