The Slave Boy Part 1 (Lemon)

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 The young chamber maid peeks around the corner at the solemn man being led by Princess Lisanna. 'She's got a new pet I see...' an unfamiliar heat stirs down below, 'and this one's cuter than the last one.' Only dressed in loose fitting pants and a worn out looking scarf tied around his waist, his bare chest reveals a man with a well-toned, fetchingly solid body, salmon colored spiky hair, and the most gorgeous emerald green eyes she'd ever seen. 'He looks around my age... I bet his smile is nice too...' she sighs, but the forlorn young man with the shackles around his neck and wrists is in no mood to be cheerful. 'She doesn't deserve him...'Lucy frowns. According to the gossip around the castle, Lisanna bought him from a slave trader after growing tired of her last toy. Lucy herself came from a wealthy merchant family but her father wanting a better connection with the king had forced her to become one of the queen's attendants but luckily for the young blonde, Queen Mira was a gentle and kind mistress, the total opposite of her sister Lisanna. She sighs again and looks dreamily at the handsome slave...

A sweet voice breaks her out of her thoughts, "Aye, he is quite striking to look at, isn't he?"

"Queen Mira!" Lucy bows, "I'm sorry I didn't see you."

"It's okay my dear, I wasn't looking for you." Her eyes drift back, frowning towards her sister as she drags the man into her bedchamber, "That girl tarnishes the reputation of our family."

"I'm sorry...I don't know what you are talking about." Lucy whispers, still bowing.

But the queen just chuckles, "I know you know what I'm saying, unlike my other attendants you were educated, from a well-bred family." She sighs, "I am sure this is not the life you envisioned for yourself but do not worry, I am sure things will turn out well for you eventually."

"You are too kind Queen Mira, I am grateful for your generosity and hospitality."

She lifts the chambermaids chin, "Do you know anything about that young man?" Lucy shakes her head no. "According to my sources, he hails from the neighboring kingdom of Kelekona. The slave trader brought him here on orders from my sister who apparently saw him on one of our trips and just had to have him."

"That's so cruel..." Lucy whispers

"I agree." Sigh, "I don't know how much longer I will tolerate her behavior..."

"Queen Mira, I hope I am not out of place to ask this, but as the Queen, couldn't you do something about her?"

Mira smiles, "I had hoped as she got older, she would grow out of her wild behaviors but yes, since it is becoming apparent that Lisanna is not going to change, I will be forced to act, for the sake of our reputation."

"Um, forgive me but, why are you confiding so much information in me?"

"Let's just say you are a part of my plans for dealing with the situation."

Lucy stares at her shocked and confused. "M-me?" she points at herself. "What can I do?"

"All in due time, Ms. Heartfillia." Mira smiles. "For now, just go about your days as if this discussion never happened. But do me a favor, when Lisanna is not around please check on that young man, make sure he is being taken care of and report to me immediately if she is mistreating him."

"O-Okay." Lucy bows as the queen walks away. 'I have to be careful... Lisanna will surely kill me if she finds out!' But just thinking about having to check on the attractive young man makes the virginal maiden's cheeks flush.

Two days later the queen sends her a message that she and Lisanna will be away for 10 days; the perfect opportunity to check on him...

Her heart pounds in her chest as Lucy walks nonchalantly up to Lisanna's suites and when no one is around, quietly slips in. Looking around the lavish chamber she finally spies the young man sitting on the floor with his knees up and head resting on his arms next to the bed, still tethered by a long chain around one of his ankles. 'Oh damn...' He only has a wrap like skirt around his waist; a heat rises to her cheeks. "Um, excuse me?" she whispers, "I mean you no harm..." but he doesn't look up. "Hello? Sir?" her meek voice a little louder, she takes a couple of steps forward but keeps her distance.

"What do you want?" he mumbles without raising his head.

"I-I was asked to check on you... See if you n-needed anything..."

Finally, the young man looks up, fully prepared to snap at the stranger, but as soon as he sees the beautiful chambermaid his eyes widen. Golden silk flowing down her back, big chocolate brown doe eyes, milky skin that calls out to be touched, and a buxom hourglass figure synched into a flowy white gown, "Are you an angel come to rescue me?" He soaks in the vision standing before him with a fire growing in his loins...

She blushes, "N-no, I'm just one of the queen's attendants." He continues to stare at her. "M-my name is Lucy, what is your name?"


"Um, Natsu, do you need anything, are you thirsty, hungry?"

The man stands up, "No, what I want is to be set free!" he raises his voice

She flinches back a step and puts her head down, "I know how you feel... My father sold me to the royal family too."

"I'm sorry," he looks away, kicking himself mentally for losing his cool, "I didn't mean to snap at you... I'm just, not used to being treated this way."

"It's okay, I understand; Lisanna is... not a good mistress to anyone she feels is beneath her."

The man sits on the edge of the bed and looks back to the young woman, "You can come closer, I won't bite ya." She blushes but stays where she is. "Lucy, was it?" she nods, "Are you from this city?"

Lucy shakes her head, "a couple towns away. What about you, I was told you come from a different kingdom."

"Yeah... until I was kidnapped and brought here."

"I know... Lisanna took a liking to you and hired that slave trader to bring you to her."

He looks at her surprised that she knows even that much. "My father Igneel is probably going crazy wondering where I am. If he learns that this Princess kidnapped me, he'll send the army and start a war."

Lucy's eyes widen with alarm, "Wait, an Army?? What are you royalty?"

"Yeah," He smiles for the first time since he arrived.

Her hands fly up to her mouth, "Oh no! I can't believe... I don't think the queen knows who her sister has kidnapped; she's not going to like this one bit."

"Tch," the smiles leaves' his face, "why would the queen care if she's the one who lets her sister do such things?"

'Ugh! How dare he!' Lucy goes on the defensive and walks straight up to him, "Queen Mira is a kind master, nothing like her sister!" only a foot away "Usually Lisanna buys regular slaves and while her sister doesn't like it, there is no law against that." and her hands on her hips, "But this is different, I know the queen didn't know you were kidnapped, or that you are a Prince!"

'A brave one huh...' His voice changes, becoming lower and husky... "Well now you know," Natsu stands ready to close the gap between them, "are you going to do anything about it?"

"The queen will be back in 10 days and I was instructed to report to her about your situation when s-she returns..." Realizing that she has put herself in range of being grabbed she takes a step back. "I-In the meantime, I'll be checking on you..." and another step... "bring you food a-and water." But he grabs her wrist and gently pulls her back to him.

Caught off guard, her hands instinctively raise but all she ends up with is them firmly planted on his firm pecs; Lucy instantly blushes with a burst of heat coming off her skin, "Can't you just release me yourself?" he peers down, mesmerizing her for a spell.

"I..." She's shaking her head; body heating up further from the unexpectedly close contact... "I don't have a key a-and there's no way we'd slip out undetected."

He exhales and lets her wrist go, "Well at least some company will be nice..." lightly grazing her cheek with the back of his fingers. She shrinks away but the reddish hue on her face and the splotching on her chest tells him something...

"I-I have to go now but I'll be back later with lunch." She turns to walk away.

"Lucy, wait..." she stops and turns back around to face him. "I hope I wasn't making you uncomfortable..." he runs his hand through his hair seeming nervous, "I don't normally behave like this with girls but you have such pretty skin, I just wanted to feel how smooth it was."

Her eyes brighten up, "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

'Thought so...' He smirks to himself. "Is that what it seems like?" Lucy nods her head. "I'm sorry, my mouth doesn't have a filter sometimes and I just say what's on my mind..."

"Oh..." the corners of her mouth turn down. She had hoped he had been, maybe it was just wishful thinking on her part.

But her reaction doesn't go unrecognized by Natsu. This girl obviously hasn't had much interaction with men or maybe attention in general, but she seems very sweet. Most of the females he's had to deal with happily throw themselves at his feet, especially when they know he's a prince, but not this one and that intrigues him. He smirks, "Why are you frowning, did I say something wrong?"

"No, Natsu I'm fine, but I really must be going." She responds curtly

"But... Can we talk more later?" Now a genuine blush appears on his face. "I like talking to you."

She's stunned at his reaction and bites the lower corner of her bottom lip. "M-maybe after dinner, by then my chores will be finished."

"I look forward to it, thank you Lucy."

She smiles again, "You're welcome, Natsu." She turns to leave again but stops. "Um Natsu?"

"Yeah?" he looks back up at her.

"Where are your pants?"

He points at floor near the dresser. "She made me take everything off before putting the chain on my ankle. Why?"

"N-no reason... just curious." Her cheeks are heating up again. "I-I'll see you in a little bit."

"Okay Lucy." He smiles at her.

Lucy visits Natsu as often as she can. He regales her with stories of his travels and adventures, exciting the young woman who's never ventured far from home or this castle. She learns more about Kelekona, where unlike Crocus, is still a little more natural, untamed, and to him the most beautiful place to live. How his mother the queen sadly died right after his birth and how his father refused to replace his first love. It is a tragic love story but one that reminds her that such beauty still exists. He has an older brother named Zeref and a younger sister named Wendy that Igneel adopted after her family went missing during a sea voyage. Lucy thought it strange for a king to adopt a child, but Natsu explains that Wendy's parents were very close to the royal family, plus it's kinda cool having a little sister around. But what surprises her the most is that he is the next heir to the throne. "Shouldn't your older brother be the next king?"

"Yeah normally, but he told my dad he didn't want it. He's married with a child on the way and prefers being just a diplomat for the kingdom."

"But do you want to be the king?"

"Well..." he scratches his head, "I haven't really thought about it. I mean I'm only 19 so I figure that's not gonna be anytime soon. My dad gives me grief about it's time to grow up and all but I'm not ready to yet."

'Only 1 year older than me...' Lucy chuckles, "I guess you're right, you've got some time to grow into the idea. Though I'm gonna assume that wilder behavior is what got you captured in the first place."

"Yeah..." his lips curl up with a sigh, "Can't disagree with that."

Lucy confides in him how her own mother passed away when she was younger as well but from illness and unlike his father, hers was a distant, heartless man who only cared about money. She may not have liked the idea of being sent to work for the Queen, but at least it got her away from him. "The only person I still write to back home is my friend Levy and she keeps me up-to-date on what's happening with our group of friends."

"Is she like your best friend?"

"Yeah," she leans on his shoulder reminiscing a little, "Levy and I grew up together and were tutored by the same person. We both love books so that commonality is probably why we became so close."

"Being tutored is not common for women, nor the ability to read."

"I know, but my father felt that in case I would need to help him someday, I needed to be educated. Levy was there because her parents supported her intellectual side; she's quite the brilliant linguist."

"That skill comes in very handy, especially when we have to travel." He rubs his chin, "Maybe one day I can meet her."

She smiles at the thought... "It would be nice... if we both get out of here I'll introduce you."

Natsu leans back on the bed, propped up and closes his eyes for a moment just thinking about a few things. He misses the freedom of coming and going as he pleases, his fists ache to fight with his best friend, and his cat must be going crazy without him around. He can't even remember the last time he'd been forced to slow down and just talk to someone. It's different, but under the circumstance not, so bad now...

For her, this experience has been an exhilarating one. She can't help but ogle over the young man's physique for the position he's placed himself into is quite distracting... His biceps are taught and well defined, 'he must work out a lot.' She notices a few scars, including a large one on his side, 'has he been to battle?' Biting her lower lip again as a nervous reaction, her eyes flow down from his tanned chest muscles down to the washboard abs, oh how she just wants to reach out and run her hands along them. When her gaze moves lower following the 'v' near his waist, she cocks her head slightly; peeking out from the lowly hung cloth is a few tufts of pink hair; 'hair down there... Oh!' her eyes widen, having never seen a naked man before it took her awhile to realize... She tries to look back up, ashamed to even be staring for this long but her eyes won't budge, it's too enticing that yes, there is the slight bulge beneath the cloth... She bites down harder on the corner of her lip.

All the while her attention had been down below, she hadn't noticed that Natsu had opened his eyes again. He chuckles in his head as he watches her expressions, curious at first to what she was doing until her focus stayed on his lower extremities. 'She's so cute when she bites her lip like that.' His eyes soften, he's never been completely intimate before and it's obvious neither has she. "Do you like what you see?"

Startled at being caught, Lucy stiffens and turns back to face him. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Then what were you staring at?"

Her face turns bright red. "N-nothing... I was just thinking..."

He sits back up, "Nothing huh?" She shakes her head. "You sure nothing at all comes to mind?" she shakes her head again but her body temperature starts rising as he scoots over closer to her. "Lucy... have you ever been kissed before?" Her eyes are about to pop out, 'no' she shakes her head again so he leans in hovering so close she can feel his warm breath travelling down over her chest with each exhale, "Would you like to be?" When she doesn't pull away he takes that as a yes and tilts his head all the way down, softly planting a kiss on her lips. The dreamy expression left on her face makes him smile.

"Again..." she whispers through half-lidded eyes.

"You're wish" caressing her face, "is my command..."

On the third night, it's later in the evening after most of the staff have gone to bed when Lucy sneaks back into the suite with a bottle of fine wine for them. By the end of the bottle, both their cheeks are warm and rosy but it's not all from the alcohol...

"You know Luce, being brought here... I was so angry, but now... I think that it might be the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Why is that?"

He turns to stroke her cheek, "Isn't it obvious by now..." of course she has an idea but still shakes her head no. "Don't be so modest..." he runs a finger along her collar bone "...I know you've got a feistier side..." down the middle of her chest. "That's something that caught my attention from day one."

Still playing dumb... "Whatever could you mean?" she softly whispers, a note of tantalized sensuality to her tone. "Are you sure it wasn't a couple of other things," she sticks out her chest a little as a tease, "that captured your attention?"

Natsu's eyes narrow in a playful expression, "Oh these..." he grazes her breasts with his hand sending an electric shock up her spine, "Nah," he smirks, "I didn't notice them..."

She giggles, "Oh, really..." raising an eyebrow, "Maybe when you get a closer look they'll be more, intriguing for you."

"Is that... an invitation?" he teases the blonde

But she just teases back, "Do you want it to be..."

"Ooh you are naughty tonight!" he pushes her onto her back and pins her down. "I should punish you for teasing a Prince!"

"I've never behaved this way before with... any man." She reaches up and strokes his cheek, "But you're bringing this side out in me."

"Luce, you're not making this any easier on me either..." he pins her hips between his legs. "I've never made love to a woman before but God, I just wanna take you right here, right now!"

"I can tell..." she rubs the hardening staff through the fabric.

He growls lightly, "But I don't want to hurt you..."

She softens her expression, "You'll only hurt me if everything you've told me till now was a lie."

He leans in and kisses her, his cock twitches against her belly, "I've only spoken the truth... but what I meant is, you're a virgin..."

She bucks her hips just a little against him, "then be gentle with me." she purrs

He growls and captures her lips again, this time a little roughly. She moans in his mouth when he shoves his tongue in and shifts her hips to send a clear message of what she desires. Trailing down to her neck, she can feel his canines lightly scrape sending tingling sensations dancing along her skin. Her fingers weave through his hair and pull, "Natsu..." she groans out when he bites her shoulder.

"Sorry... too hard?"

"No..." she moans again. "Like it..."

Natsu sits up and smirks, "Feisty girl..." and starts undoing the laces over her bodice. "Oh, and a naughty one too, where's your corset?"

She grins, "Didn't feel like wearing one..." her voice purring out like silk. She reaches down and pulls up on the skirt of her dress wanting it off already. Taking the hint, Natsu yanks it the rest of the way over her head.

He lets out a loud exhale as he stares down at the lithe figure pinned beneath him, her large supple breasts bouncing after being released from their captivity. He runs his fingers around the smooth tight skin of her stomach... "So beautiful..." but when he reaches her waist, "Damn..." he grins, "No underwear either..." A dark blush has settled on his face as he stares at the glistening moisture already gathered in her nether region... only to get harder for him when she shifts slightly and a strong fragrance wafts into his nose. He groans as his eyes flutter "your scent is so arousing..." but a nervous feeling settles over the young man that Lucy can sense.

"First time seeing it?" He nods. "Show and tell Natsu..." she pulls on the string holding the wrap on but as the skirt falls off it's now her turn to become anxious. Her eyes expand, it's a little bigger and looks so much harder than she had tried to imagine it to be, 'how is it supposed to fit?' But curiosity compels her, no her desire for this man out weighs her trepidations; she reaches out to touch it. Pushing herself back up into a sitting position, she lightly places her fingers over the head, 'it's soft...' trailing her fingers gently along the length of the shaft... The inquisitive nature of her fondling helps him to relax a little but once she wraps her whole hand around the shaft and squeezes all that goes right out the window. A moan escapes his lips, "I'm sorry!" she lets go. "Am I doing it wrong?" worried that she had hurt him.

"No... quite, the opposite. But let's..." he takes her wrists and places her arms above her head, "...get back to other things..." and latches his mouth upon her breast. She gasps loudly as his tongue massages and flicks at her nipples.

"Naattssuuu." She moans

"Say my name again Luce." He flicks his tongue and kneads the other breast at the same time.

"Oh my... Natsuuu! Damn that feels so, goooood!" The pressure between her legs increases. "Natsu!!!"

"Sounds, so perfect, when you say my name Luce..." Moving his trailing kisses to the other breast she twists against him bucking her hips. He sucks hard against her supple skin leaving faint love bruises around the areola and nibbles at the nipples; she digs her nails into his back when his teeth graze them. Having tended to her breasts for long enough he moves lower kissing the firm flesh of her abdomen.

"Tickles!" She giggles when he teases her sides.

He smiles at her and moves down past her waist, lavishing kisses upon her hips... her thighs, squeezing them mildly to gage their pliancy. "Natsu..." she moans in anticipation as his planted kisses head back towards the part in her legs.

Inhaling her fragrance again he moans too, "Luce... Mmmm... I neeeeed to taste you..."

She holds her breath until his tongue laps over her opening. "Oh My God!" she cries out against his own moaning, "Natsu yes!" He flicks the clit, "Yes!" she presses her sex against his face. Liking her reactions, he does it again, "Holy shit Natsu!"

"You like that?" his husky voice makes her tremble, she moans in response. "Beg me for more..." he prompts her.

"Please Natsu! Please, tease me more!"

He clamps his mouth over her swollen pussy sucking on the clit and flicking with his tongue. Her body is twitching against him. Lucy's moans increase in pitch and her breathing speeds up a little, juices spilling forth as he laps them up, tickling the hole with his tongue. That's when he notices a new reaction when his tongue accidentally slippes into the hole, she squeezes her legs pining his head in place for a second and her breathing stops before she relaxes again. "Did you like that Lucy?"

"Oh God yes!"

"How about this..." he slips a finger into the hole and licks her clit.

"Natsu!" she screams out as the pressure that has been building up inside her explodes, "Don't stop!" So, he starts pumping his finger in and out at the same time his tongue pleasures her button. "That's it Natsu," she licks her lips, "so, fucking, ahhhh!" she moans while her fingers twist through his hair. He introduces a second finger and her legs squeeze together against his head from the additional stimulation. She can't take this much longer, her hips start to pump along with his movements causing more friction against the lowest portion of her entrance, heat builds to a point of no return... "Natsu! You're gonna, give me, an, orgasm!!" He doesn't respond but she can feel it when he grins and speeds up his actions. Her back starts to arch as the eruption flies out of her control. "Natsu!!" her legs clamp down against the sides of his head, her hands fly to her sides gripping to the sheets for dear life as the spasms escalate. "Oh! My! GOD!" He feels her inner muscles constricting and even more sticky sweet juice cover his fingers that continue to pump into her. A couple minutes tick by until her body finally slumps back down into the bed. "Holy Fuck!" she grabs his head and pulls him up and away from the area.

Natsu leans on his side, licking the last of her juices from his fingers, grinning full of pride from his accomplishment. "That good huh?!" he smirks at her.

She grabs his face and pulls him down to kiss him. "You are incredible Natsu!" the sexy timbre in her voice lulls his senses. "But I want..." grabbing his throbbing dick and squeezing gently, "...more of you."

So, he rolls on top of her, "You sure are lively once you get going..." he trails his fingers lazily over the length of her body. "and I love that. But... Are you sure you want to go all the way?"

"I thought you wanted me?" she pouts.

"I like you a lot Lucy..." He laments, "God knows I want you sooo frickin' badly... I've never desired a girl so much ever. But we've only known each other three days, maybe we should wait to go that far."

"You're right..." she sighs somewhat dejected. "I don't want to be like Lisanna..."

"Hey," he grabs her cheeks, "You are nothing like that witch! What we did tonight was by our own choice, no one trying to force us to do something we didn't want to do." He kisses her deeply.

"Natsu..." moisture gathers in the corners of her eyes.

"After all the comfort you have given me these last few days, it was my pleasure to take care of you tonight Luce. I loved seeing you in so much bliss." He smiles, "But, do you have to leave tonight, couldn't you just stay here with me?"

"I think I could get away with it..." she cuddles to his side. "Technically I'm Mira's attendant and since she's not here, I really don't have any other work to do." Yawning, "Plus she did give me express instructions to check on you."

He grins, "Well, then you're just following orders..." he yawns too and kisses her forehead. "We should get some sleep." Lucy crawls out of the bed and makes sure the door is locked. In the meantime, Natsu pulls back the covers for them and lies on his back. She gets back in but lies on her side facing away from him so he spoons up behind her weaving one arm under her neck with the other over her waist and pulls her in tight. She settles against his body. "Goodnight Luce..."

"Goodnight Natsu." He slips into the first peaceful sleep he's had in a couple of weeks.

The next morning before the sun is barely over the horizon, Lucy wants to slip out of bed but Natsu's hold on her only tightens the moment she tries to move. "Where do you think you're going beautiful?" his voice still raspy from sleep.

"I wanted to wash up."

"You could do that here... there's an adjoining bath area."

"But I don't have clothes to change into."

"Just use one of Lisanna's outfits, you two look about the same size."

"Hmm, there might be something I can get away with."

"See," he buries his face in her hair, "problem solved."

"You still need to let go Natsu."

"Make me..." he teases in a childish manner

"Wanna help me bathe?" The does the trick, he throws back the covers and scoops her up. She giggles, "What are you doing?"

"Taking a bath like you wanted to."

As he carries her into the other room, "I can walk Natsu."

"I don't mind." He kisses her forehead.

After putting her down, he leans against the jamb while she busies herself heating up the water for them and getting the soaps and sponges ready. It's not like he hasn't seen servants doing this before but it's different watching her do it. For Lucy, this is nothing special, easily slipping into the routine she pins her hair up and starts to sing quietly, "More than honey the words you speak are sweet. Honest and wise, nobly and wittily said, yours are the beauties of Camiola complete. Of Iseult the blond and Morgana the fairy maid. If Blanchefleur should be added to the group, your loveliness would tower above each head. Beneath your brows five beautiful things repose; love and fire and flame, the lily, the rose." Beaming as he listens to her, not so much the words themselves but her melodic voice filling the room, he closes his eyes and can see her in a different scene... Back at home in Kelekona, with a baby in her arms, humming a melody to sooth the child into sleep; their child... His smile grows at the very thought.

"Natsu?" he opens his eyes to see the cheery blonde looking at him. "What are you smiling about?"

"Is the water ready?" asking as he walks up and puts his arms around her waist. She nods her head smiling too. "I was just... thinking about something for the future."

"Care to tell me about it?"

"Ohh..." He squeezes her waist, "I was just picturing you someday in my castle, rocking our baby to sleep, humming with that beautiful voice of yours..."

She blushes, "Our baby?"

"It's just a thought..." he leans down and kisses her.

Unsure of how to react, "Um, okay. Well, shall I wash you first then you can relax in the bath?"

"You're not my servant Luce. Why don't we just wash ourselves then we can both relax in the bath together."

She nods then hands him a wash cloth and the soap and grabs one for herself. Even after their interaction last night, she's still a little nervous around a naked man so she turns her body away from him. Natsu chuckles in his head and quickly scrubs his own body clean so he can turn his intentions to her. Taking the sponge, he comes up behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder. She tenses for a second, "It's just me Luce." His voice a whisper in her ear. He starts to scrub her back while she scrubs the front of her body. Starting at her shoulder blades working his way down past her waist, but as soon as she feels him reach her waist he can feel her tensing up. "Relax Luce..."

"I know... I'm still getting used to this kind of intimacy..."

"It's not like I've done this before either..." he starts scrubbing her rear, "But making you feel good..." bending down to get to her legs, "...makes me really happy." Standing back up again he moves closer to where his chest is against her back, "Do you require any further assistance m'lady?" he nibbles her earlobe and reaches around scrubbing under her chest.

Lucy tilts her head back, "You are such... a tease Natsu..." he kisses her cheek while the sponge scrubs lower and her hands move up around his neck. His free hand massages her chest and body while the other makes sure her private area is clean from last night's activities. She can feel something growing against her back again. "Natsu, you're gonna make things harder on yourself if you keep doing this."

"Too late..." he whispers.

She turns around, he may be enjoying this but she feels bad that she's the only one being satisfied, "We better rinse off so I can get breakfast, the kitchen should be just about done preparing it,"

"Alright," he sighs

"Cheer up," she strokes his cheek, "I just need to show my presence around the castle now and then to delay any gossip. Then I'll be able to hang out with you longer."

He pouts, "You can't blame me for wanting to keep you to myself."

"I know... I wish I didn't have to leave this room too."

After drying off and throwing on the simplest dress Lisanna had, Lucy slips out of the room and goes about her normal routine. Heading to her room first, she changes into her own clothes, shoving Lisanna's into a bag along with a couple changes of her own to last a few days; she takes these back to Lisanna's room then she gets them breakfast. Her only other chores for the day is tidying up and dusting the Queen's chamber's so by lunch time she is finished.

She doesn't tell Natsu that one reason she sometimes pushes him away is in the back of her mind she believes this is only temporary, and she doesn't want to even imagine not being able to see him anymore when Lisanna arrives home so, she tries not to think about it.

That evening, after eating the food, she brought him for dinner, they sit on the floor with their backs against the bed just talking like they've grown accustomed to doing. "Lucy, do you really like being here with me? I mean I know how we seem to feel about each other... and what we've been doing... but I still worry it's just a fluke, that you're just doing this because you are lonely too..."

"Of course, I like being around you! ... and no, my feelings are real... I..." sigh, "Natsu do you believe it's possible to fall in love after just seeing a person for the first time?"

"I do... now..."

"The first time I saw you was when Lisanna was dragging you to her room the day she got you. I watched from a distance and was... quite attracted to what I saw. It was your eyes that caught my attention first." She cups his cheek, "you have the most stunning green eyes I have ever seen."

His eyes soften, "When I asked if you were an angel, I meant it. Not only did you look like one, but after getting to know you better, I still believe you are one."

She blushes, "You're too sweet Natsu... But I truly do enjoy my time with you."

"Me to. It's sad to think that in a few days we might not be able to talk anymore..." She starts to tear up. "Oh, shit I'm sorry," he panics and puts his arm around her shoulders hugging her, "I didn't mean to make you cry Luce."

"It's not your fault Natsu..." tears trickle down her cheeks. "I don't want to think about not being able to see you either."

Leaning back so he can wipe the tears from her face, "You are so beautiful Lucy, do you truly know that? Not just on the outside but on the inside too. I don't think I've ever met a girl like you before."

She blushes, "I never imagined a Prince would be so sweet either, and handsome..."

He grins, "You think I'm handsome?"

Her face turns a darker red, "Come on, you know you are." She averts her eyes, "I'm sure girls back home threw themselves at you."

"Eh." shrugging his shoulders and softening his expression and tone, "But no one's ever caught my fancy like you have." He lifts her chin and stares deeply into her eyes, leaning closer to her face, "Lisanna tried to steal my body, but you've stolen my heart..."

"I-I have?" she stammers. Nodding he leans in and closes the gap between them, her eyes close as lips meet... His hands move to cup at the back of her neck, while her own fingers have made their way into his hair... As the scene becomes more passionate,

"I can't hold back anymore Luce... My body craves for you every second of the day! I wanna make love to you."

She whispers between the kisses, "Natsu... but you were right... maybe we shouldn't be doing this... I mean... I'm not a Princess... S-shouldn't a Prince be... with a Princess?"

He pulls back for a second, "I can choose whomever I want to be with..." her eyes tear up again. "And my heart is telling me to choose you." His eyes soften, "Wanna know what I dreamed of last night?" she nods her head, "Us happily married, living life at the castle in Kelekona, you the mother of our children... That's how much you've affected me."

Even though she still thinks that'll never happen her heart is breaking for him, "Oh Natsu... I've gotta get you out of here! I can't bear to see you like this any longer."

He cups her cheeks in his hands, "Do you truly believe if the Queen knew who I really was she'd make Lisanna let me go?"

"Yes! I know in my heart she would. Queen Mira is already upset that her sister is ruining their family's name and if she finds out this could start a war, I know she'd want to avoid that at all costs."

"Then I want you to get a message to my father." He stands up and pulls out a letter he had hidden away under the dresser. She stands up as well. "Can you do that?" Handing it to her.

Lucy nods, "I have my own contacts that will help me. What does the letter say?"

"Just that I was kidnapped by the Princess unbeknownst to the King and Queen and that he needs to send someone to have me released without delay."

"Okay Natsu. I'll take care of this immediately." She puts the letter in her pocket. Sigh, "I'm going to miss you when you leave."

Natsu pulls her back, enfolding her into his strong embrace, "But you'll be coming with me Luce."

"Huh?" Her eyes widen in shock. 'Is he for real??'

He leans down and kisses her again, "Did you really think I'd leave you here? Oh, hell no, you're coming with me," smiling, "my Princess."


"Maybe you didn't believe me. But I want my dreams to become real." Natsu grins, "I have something for you, luckily her guards didn't find it in their search." He reaches into a secret pocket of his baggy pants. "I want you to wear this." He takes her left hand and slips the ring on her finger.

She raises her hand and instantly feels faint, "I-is this your royal seal?"

"Yeah..." he grins, "I know it's not a proper engagement ring, but I'll have one made for you as soon as we get out of here."

"Oh, my goodness Natsu!" she tackles him onto the bed planting kisses all over his face.

He pulls her body tight to him and rolls her onto her back, laying partially on top of her. "You don't mind right, becoming my wife?" he strokes her cheek, "... and maybe a future queen?"

Her hands fly up to her mouth. "Natsu..." Tears build again, "Of course, I-I would be honored."

"Good..." He grins "Because I cannot imagine any other woman more perfect than you by my side. I love you Lucy Heartfillia."

"I love you too Natsu Dragneel." She pulls his face down smashing her lips against his, "Now make me yours my Prince." She purrs into his ear.

He stops kissing and looks down at her, "Are you begging me?"

She shakes her head and grabs his hips firmly "I'm telling you to" before releasing the cloth from around his waist.

"I like this side of you!" growling, he starts to work at the ribbon holding the top of her dress together but gets frustrated and just rips open the top. She's a little shocked he did that, he can tell. "It was faster Luce," he pulls what's left of the dress over her head.

"It's fine Natsu..." she whispers as he starts to suck on her neck. "You can just get me new clothes later."

"Oh, my wife will only wear the finest clothes in the all the land!" he pauses and grins at her, "I can't wait till I can call you Mrs. Dragneel!"

She smiles at his excitement, "You can call me that now if you wish..."

"Mrs. Lucy Dragneel..." He kisses her. "Mrs. Natsu Dragneel..." he kisses her again. "Princess Lucy Dragneel..." He bites her ear...

Moaning from his nips, "I like the sound of that..." she responds

"Queen Lucy Dragneel..." he nibbles her jaw, "sounds even better." Moving down to her breasts, his mouth suckles... while his tongue teases her perked nipples.

"Agreed..." she groans "...Mmm... Natsu..." her hands trail along his back, feeling out the flexing muscles and gripping when he hits a pleasure point. He continues to massage her large pillows every so often leaving love bruises along the way, her body writhes in ecstasy with each bite. She knows they are taking a risk that the marks will be seen but in the heat of passion she doesn't care anymore...

He reaches down and feels the sticky juices run down his fingers so he sits up and positions himself firmly between her legs. Gripping her by the hips he pulls her close against his throbbing stick, she instinctively wraps her legs around his waist, "Are you sure Luce?" he holds the tip at her entrance, rubbing, teasing the hole. "This is what you want?"

But Lucy's throbbing core screams for relief. She wraps her legs around his waist, "Just go slow at first..."

Natsu leans down and kisses her again, "Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop babe." She nods. He pushes just the tip in and lightly gasps at how tight her hole is, but watches her reaction for any sign of discomfort. She winces just a little but after the initial pressure, a euphoric feeling washes over her. Lucy squeezes her legs begging for him to continue. Pushing slowly, he doesn't stop until the shaft is all the way seated in her channel. "Damn she's tight..." Natsu grips one of her thighs as he starts to rock his hips, in and out he pumps his dick through the tight muscles of her inner core. "Luce... don't squeeze..." he groans.

"I can't control it..." her back arches, "It feels so fucking gooood...." Feeling like he's getting too close to an orgasm, he stops rocking. "Why'd you stop?" she whines.

"I didn't want to cum yet," he pants. She squeezes her muscles in retaliation but he bucks her hard making her squeak when the head hits the back wall. "You want me that badly Luce?"

"Yes! Natsu please!" she moans, "She wants more... Hit me harder Natsu!"

He sits back up again, "you asked for it." Throwing her legs over his shoulders, he partially lifts her pelvis off the bed and resumes thrusting himself into her.

"Oh My God!" she screams out. Her back arches and she puts her arms under her it to help hold herself up, that arch deepened the reach. "Natsu!" With every slam, she feels the hit all the way inside and so does he.

"Luce..." he moans too.

But the position also rubs the lowest and most sensitive part of her entrance. "Natsu! Natsu... you're gonna make me cum!"

"I'm too close to stop now..."

"I'm, I'm, Natsuuu!" her muscles clench hard against his shaft, it's too much stimulation.

"Shit, Lucyyy!" his pitch rises as he explodes inside her. "Ahhhh!" Still rocking but at a slower pace, her contractions against his pulsing keep squeezing him and her body spasms show no sign of stopping.

It continues to contract so much so she grabs him around the neck and pulls him down, her spontaneous strength surprises him. "Natsu please... stop...moving..." she's crying out. He stops rocking and tries to stay as still as possible while her body slows it tremors. But another pulse by his dick sends her right back into a full orgasm. "Fuck!" she screams. Panicking he pulls all the way out and pulls her into a hug to ride it out.

When her body finally starts to relax against him, he lifts her chin, "Are you okay baby?"

"That..." she's still panting, "Was intense. I never expected it to be so much pleasure and pain at the same time."

"But are you okay?" There's a genuine concern in his voice.

"Yeah... I'll be alright." She snuggles to his chest and exhales, "I'm so tired now..."

"Me too my love." He kisses her forehead. "Thank you for being my first."

"No thank you," she yawns, "Love you Mr. Dragneel..."

He chuckles, "Love you too Mrs. Dragneel..." She smiles as she falls asleep in his arms. 'I'm such a lucky man to have found you...' he grins, pulling the covers over them.  

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