Chapter 1

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       Allison didn't hate Scott. She really didn't. Kira was really very pretty. But she just didn't understand why he had to go and cheat on her. Why couldn't he have handled it in a mature way and let her know he no longer had feelings for her. She really was an understanding person.

       Lydia said not to think on it too much but all Allison wanted to know was why he hadn't just come to her. They had been through so much. She had been stabbed by the Oni but he got there in time and they were able to get her to the hospital. She was safe, they got Lydia back, they took cre of the Nogitsune and took care of Stiles. Everyone was safe.

       Stiles and Allison had gotten much closer, they even worked together to find the benefactor and stop Kate. Allison was the one to help Scott get back from the whole bezerker ordeal. Then they survived the fucking dread doctor's so far. Even survived Theo, who was a raging asshole that she was convinced just needed a hug.

       So why? Why on earth did he have to cheat?

       "Hey Allison? You good?" She looked up to see Stiles in front of her. She nodded and quickly schooled her features.

       "Yeah, I'm good. What's up?" she asked. He smiled and grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the doors of the school. "What are you doing?"

       "I'm taking you to lunch. You need a break." Stiles informed.

       "Did you tell Lydia you were doing this? You know she's going to be mad if you don't have lunch with her." Allison said as she got in the​ passenger seat of Stiles' jeep.

       "Oh she's fine. I saw Jackson sit with her when I was on my way to come get you. She needs to catch up with him. Maybe even push him in the direction of asking Isaac out, because he really needs to ask him out. Isaac always looks like a love sick puppy around him." Stiles explained as he looked behind himself and pulled out of the parking spot.

       "So, where are we going?" she asked. Stiles grinned at her.

       "That my dear friend, is a surprise." Stiles said.

       They ended up grabbing take out from the local diner, The In 'N Out, and taking it to the police station to have lunch with Stiles' dad.

       "You better have brought me a burger or you can leave. Allison, I don't mind if you stay." Allison laughed at John's statement.

       "I made sure he got you a burger Mr. Stilinski. Though I did order you a water and not a soda." Allison said as she took a seat in front of the desk with her own bag and drink. Stiles set down the food and drink in front of his father before also taking a seat.

       "I'm okay with that. As long as I still get my burger." John smiled, taking a drink of his water.

       "Why can't you be this nice to me when I make you eat healthy?" Stiles huffed.

       "Because you force it on me all at once. Take it little by little. I still get good food, just not the extra sugar. Allison knows what she's doing." John nodded. Stiles rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at her. She only laughed.

       Times like these were when she completely forgot the fact that Scott had even broken her heart.

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