Chapter 16

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       Allison could hear the sounds of fighting, but she had no idea where they were coming from. Sounds always echoed off the walls down here.

       "Do you know where they are?" Barry asked. Allison shook her head.

       "The sounds always echo down here." she said. Barry nodded.

       "Then we'll follow where its coming from the strongest." he said, taking the lead and walking down the entry way to the right. Lydia and Allison looked at each other before shrugging and following Barry down the pipeline.

       They ended up finding them quickly, due to the fact that the beast sounded pissed and kept roaring. Once Allison rounded the corner she realized how stupid it was that she hadn't thought to bring a weapon.

       "Allison!" she looked up, seeing Liam toss two things into the air in her direction. She quickly caught them, realizing it was a bow and quiver full of arrows.

       "Liam, how did you get these?" she called back.

       "Your dad brought them." Liam grinned, then he went back to the fight. Allison put on the quiver as she was turning to Lydia. "Okay, my dad said that all you need to do is call Mason's name."

       "Just call his name?" Lydia asked, making sure she had it, not missing anything just in case. Allison nodded. "Okay, I can do that. Mason!" Lydia called. Nothing happened, the beast just looked over at them like they were his next meal. Allison shot an arrow off at him hoping to keep him at bay.

       "Maybe you should try it a little louder." Barry suggested as the beast started to come toward them.

       "Mason!" Lydia called louder. Allison started to back up, the beast was getting faster now, it was going to attack them, and Lydia's voice wasn't working like they had hoped it would.

       "Lydia, we gotta go, its going to attack us." Allison said as she grabbed Lydia's arm. Lydia only pulled out of her grasp. She stood her ground and called Mason's name one more time.

       MASON!" she screamed. Barry and Allison flinched and covered their ears. Both of them watching in awe as a slightly terrified Mason stumbled out of the black mist that was surrounding the beast's body. Mason ran over to them, Lydia quickly pushing him behind her as the beast roared at the loss of strength. He shifted and was suddenly standing in front of them as a human man.

       "You think a minor set back like that is going to stop me?" the man asked with a laugh, you could hear the slighty French accent in his words. "I am Sebastien Valet. I know my name now. Nothing is going to stop me." he roared and shifted back at the beast. He turned toward the rest of the pack and lifted his clawed hand toward Stiles, but there was no way Allison was going to let her friend die, none of her friends.

       "Hey!" she screamed. The beast hesitated and she ran toward it. It turned and seemed to stop when it seen her face. "Don't fuck with my friends." She shot and arrow off at it and that started the whole fight again. They were all fighting the beast, Barry staying back, keeping the attention off of Lydia and Mason but keeping watch incase he was needed.

       Everything was going fine. They were winning even due to the fact that Sebastien was no longer using Mason's stregnth. That is until the beast turned on Allison. Time seemed to slow down around her as the beast raised a clawed hand at her. She wondered briefly if this is what it was like for Barry when he ran. But then time was going its normal pace again.

       The beast's claws dug into her side with so much force she screamed. She was thrown to the side, hitting her head on one of the many pipes on the wall, her body hitting the wall as well, hard enough that she heard her own arm crack. While this all was happening, she swore she could hear Barry's voice.

       "NOOO, ALLISON!!"

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