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as I waited the bell went off I quickly went upstairs and told

Hayden to answer it knowing it would be Nathan. As Hayden

Went down stairs to answer it was Nathan they both greeted

and Hayden yelled out to me it was Nathan so I walked down

and gave him a hug and grabbed his hands and walked into

the lounge room and sat on the couch as he cuddled me I

turned the TV on and we decided to watch a movie ‘Pirates

of the Carabin’  as we cuddled and watch the movie we

decided to have dinner we had some hamburgers and a glass

of soda, Nathan and I sat next to each other and Hayden sat

on the other side of us

“so how was the movie Hayden asked us

“it was good” Nathan told him

“well it was amazing!” I said with the biggest smile on my face

I looked up at Nathan and smiled and he put his hand on my

Hand. Once we were finished eating Hayden went up to his

Room to play some Xbox as I cleaned up Nathan and I

decided to make some ice-cream as we put all the mixture in

I sat up on the bench and Nathan came towards me as I knew

What he was doing I hooked my feet around him and pulled

Him closer and as we leaned in closer and just about to kiss

The stupid timer went off for the ice-cream and Nathan and I

 smiled and stepped back and I went over and put the ice-

cream  in the freezer and hugged Nathan and I looked up to him

“I love you, you know that” Nathan told me

“I know you do” I teased me

“huh you not going to say it back” He question me

“haha I’m only teasing you” I told him scuffing his blond hair

As I wanted to get changed I told Nathan he could play the

Xbox 360 with my brother if he liked to so Nathan smiled

And went up to his room to have a game of CoD and the

Portal 2. So I went up to my room and wore some short

Pyjama pants and a singlet top as I went down to get the

Ice-cream out and called the boys down as Hayden came

Down with Nathan they both pushed each other around

And laughing which made me smile but yeah, so I severed the

ice-cream out and ate Hayden went up to his room and ate it

which left me and Nathan eating it down stairs so we talked

and I asked him if he wanted to come to Tyler’s birthday with

me, Nathan smiled and said he would love to join me at

Tyler’s. so we finished and went upstairs as Nathan  had a

Shower he came out wearing only pants and no top

“you don’t just wear boxes and nothing else”

“ummm was I supposed to?”

“haha well mostly guys wear that”

“guys? Like which guys”

“oh like my brother and James”


“don’t worry he came over for a sleep over with Hayden I had nothing to do with it, and I just gets on my nerves seeing guys just only wearing boxes”

“ok then now let’s get to sleep”

 As we hoped into be Nathan raped his arm around me tightly

So I could get away because of his strong muscles I couldn’t

Get away. So I whispered into his ears goodnight and he did

the same thing and gave me a light kissed goodnight

so I closed my eyes and cuddled into his body and closed my

eyes and so did Nathan. The morning came and i rolled over

to Nathan and cuddled him as I did Nathan did the biggest

stretch and yawned and looked down at me with his sleepy eyes

“morning beautiful”  

“morning, what time is it”

“umm 9:30”

“ok well we should get up”   

   As I slowly sat up Nathan pushed me down again just for

Fun, so I just laughed and sat back up again and hoped out of

 bed and walked over towards my door and I heard Nathan

“were are you going?”

“oh I’m going to take a shower”

“do you want some company’

“oh I’m fine”

As I was about to opened my door that led to the shower

Nathan grabbed my arm and pushed me to the war and

placed his arm next to me blocking me off so we just stared

into each other’s eyes so I slowly reached my hand towards

the nob and with a blink of an eye I went inside and closed

 the door as I turned the water on I lock the door and then

herd Nathan laugh. So I had my shower and then I realised I

didn’t bring my clothes so I rapped the towel around me and

opened my door slightly and saw Nathan asleep in the bed.

So I tip toed into my room still with the towel around me and

I grabbed my clothes and I felt someone looking over me, so I

Turned around and it was Nathan! So I looked down trying

Not to blush, but Nathan pulled my head up and putting my

Black hair out of my face and said I looked beautiful so I just

Chuckled and went back to get changed so as I went back

 into my room and Nathan was changed so we went down

stares and Nathan decided to take me out for breakfast

which was very nice of him to do, so I told Hayden and we

went to this place which was called Michaels Place of View.

As we walked in we took our seat I was very impress with

The place Nathan took me to. As Nathan called waiter

The lady came over she looked like she was in her twenty’s 

Orange hair and green eyes as we orded she went back to

Where she was making the breakfast food.

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