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I soon to finished and same with Nathan, we went back to my

House, I helped Nate clean up and then we headed over to

My house. We left Nathans house and went over to mine it

Was a nice day today blue sky with little clouds. As we made

It to my house it started to get a little bit chilly but that didn’t

Worry me or Nathan. It was getting closer to winter and the

Best thing about Winter that it snows here, I love the snow

It’s just so amazing but it’s like a month away before it starts

 to snow and stuff. We went to the two person seater outside 

and sat down Nate decided to get a blanket to keep us warm,

so I just waited for Nathan to come back with the blanket. I

cold font of wind just went past me and I got the shivers and

goose bumps, and where is Nathan he is taking his time I

looked around and didn’t see him anywhere soon he came

out and undid the blanked and put it over us.

“you took your time”

“well I didn’t know where the blankets were”

“oh well you could of asked me to show you or I could of got it myself”

“hm well I found one so it’s all good”

I rested my head on Nathans shoulder and he put his hand

Around me which was nice, I soon to realise that camping

Was coming up and I jumped out of the seat with my eyes

Widen and looking at Nathan and Nathans face was shocked

When I just jumped up his eyes were widen and his mouth

Was opened. I soon realised that I looked like a sped and sat

back down on the seat next to Nathan which looked stoned.   

 “um Blair are you alright?”

“what oh yeah I remembered about us all camping”

“ok cause for a second I thought you were on drugs”

“I don’t do drugs”

“moving on, how are you

I didn’t bother answering him so I just stood up and took

Nates hand and blanket and we went inside where it is warm. 

It was quiet, too quiet something is up, that when I heard

something drop in the kitchen I squeezed Nathans hand

because I thought it was another stranger in the house;

“did you here that, in the kitchen”

“its probably Hayden”

“yeah your probably right, its just-“

I soon got cut off by Nates because he knew what I was about to say

“yeah I know, just call out to him if your still scared”

I let go of his hand how could he say that if I’m still scared I

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