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I felt something missing I turned to face Nate but he wasn’t

There I changed into my close and went to check outside he

Wasn’t there as well. The boys were outside though playing

With their soccer ball, Tyler must still be asleep I went over

Anyway, I heard some noise in her tent like sucking noise like

what you do to a lollipop the sound.

“hello? Tyler are you in there, its Blair” I spoke out loud since she was in the tent and I was outside

There was a lot of ruffling in there and stuff.

“Tyler, is everything alright, do you want me to come in?”I offered again

“NO! um I mean no, it’s ok just lost my balance, I’m fine”Tyler said to me.

I didn’t by it but it was Tyler my best friend so I should trust

her.  Now maybe the boys know where Nathan is I went over

and they said he was down by the river, few I thought for

second that he was in with Tyler in her tent. Maybe I should

relax a little I know what he said and yeah. I went down to

the river and he wasn’t there so I ran backed to the camp and

there. There. Just there, Nathan was sitting and eating

 breakfast and so was James, Hayden and Tyler was getting

hers. I shook my head and got some cereal and sat down next to Nathan;

“I couldn’t find you before, where were you?” I ask with suspicion

“well I took an early walk then well you know I had to go to the toilet”he said looking over his shoulder to Tyler

I know what he said and I know what Tyler said but…. No!

It’s just all in my head tomorrow is our last day and then we

are leaving today we are all going down to my special place

and going cliff diving keen as! As we got ready it was James and my turn to clean up.    

“hey. So James have you been noticing anything strange between Tyler and Nathan?” I ask hoping to get something out of this

“well not that I have seen….. Wait but I did see them making dinner last night but that is because they had to like how were cleaning” James told my staking the cutlery up on the tray.

I smiled and went off I told everyone to put there togs on and

To meet me at the fire with your towels and stuff. Making it a

surprise for everyone but Hayden because he knows what’s

going on. As we all got changed we when through the forest

 and approached a big huge lake with a waterfall and a

gigantic cliff. I could see the smile on Nathans face which

made me happy and before I could say anything Hayden and

James were already racing up the hill tats when they knew

what’s going on but Tyler was just like nu uh no way I’m

jumping off that cliff. Nathan and I started walking up and

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