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ONE MORE DAY! I got woken up by a text from Nate saying

Ready for tomorrow babe ;)

I giggled a bit I told myself ‘yes I am’ I got up and walked over

To my cupboard and put some slippers on because my feet

were cold. I brushed my hair and tied it onto a loose bun, I

really couldn’t be bothered to tie my hair up this morning. As

I was brushing my teeth and looked into the mirror and a

sticky note was stuck on the mirror I was confused and pulled

it off and looked what it said,  Morning Beautiful

I smiled and thought Nathan but how did he get in here and I

Never herd him? All well that doesn’t matter so I took the

Note and went back into my room and got changed into my

Short blue skirt and a white singlet top. I didn’t want to eat

 Breakfast so I just skipped it. I decided to write on a sticky

note for Nathan since he did me one magically. So I grabbed

one from the study room and started writing. I put the pen

away, put my shoes on and went over to Nathans house to

stick it on his door for him to read. I made it to his house I

see him through his window eating something so I ran up and

stuck it on the door saying ‘Morning Handsome’. I smiled and

ran as fast as I can back home soon to be out of breath. I

plonked onto the couch closing my eyes with sweat on my

face and arms. Hayden walked over to me drinking cold water in my face.

  “I’ve seen you’ve been running”

I just looked at Hayden like no I just have been sleeping….

“well this icy cold water is amazing well see ya”

OMG my brother is just the biggest terd face ever to live on

this earth. Once I regained myself I went upstairs to have a

quick shower to wash away the sweat and stuff. Today Tyler

and I are going down to the park to walk her cousins dog she

is babysitting for the day. I put on my walking out fit and

 went down stairs to get to Tyler’s house. I got in the car and

drove to her house ready for our dog walk together. Tyler

and her cousins dog ‘Driver’ were already waiting for me out

on the front steps. I waved to them and we soon were on our

way, we walked to the park so Driver can get some exercise,

 Driver was a blue 3 month old stafie. It wasn’t a long walk to

Get there and once we did it was an all dog park with training

Areas, free areas for fetch and Frisbee also a place where the

Owners sit with their dog stuff and their own things. I sat

were there people sat and watch Tyler give Driver a drink

before we started going on a walk along the path. After

about 25 minutes of walking we all sat down for a break to

 regain ourselves. As much fun as it was walking we went

back to the park and Tyler wanted to show me some tricks

that her cousin taught Driver so I sat down and watched what

Driver and Tyler can do. And BOOM! There off Driver weaved

Through the bars and then straight through the tunnels. Soon 

Diver was walking across the seesaw and jumped over some

jumping things. Driver is quite talented so as they ran up

back to me I gave them both a clap and patted driver on the

head. Tyler put the leash back on Driver and we walked back

home to have lunch, she went to her house and I went back

to my house. And for once when I get home from something

James isn’t there. I cannot wait for tomorrow and we will

All be camping for four days! But that is when it hits me.

There are five of us and someone has to have a tent to

themselves. Nathan could have his own tent to himself but

he is my boyfriend but yet Tyler is my best friend and

obesely Hayden and James will share a tent no matter what

we say or do. I guess we will have to sort it out when we all

arrive to the camp site, and we will travel in our own cars for

transport. I checked to see what there is to eat and there is

like nothing at all in the cubed or fridge. So now I have to go

out again and buy some food. I left a short note for Hayden

and drove to the shops to get some supplies, not much but

to eat tonight. Tomorrow breakfast. And for camp. I just

went to the closest grocery shop I could see cause I really

 didn’t want to walk for any longer. I just grabbed what I

need, so basically gr and run. I soon about to line up and then

someone said my name behind me and so I turned around

to see who it was and oh no, it was him my ex-boyfriend

Michael  from 2 years ago and he will not just leave me alone.

Sometimes I think he wants to get back with me but after I

saw him kissing this girl at a party I just wanted no more

with him. He walked over holding a small bunch of red roses;

“Blair, hey haven’t seen you in ages how has it been going?”

“um yeah good like I have to get going-”

  Michael soon cut me off by putting up his finger saying not

To talk and he went to answer his phone like how rude is that.

He turned around and so I quickly went to the line and paid

 for my stuff and walked so fast that Michael wouldn’t catch

up to me. I jumped in and zoomed like hell back home. As

time is time it was night ladadadad sleep sleep….

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