Chapter 4

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"Look at the big waves, mommy!" Reagan ran down the back steps of Ally and Devon's house, her mom, and Dinah following close behind as the others hung out inside.

"Please be careful, Rey. Only to your waist," Lauren reminded her bikini cladded baby who was sprinting for the ocean.

"Well look who earned her mother's trust to go in the water alone," Dinah said as she pushed Lauren's arm.

"She knows how to swim and she listens. I have no reason to believe she'd get hurt," Lauren said with a shrug, sighing as the warm sand seeped around her toes. "How hostile did I seem towards Eric?"

"Umm, it wasn't terrible. I think Mila caught on when you picked Reagan up before she could go over to meet Eric," Dinah said, trying to keep the honesty to a minimum.

"She's my kid, I can pick her up whenever I want," Lauren said, looking to her feet as the sand changed from light to dark as they go closer to the water.

"But did you have to do it when Camila called her over to say hi?" Lauren sighed loudly before making a noise of surrender. They both sat a little ways away from where the tide drew itself in.

"Fine that was uncool. But I don't like him. Or his vibe at least."

"He's not bad. At least his music taste is decent," Dinah said, laughing when Reagan got pushed to her butt but quickly stood up.

"His word choice, however..." Lauren trailed her words.

"You had a potty mouth, missy," The Polynesian reminded her friend, trying not to think about how similar Lauren and Eric actually were.

"Had. Past tense."

"Okay, you have a potty mouth," Dinah corrected, making eyes at Lauren.

"Not around a four-year-old," The mother said, motioning to the girl who tried to jump over a wave.

"He's not around kids that often."

"I think any logical person would try to avoid using the word fuck in every fucking sentence when a kid is present," Dinah laughed at Lauren's choice of words but simply shook her head, choosing not argue the Latina on the subject.

"How are things in Miami?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Good. My parents are in Hawaii right now to celebrate their 25th anniversary and Chris and Taylor are doing their own things this summer so it's been a lot of Rey and I," Lauren said smiling fondly at the blonde who jumped in the waves.

"You going to miss her when she starts school?" Dinah asked, looking to her friend.

"Of course. She's been attached to my hip since she was a tiny little infant. Now I have to let her go for seven hours?! No way will I be able to handle that calmly," The brunette said, trying to push the thought from her mind as soon as it came to her. "How're things with you. How's your family?"

"They're also good. My parents just helped me settle into my new apartment. I'm now closer to LA so Mani and I plan on seeing each other more."

"How about Camila?"

"Her busy schedule probably won't allow it. But it's nice to know we keep getting closer to each other again. Except for you, you live all the way in Miami," Dinah exaggerated a sigh, which earned her a laugh.

"It's easier to raise a kid around family, dummy."

"I thought we were your family too?" The taller girl challenged.

"Family that aren't busy trying to better their own lives," Lauren said, making her friend nod.

"Fair enough," Both fell into a pleasant silence as they watched Reagan play. "Do you ever miss it?" Dinah asked, breaking the peace after a minute.

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