Chapter 13

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"Is Mila going to be okay?" Reagan asked Lauren as she cuddled with the brunette in the big bed.

"Yeah, she's just a little sad right now."

"Did she forget her dragon powers?" The child asked, looking up past her thick eyelashes.

"No. Something bigger decided to hurt her but she fought back."

"Did she win?"

"Of course. She had to protect her tiger," Lauren said, poking Reagan's nose.

"And her unicorn?"

Lauren paused for a moment before smiling down at the girl. "Yeah, and her unicorn."

"Mommy, can I tell you something?"

"Of course, cubby. What's going on in that jungle of yours?" Lauren asked, running her fingers through blonde hair.

"Well, DJ let me watch a movie on the iPad but I heard yelling at the door. I saw Mila crying and then Eric got mad at her. DJ didn't like that so she hit him."

Lauren froze for a moment, unsure of how to respond.

"Am I in trouble? I know I shouldn't eaves drop but they were really loud and it was scary."

"Hey, shh, I'm not mad and you're not in trouble. I'm so sorry you had to see someone hurt Mila like that, Rey."

"DJ hit Eric."

"She hit him because he was hurting Mila. I know we always tell you that we have to work through our anger and frustration with our words and not our actions, but sometimes people are in danger and need actions to stop the threat. Does that make sense?" Lauren asked, watching Reagan take in the words.

"So if Eric wasn't hurting Mila then DJ wouldn't have hit him?"

"Exactly. She wouldn't have needed to protect Camila like that."

"Can I go give Mila a hug? I think she needs one," Reagan said, her heart saddened by the thought of her crying aunt.

"Mila is resting right now, but I'm sure she'd love a snuggle in the morning. How about we close our eyes now too, yeah?"

"Can you sing?" Lauren hummed her response before singing 'Somewhere Only We Know.'

The song and her combing of Reagan's hair got the girl down in not time, the brunette following soon after due to the stressful day exhausting her entirely.


Reagan slowly awoke early the next morning. Seeing her mommy still sleeping next to her she would've usually gone right back to her slumber, however, the little one was more concerned about the hug she needed to deliver to her Mila.

The four-year-old skillfully slipped out of the bed, her small feet padding against the hardwood floor as she held on to her tiger cub's tail and made her way to the door of her aunt. Carefully she pushed the door open and saw the brunette curled up in bed, her breaths even with sleep.

Reagan wasted no time in climbing onto the bed and slipping under the sheets next to Camila who stirred when two little feet touched her knees.

Deep brown eyes opened and soon a smile followed as Camila lifted a hand to stroke Reagan's hair.

"Hey, Wild Thing. What're you doing in here?" Camila asked in her scratchy voice. Both her just woken up state and the crying contributed to this.

"You were sad yesterday and I couldn't give you a hug so that made me sad," Reagan explained, earning another smile from Camila.

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