Chapter 1

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Lance's POV:
"But mom! Y/n is waiting for me at the park! I can't keep her waiting." I told my mom.

I really can't leave her waiting. She'll get scared. I don't like it when y/n gets scared, cause then she'll cry, and I don't like it when she cries. It makes me upset.
"Well then you should have thought about that when you procrastinated cleaning your room." She told me.

"How about I make you a deal mother. I clean up everything on my floor. Leave. Come back. And pick up the rest." I say.

"Fine." She says.

I rush to my room. I throw my Lego toys in a bin and pick up the blankets and threw them on my bed. That was all.

I rushed out of the house and ran down the road to the park. I saw y/n sitting near the sand box and looking around frantically. I ran faster and when she saw me she stopped crying when she saw me.

I hugged her and she started talking.

"I thought you weren't going to come." She whispered.

"Of course I was. Sorry I'm late, I had to make a compromise with my mom so that I only had to clean some of my room." I told her. She nodded with understanding.

We walked over to the swings and we started to play. We tried to see who could go highest. I won of course.

Then we saw who was best at making sand castles. Y/n won. I saw it was late and knew I had to go home.

"Y/n, I have to go home now. But don't worry I'll see you at school tomorrow." I said.

She looked up.

"Ok. But promise you'll never leave me." She asked.

"I promise." I told her. And I meant it.

I walked to my house as she walked to hers.

Darn it. Now I have to clean my room. I walk in and head straight to my room. I have to clean it so I am not late again. I clean off my dresser and I make my bed. I clean off my nightstand. Then I look around at my room. Done.

Now I won't ever make her think I left her again.

First chapter! This is set a couple years before the first episode. The next chapter will be when Lance gets accepted to the garrison. And how you will take it. Sorry this chapter's so short. I'll try to make the next ones longer. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks. 

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