Chapter 2

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Two Years Later...
Lance's POV:
"I did it! I got accepted!" I yelled as I ran into the house. I saw my mom standing in the kitchen. I can't believe it.

"Mom. I. Got. Accepted. To. The. Garrison." She looked up happily.

"You did! I so happy for you." She said and smiled at me. Her smile slowly slipped from her face.

"What is it mom? Did something happen?" I asked.

"Have you told y/n yet? Do you know how she's going to take it when you leave?" She said.

I totally forgot to tell her. I don't know how she's going to take this. I will just have to remind her I will still be her best friend no matter what.

"I'm going to go tell her mom. Ok." I told her as I ran back outside to y/n's house.

I knocked on her door and I waited. She opens it in a tank top and sweatpants. Her hair down.

"Hello Lance." She says and smiled. Now I'm going to feel even worse.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I started off with. Probably not the best idea as I saw her smile drop.

"But it's some good news and bad news." I started. "I got accepted to the garrison! But I won't be able to see you during the weekdays." I said. Then, unexpectedly, she smiled. Then she laughed, and then she ran up and hugged me. I smiled and laughed with her. I hugged her back,

"Just don't forget about me. Ok. And you have to come see me every weekend no matter what. Unless your not allowed to leave. And no ditching me for new friends. Promise me." She said.

"I promise." I said.

"Can you believe it! My best friend, is going to THE garrison." She gloated. "I'm so proud." She said.

"Well we need to catch up before you leave, so you're spending the night and we are watching as many movies as we can. You get the movies and I'll get the snacks." She ordered.

She headed to the kitchen and I headed upstairs to her room and looked through the movies. I gathered all of our favorites. She came back up with a bowl of popcorn, M&Ms, tortilla chips, salsa and many fruits all on a tray. I slipped in the movie, iron man.

I went into her closet and grabbed some of my clothes. I had clothes over here because I am over here so often. I went to her bathroom and changed into a muscle tank top, and matching sweatpants. I walked out and laid on her bed and had some popcorn while she came in. She set the drinks on her dresser and smacked my hand away from the popcorn.

"No popcorn until the movie starts. You know this." She said sternly as she grabbed some while smiling mischievously. I gaped at her, faking mock hurt. She threw some at me and laughed. I through some back in return.

"Ok no more. I want popcorn while watching the movie, we'll continue this another time." She said. I agreed as she laid out next to me. I pressed play and she squealed.

"I love this movie!" She said.

"I know you do." I said smugly. Glad that I remembered.

I took some M&Ms and watched the movie. And by the third Iron Man. We were passed out.
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