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As August starts to get closer to September than July things start to settle down. The team wasn't doing too hot but there's only so much I can do about that. I just play to the best of my ability and hope for the best.

I sit at the game waiting by the dugout for Isabella and Nicholas to come down. I had a special surprise for him and I couldn't wait to give it to him. I hope he loves it.

But as it gets closer to the time of the gam I don't see them anywhere. Fans file in and I don't see them amongst them. I keep looking around and grow worried as time passes and they don't come.

"Why the long face" Jeff asks and I sigh.

"Something is wrong" I say and he looks at me weird.

"What do you mean" he asks.

"Something doesn't feel right" I clarify.

"How" he asks.

"Isabella and Nicky aren't here and that's not normal. Even when he's in school he gets out to come. They should be here" I say looking around.

"Why don't you go check your phone, I'll cover for you" he says and I nod.

I slip out the dugout and into the clubhouse. I grab my phone out of my locker and check it. There was one missed call from Isabella and that's all. I call her back and she doesn't answer. I call again and nothing. I return upstairs and find Jeff as soon as possible.

"Something really isn't right. I have to go find Isabella and Nicky" I say.

"Alright, I'll tell Dale" he says and I nod. I get my things and hop in my car before driving to her place. After breaking at least 10 laws I pull up into the driveway. I don't see her car but I do see Ciara's next door. I run up to the house across the street and knock on her door.

"Anthony... aren't you supposed to be at a game right now" she asks coming out to talk.

"Yeah, but something doesn't feel right. Where's Isabella and Nicholas at" I ask.

"Oh, she didn't tell you..." she trails off.

"She called but I didn't have my phone on me. I tried to call back but she didn't answer" I explain.

"Nicky has pneumonia. With his condition he gets them a lot but they're very deadly for him. He got admitted to the intensive care unit really early this morning" she explains.

"Oh no, which hospital" I ask.

"The one downtown" she says and I nod.

"Alright, I'm gonna head over there. Thank you" I say heading to my car.

"Anytime, I'll be there later" she yells as I pull out.

I get to the hospital a lot quicker than I should of and get directed to the ICU. I find Nicky in a hospital bed hooked up to just about everything as the machine beside him beeps slowly. Isabella sat beside him running her fingers through his curly blonde hair. I hear her sniffle and my heart breaks.

"Hey" I say softly and her head shoots to me.

"Anthony" she asks and I give a small smile.

"Baby" I say as she runs into my arms. I easily catch her as she sobs into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, I should have been here earlier" I say. She continues to cry as I rub her back.

Eventually the tears stop and she lets go. She turns to Nick and sighs.

"I don't know what to do. I'm so scared" she admits.

"His heart, is it okay" I ask.

"This time. They're treating the pneumonia but they wanted to do some tests and other things to see how to keep his heart beating. I'm just afraid they're going to say they can't. I cannot lose him" she sniffles.

"We'll figure it out. For right now lets just be there for him when he wakes up" I say and she nods.

We sit in the chairs in his room as her hand sits in mine. I rub the back of her hand as her head rests on my shoulder. The tears stop but the weight in the room was still heavy as we wait for him to wake up.

"Aren't you supposed to be playing" she finally asks.

"I had a day off but I would have came off the bench if needed" I admit. I was still in uniform at this point so it was kind of obvious I wasn't supposed to be here.

"I'm sorry my life's such a mess" she sniffles.

"Hey now, bad things always seem to happen to good people. And I would rather go through the bad days with you than the good ones with someone else" I say.

"Why though, why are being so good to me" she asks.

"Because I-" I start but I get cut off by coughing. We look over and see Nick had waken up. We rush over to him as his eyes flutter open. The doctors come in and take the tube out of his throat and give him some water. They check him up and say that we can see him.

"Oh Nicky, how are you" Isabella asks.

"I've been better" he smiles and I laugh. I hope that kid never changes.

"You scared the shit out of me" Isabella admits.

"You? I thought I just had a cold" he exclaims.

"You had pneumonia, but you're going to be just fine" she assures him.

"For how long" he asks and her face falls.

"That we don't know yet. They did a bunch of tests and mris but I... I don't know" she whispers.

"I'll be okay, I promise" he says and she nods. She kisses his head before going to schedule more tests and doctors appointments. He turns to me with a bright smile on his face and I laugh.

"You must really like me" he says.

"A bit of a understatement, but yes" I admit.

"Thanks for visiting me" he smirks.

"Of course, I gotta come make sure my favorite little person is okay" I say sitting next to him.

"I'm sorry I'm making you miss the game" he sighs.

"Some things are bigger than the game" I explain.

"Still" he trails off.

"I'm on your team now too, I have to have your back. I had a feeling something wasn't right and I came right over as soon as I could. And I made the right decision" I assure him.

"How is my sister doing" he asks.

"She's scared but I think we all are" I admit.

"Yeah, I feel so bad. It must suck having to take care of me" he says.

"I think it's the opposite. I think she loves you so much that she's scared. Scared to lose you, scared to think about what would happen if you were to pass away. She wants nothing more than to keep you alive and keep you happy" I try.

"Yeah, I guess. I still feel bad" he admits.

"You should never feel bad for being you. You're great to be around, I love every second I'm with you. Broken heart or not" I insist.

"Thanks tony" he smile.

"Any time" I say.

Isabella comes back and gives Nicky something to eat. He has to stay for a few days but he'll be fine. We turn on the game and watch the guys play. Isabella sits in my lap as we chill by Nicks bed ready for this all to be over.

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