Thirty Two

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Nicky and I sit with Charlie at a day game as we wait for it to start. The season had begun but it was very reminiscent to last year so unless someone cool was here or we were playing the Cardinals many people show up for the game much later. There wasn't a lot of people here today and that gave Nick time before the game to mess around with the guys. They've all taken him in and they're all cheering for him, I can help but feel so blessed to be here. To have people of this caliber rally around my little brother is so cool. They're professional athletes, they have enough to worry about and it's cool they worry about Nick too. Nick doesn't have a care in the world anymore about his heart and now he can just hang out with the guys as one of them, it was awesome.

Eventually the game starts and I hand Nick his usual unnecessarily high priced hot dog and chips. He places them in his lap and goes to town on his hot dog like always.

"Slow down, you're gonna choke" I laugh and he starts chewing extra slow. How can a seven year old be such a smart ass?

Around about the fourth inning I sit there enjoying the game and the beautiful weather. The 2013 season wasn't going much different than the 2012 one, there was a lot of hope but not a lot of support for it. But we love the Cubs none-the-less and always enjoyed coming to Wrigley, win or lose. Our mom instilled that in me at a young age and it never changed.

It was a nice and peaceful afternoon until Charlie starts barking like crazy. I mean he barks a lot but never like this. I try to quiet him down but he just wouldn't. People look around and mostly because they wanted to pet him but some were getting annoyed and I felt kinda bad. I didn't know if he saw something he wanted to chase or something he didn't like but he was loud. He jumps into Nicks lap and starts to lick his face and barking and I realized what was happening.

"Nicky what's wrong" I ask frantically. All of the sudden he was really pale and looked like he was about to pass out.

"I don't feel too good" he says softly. He starts to cough and my chest drops. Is there something wrong with his new heart? There can't be already, he just got it. His eyes close and he falls against the back of his chair sending me into panic mode.

"Nick wake up" I demand and his eyes open a little before falling shut again. "I need a paramedic" I yell and I see someone go flying into the concourse to find one. I stand there trying to figure out what was happening.

Eventually the paramedics come over and set him down on the ground. They check his pulse that was still there, thankfully. His heart was just beating way too fast for him to be able to function and it was causing him to go unconscious.

"Does he have any pre-existing conditions" they ask.

"He has a heart transplant" I explain.

"Has he taken his medication" they ask and I was about to answer yes but I don't remember him taking it. We were so busy this afternoon it must have slipped my mind.

"I forgot" I whisper. I can't believe I forgot.

"We're going to take him to the hospital" they announce and I nod. The game had been stopped as everyone watched Nick get loaded up onto a stretcher with a oxygen mask trying so hard to breathe normally.

"Bella" someone yells and I see Anthony standing behind me. How did he even get out here? "Baby, is everything okay" he asks and I shake my head.

"He didn't get his medication this morning and it's sending his heart out of whack" I explain.

"He's going to be okay, they'll give him some medication and he'll be fine" he assures me.

"I know, but I'm still scared. I can't believe I forgot to make him take his medication" I sigh.

"It's okay, we all make mistakes. How about you go be with him at the hospital and I'll meet you there after the game" he suggest.

"Okay" I say softly.

"Look at me, everything is going to be okay. I love you" he insists giving me a quick kiss.

"Love you too" I reply giving a small smile.

I follow the ambulance over to the hospital and sit in Nicks room with him. Charlie curls up at the end of his bed and he pets them.

"At least we know Charlie works" Nick starts and I laugh a little.

"He's not a toy" I smile.

"You know what I mean" he rolls his eyes.

"Listen Nick, I'm so sorry. I feel so terrible-" I start.

"Izzy, it's okay. Look at me, I'm fine. I'm going to be okay" he insists.

"Still, it could have been way worse. I have to take good care of you, it's the only thing have to do and I can't even do that right" I groan.

"Hey now, you do a lot of things well. You're really good at cooking and playing hide and seek. You are good at painting and singing. And you're really really good at loving" he insists.

"I am pretty cool huh" I ask and he smiles.

"You are. You're my favorite person ever and I wouldn't want to be in the hospital with anyone else" he claims.

"You're my favorite person too" I admit.

"Even more than Anthony" he gasps.

"Yeah, but you can't tell him that" I whisper and he nods.

Eventually they let us go and I text Anthony to meet us at home. Nick takes a nap because that took a lot out of him and the drugs they gave him made him tired. I turn on the news and see that we were all over it. Well this can't be good. I shut the tv off because I hate seeing Nicks scared face all over the screen and I let out a loud groan.

"Hey" a soft voice says and I lift my head. I see Anthony standing there with a Cub stuffed animal and I smile.

"Hi" I reply.

"Where's Nick" he asks.

"He's asleep right now. He's pretty beat up" I sigh. He sets the toy on the table and sits next to me. He wraps his big arms around me and rests my head on his chest. I feel the tears start to come and let out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"Sorry... for what" I wonder.

"That you have been through what you have. That you will probably never have a day off of worrying about something bad happening. You're such a nice person and these things keep happening to you and it sucks. I want to make it all stop but I can't" he admits.

"I don't want you to fix my problems, I just want you to hold me after they happen" I admit.

"Then I am right where I need to be" he says and I smile up to him.

"And that's next to me."

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