Thirty Six

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"You look fine" Ciara groans as we walk through a Walgreens scoping things out. Ciara and Jon was joining Nick and I at the game tonight and the boys wanted a snack so we were walking around a Walgreens looking for food. But I was throwing a fit because I swear I was gaining so much weight that I didn't need these snacks.

"I seriously feel like Paula Dean right now" I groan.

"I think you look sexy" she insists.

"But do I look different than usual" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe you're about to start you're period or something" she shrugs. She won't admit I look different but she kind of just did.

"I should have, but I haven't" I admit.

"There, maybe you're just bloated" she claims.

"Maybe, but I don't feel bloated" I explain.

"Maybe you're pregnant" she jokes picking up a bag of sour patch kids. She starts to laugh, but me, I don't laugh. I think about the possibilities of me being pregnant and they're very slim. We always use protection.

Unless we couldn't find a condom and he didn't use one like the first night I got to spring training. Oh shit.

"Hey, Izzy. Are you okay" she asks when she noticed I wasn't laughing.

"I might actually be pregnant" I whisper and she drops the candy.

"What the fuck" she yells and I cover her mouth with my hand.

"Shut up" I whisper.

"I'm sorry. But it sounded like you said you might be pregnant" she says and I sigh.

"I did say that" I reiterate and he eyes go big.

"Before I start crying lets get you some tests and see if you really are" she insists.

We buy some snacks and some pregnancy tests and we go over to her place to take them. I pee on the sticks and pace around her living room as we waited for the results.

"Why are you so nervous? You always wanted a kid" she says.

"Yeah but not right now. I was hoping to finish school, give Nicky some taste of a normal life and maybe slow down for a little. I'm just... I'm scared" I sigh.

"That's okay, you can be scared. It's your first time possibly having a kid. But I'll be here for you the whole time. You know that" she says rubbing my back.

"Thanks" I smile.

The timer on my phone goes off and my face feels like it catches on fire. I look at Ciara and she knew I wasn't going to go look. She goes into the bathroom and checks what the tests said. I took five of them because I wanted to be really really sure.

"They're all positive. You're pregnant" she announces and a smile comes across my face. I couldn't help but be happy, I was really happy.

"Really" I ask and she nods.

"I'm gonna be a aunt" she yells and I laugh.

"What am I going to do" I ask.

"Have a kid" she says and I laugh.

"Okay, and how am I supposed to do that" I wonder.

"I don't know. I guess you should start by telling Anthony. He kind of needs to know" she laughs.

"I'm nervous. What if he doesn't want a kid" I ask and she gives me one of those "you're fucking kidding me" looks and I sigh. "He said he doesn't want a kid yet" I argue.

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