Morning Routine

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(Hanahaki disease AU. Be prepared, and I just wanted to write this before it was too late, and I thought it would be good way to go to make this more interesting... I might cry writing this... don't mind me and my sucky writing skills tho.)

Jughead sat at the edge of Archie's bed as the red head slept. The warm bed he was in moments ago, but couldn't stay in for much longer. It was suffocating to know your boyfriend didn't love you like he said he did.

Or to feel the pain of so thing so beautiful quite a few times a day. Two pains nobody should have to experience. The pain to love someone so much, and they don't return your feelings. The fact the sleeping boy had to pretend.

He should get surgery to get rid of these feelings, and end his suffering. But a little part of him stops him every time. It says maybe he returns your feelings and this is all a grave misunderstanding. Part of him wants to shut that voice off. He knows he can't though. 

The feeling of something tickling in his throat came back. Then the sensation of something wanting to escape the confines of his body. Running to the bathroom and locking the door behind him. He ran to the toilet. The coopery taste of the crimson liquid filled his mouth. 

He wanted the pain to stop. Then the the pretty flower petals filled the bowl. The blood soaked daffodil petals. They were so much more than flowers. They were the symbol that nobody would ever love him. 

Jughead stood up from the formerly yellow petals. He pressed the the handle down, and washed his hands with the icy water from the faucet. Going back to the room where the boy he loved slept. He crawled back in next to him. The warm sheets hugged his form.

After a blissful hour of sleep the alarm went off. Telling them both to wake up. Jughead turned to shake Archie awake. The red head turned and kissed his forehead before turning off the alarm. They got out of bed to get dressed. 

Jughead went to his bag and picked out an outfit to wear. Archie doing the same at his drawers then going to take a shower. 

Jughead picked up his bag and pulled his laptop out of its place. He opened the folder with his novel in it. He started up rather quickly. Writing his heart out. Spilling the words he wished he could say onto the paper.

Archie came out hair soaking wet, and Jughead put away his things. He headed off to the bathroom. He undressed to get in the shower. The warm water hit his skin with a soft force. The soaps smelled like heaven as always. 

Once he was done he stepped out. Going back to Archie's room to get his clothes to go back to the bathroom to get dressed. Grabbing his clothes he walked back to the washroom. 

After he was dressed in his dark clothes he grabbed his bag which was unusually sitting outside a locked door. Shrugging it off he went downstairs to eat breakfast. Throwing some cereal into a bowl and milk on top he grabbed a spoon. (This is the right way to make cereal!)

Pouring his leftover milk in the sink, and running upstairs to the room that was no longer locked. Nobody was there so Jughead assumed Archie had left without him noticing. With that he started his way to school. 

At the school by Archie's locker. Was the guy he was looking for, and someone else. Betty Cooper. This wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't for the lip lock that was happening. Archie's lips were one someone else's. That was devastating. 

After all he's gone through. All the pain he's endured. This was almost as bad as coughing up flower petals at 5 am. 

Then the feeling hit him like a wave. Running to the bathroom only to hear loud footsteps following him. He ran to a toilet and didn't have time to lock the door. There was no blood. Just shriveled up rose petals. 

They fell from his mouth, and tears ran from his eyes down his cheeks. He cried as more petals came. He cried when the blood came soon after. He cried when someone pulled him into a hug. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Juggy!" Archie said from the door way. Kevin holding him tight as the blood ran into the bowl. 

"Archie what the hell?" Kevin cried.

"I'm sorry!" Archie yelled sounding like someone had kicked his puppy.

Then like someone from the heavens said this is your time. Jughead started choking. The red liquid stuck in his throat, and Kevin calling an ambulance. Archie ran over to him as Jughead was about to fall to the floor from his kneeling position.

Archie delicately put the dying boy's head on his lap. His head was curling into his body by Archie's knees. Archie quickly sat him up. Then Jughead spoke his last words.

"I loved you Archie, and your the thing that killed me." Jughead muttered, but Archie could hear every word of it. Archie started to cry as Jughead's chest stopped moving. 

Archie started sobbing into Jughead's chest. He started to feel so guilty for leading him on. He hated himself. This was Jughead's last moments alive. So painful physically and emotionally. Why had he broken him so bad. 

Archie knew that he killed his best friend. He wasn't the person everyone thought he was. He was a killer. He killed the person who cared for him. He couldn't just love him back. 

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