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private chat
thomas the 🚂 & soph the loaf

thomas the 🚂:

soph the loaf:
hello thomas

thomas the 🚂:
how are you today

soph the loaf:
tom i know you want
to know how alex is

thomas the 🚂:
fuck you caught me

thomas the 🚂:
i didn't wanna hit a
nerve or something
because according to
the fans and emily,
they don't like him

soph the loaf:
yeah he's not
exactly my favourite person

thomas the 🚂:
do you wanna talk about it?

thomas the 🚂:
if you don't its totally
okay i understand

soph the loaf:
no no you're my
best friend its only
right to tell you

thomas the 🚂:
best friend, yeah
not delivered!

soph the loaf:
well alex is my ex boyfriend
soph the loaf:
and um well we were
together for about 2 years
soph the loaf:
until just last year
i found out he was just
using me to make
another girl jealous
soph the loaf:
like every time we went
out on dates the girl
he was trying to
impress was
always there
soph the loaf:
i never really noticed
until i walked into
his room frickle fracking
with the same girl
soph the loaf:
he told me he was
using me and now idk I've
never really trusted a guy since
soph the loaf:
well except for you
cause you're different

thomas the 🚂:
im so sorry sophie
thomas the 🚂:
no one deserves that, especially you
thomas the 🚂:
you're the funniest, nicest
(sometimes lmao), and most
beautiful (inside and out) person
i have ever met, you
deserve the world
thomas the 🚂:
any guy who doesn't see
that is stupid enough to
know you

soph the loaf:
i don't need your sympathy
tom, it was the past,
I'm completely over him
soph the loaf:
but thank you, I'm
glad to call you my best friend :)

thomas the 🚂:
of course ❤️
thomas the 🚂:
but why did he out of all people comment heart eyes
on your photo

soph the loaf:
I'm just irresistible duh
soph the loaf:
lmao jk i have no idea
soph the loaf:
wait he just messaged me i thought i blocked him


private chat
ex bitch tit & sophie

ex bitch tit:

wtf do you want i
thought i blocked you

ex bitch tit:
im so sorry
ex bitch tit:
i was stupid enough to
use you like that, I'm a dick,
i should've known the person
i needed was under my nose
the entire time

you're right
you are a dick
why are you even
messaging me about this now?
we broke up over
a year ago alex

ex bitch tit:
that tom guy, i don't like
you hanging out with him

you're point?
tom is my best friend,
i can hang out with him if i want to
you can't tell me
who i hang out with,
you're pretty much
irrelevant in my life
right now
i know you're trying to
get me back, but you
should really know
I'm never taking
you back, after what you
did, i never want to
see you again

sophie blocked ex bitch tit

private chat
thomas the 🚂 & soph the loaf

thomas the 🚂:
what did he say
thomas the 🚂:
do i have to beat him up
thomas the 🚂:
i searched him up does
he actually break that
many white tables

soph the loaf:
he was saying that
he made a mistake
and he tried to
get me back
soph the loaf:
i immediately said no
soph the loaf:
then he started saying he doesn't
like me hanging out with you
soph the loaf:
i then said he was irrelevant to me
and then i blocked his number
soph the loaf:
and he only breaks
tables for the vlogs

thomas the 🚂:
you better block his ass
thomas the 🚂:
are you okay soph?

soph the loaf:
honestly? I'm annoyed as hell
soph the loaf:
the fact that he
mentioned you kind
of ticked me off
soph the loaf:
he doesn't know you,
he has no right to say
shit like that ugh
soph the loaf:
i also never want to
see him again,
he brings back
shitty memories

thomas the 🚂:
hey its okay
thomas the 🚂:
you blocked his number,
if he tries to reach out to you,
he'll have to get through me first
thomas the 🚂:
you're safe with me :)

soph the loaf:
thanks tom,
I'm sorry I'm ranting
to you about this :(

thomas the 🚂:
i don't mind at all love!
you're my best friend :)

soph the loaf:
best friends, right
not delivered!

thomas the 🚂:
im filming early tomorrow,
i should go, goodnight
sophie :)

soph the loaf:
goodnight, tom :)


qotd: favourite season??
aotd: fall !!

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