Chapter Two.

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The summer between Grade 5 and Grade 6, was a normal summer. Sleep overs, swimming, hanging out with friends, getting into trouble, getting into fights with friends...
Then, summer was over and it was back to school time. Ugh, who likes back to school? I didn't, and still don't. Anyways, Grade 6, was a year where people bullied me until I went home and cried. I didn't know what to do, I was too afraid to tell my parents because I thought they would take me out of that school and I didn't want to leave my friends.

I was starting to not be able to focus on my school work, my grades went down significantly.. During the winter we had our annual rummage sale, that we finally got to host! It was so exciting to run the show! I felt like such an alpha haha. Anyways, right before Grade 6 graduation, I started to have a crush on this boy who already had a girlfriend. But I started flirting with him, and I booped his nose and I guess his girl didn't like that, and told me to back off. Then all the boys made fun of me for it. They would not leave me alone until Grade 6 ended about the fact I booped his nose. Anyways, I made a mistake I wish I had never done. I self harmed for the very first time.

I wish I had never done it. My mom found out I had done it when she was putting my bracelet on for graduation and she saw the light scratch on my vein. She got so upset, I had never seen my mom that upset over a little scratch. Then she told me about her self harming, then I understood why she got so upset. She put concealer on the scratch a couple days before graduation so nobody would notice it and say anything.

Then a week later, graduation night rolled around. It was amazing, the ceremony was so well put together. Our teacher put so much effort into making it spectacular and just like everything she did, it was more than spectacular. She painted this beautiful banner that was hung up there, and some of the students and teachers put together this slideshow of all of us that year. Boy were we silly. Haha. I miss those days.

Then another summer rolled around. Except this one was different. I stopped hanging out with my friends, I distanced myself from everyone. Then that's when I took the blade to my skin once again. This time deeper, and more of them.

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