Chapter 9

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Steven's POV

I'm so scared to tell her. What if she laughs? Or I scare her away? I don't know what I would do without her. But I'm scared to tell her that, too. "Well, long story short.." I begin. "No, I want the whole thing" Connie cuts me off. I care about you, Steven. I want to know what's going on." "Well, ok then" I reply. I feel a lump forming in my throat. "After our last training practice, I had a weird dream." Hearing myself out loud made me a little embarrassed that a lot of what happened was just because of a stupid dream. "You had a destabilizer in your hand and disintegrated me with it and took my gem. Then I woke up, by falling out of bed, and you asked me if my gem was cracked. That kinda made me freak out, so I guess that's one reason why my powers wouldn't work. So I figured, If my gem is what's important to everyone," I say as tears start to fill my eyes, "then I might add well train to the best of my abilities, right?" I tilt my head down and let the tears roll down my cheeks.

Connie's POV

"No, Steven! I would never.." I pause to think for a minute.  What did I do to make him think like that? To have a dream like that?  I can't think of anything other than... the whole fusion incident. But why would that make him think that he wasn't good enough? He knows how much he means to me, right? Or I thought he did. "Steven, is it... something I did?" I ask with hesitation. His eyes grow wide with shock when I say this. "What?! No, no of course not!" He practically yells. "Well then... what's all this about?" I still can't shake the feeling that this is somehow my fault. "I'm not really sure. Nothing really happened, so I guess I've just always felt like this. When Pearl said that this would be our last fusion practice I was kinda sad and... I don't know." I can't believe Steven was sad about the fusion thing like I was. "Me too" I say softly. "Wait what?" I'm not sure if he's confused or he just didn't hear me so I say it louder. "I'm sad, too. I just thought you would think that's dumb." "What? No! Of course not! I just thought that, if I wasn't strong enough, you wouldn't want to fuse with me. When we're fused I feel like... like I can do anything. I just didn't want that to go away." Steven blushes as he says that last part. He's so adorable when he says stuff like that. "It won't go away, I promise. And you will always be good enough; don't let anyone, or yourself, tell you otherwise" I tell Steven. He doesn't really seem to know what to say. "Do you... want to fuse with me?" I ask, hesitantly. "Yes, I'd love to" Steven says as he stretches out his hand to me. We stand up, and in no time we've fused into Stevonnie.

Steven's POV

I can't believe she understands. All this time I was so nervous, but it turns out that she really is there for me. I want to tell her I like her so badly. I guess I am still nervous about that. "Hey Steven, what's going on in there?" Connie asks me, or I ask myself. "Oh sorry, I just kinda spaced out a little." "I could tell!" Connie-or rather-Stevonnie says as she giggles a bit. "Hey, Steven, what is that?" "What is what?" I ask. "That feeling? I feel... weird... but like, in a good way. What is that?" "Oh... I uh..." I stutter as I blush heavily. We're fused, so she can sort of feel the same things I feel. She can feel that weird feeling you get when you're around someone you... kinda... like. Suddenly, the feeling grows. "Wha-" I say as I feel my cheeks heating up. "Hey would it be okay to unfuse for a bit... just so we can talk to each other face to face" Connie asks. "Sure" I reply as we split apart in a flash of pink light. We both look at each other, but neither of us actually say a word for a while. Connie is the first one to break the silence. "That feeling... I still have it. Do you?" "Uh, yeah, actually" I say as I awkwardly scratch the back of my head. I know what I want to say, but I don't want to be the first one to say something. I can't believe this all is happening. I scoot over closer to Connie, and she does the same until our shoulders are touching. I put my hand down beside me, and she rests her's on top of mine and stares at it. I'm looking at her, though. She eventually tilts her head up and her eyes meet mine. I'm not really sure who leans in first, but all of the sudden I feel her lips meet mine, just for a second. We pull away at the same time. Connie looks like a mixture of shocked, happy, and slightly embarrassed, and I'm sure I look the same. "Steven I-" Connie is interrupted by the sound of the door creaking and my dad walking into the room. "Hey guys! Sorry I was late, Pearl was giving me some trouble. It took me like, an hour to calm her down and convince her that it wasn't necessary to bring a massive bucket of that Rose-tear healing stuff. How you feeling, bud?" "Good, actually. I'm feeling a lot better than I was an hour ago. Do you think it would be okay if I came home with you guys?" I ask. I really am feeling better; maybe it has to with my healing powers or something. "Oh, sure! That's great! Let me just get you signed out and we can go." Somehow, this day has managed to be the worst and the best day of my life at the same time.


Hey guys! Sorry I was kinda late on making this chapter. I'm going to just skip all the excuses that no one cares about and just say sorry about that. Thanks for reading!!

~ Emmie

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