Chapter 4

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Steven's POV

I can't stop thinking about what happened earlier.  Why wouldn't my bubble pop?  I look over my shoulder and notice that Connie is asleep.  Trying my best not to disturb her, I quietly stand up and tiptoe to the bathroom.  Being alone helps me think.  I walk in and close the door behind me.  When I look into the mirror I notice that my hair is still wet from swimming earlier.  I grab a towel off of the floor (I'm not that organized) and use it to try and dry my hair a little.  Okay Steven, think.  Why wouldn't my  powers cooperate?  It couldn't be because I didn't know how to use them, obviously.  My powers are all controlled by my emotions and feelings.  I thought I was getting the hang of controlling my emotions and stuff but I guess not.  For some reason, I feel scared.  It' s not the end of the world.  I tell myself.  You'll get the hang of your powers again in no time.  But... what if I don't?  What will happen?  That whole fusion trouble thing with Connie.. was that my fault, too?  Without my powers... no one would care about me.  I would have nothing.  The only reason anyone has anything to do with me at all is because of Mom.  And worst of all.. I would lose Connie.  She is everything to me.  I mean nothing to her.  Nothing to the gems.  Nothing to anyone.  When my I finally disconnect myself from my thoughts, I realize that I've been crying.  A lot.  My tears form a small puddle that I'm kneeling in.  Just thought of losing Connie brings more tears to my eyes.  But I know what I need to do now.  I need to make sure I never lose control over any of my powers again.  If I just train hard enough... maybe I can mean something to her.  That's all I've ever wanted.  Just to be.. something.

Connie's POV

I wake up on Steven's couch with a sore neck.  The episode of "Under the Knife"  we were watching is over, and something else I've never seen before is on.  "Aw man, I missed the rest of the episode!  Hey Steven, do you mind telling me what happened?  In chronological order, preferably."  I turn around and realize Steven is nowhere to be found.  "Steven?  Where are you?"  When I don't hear a reply I decide to go look for him.  Just as I get up I hear the bathroom door open.  "Oh there you are!  I wasn't sure where you-" I look up and realize he had tear stains down the sides of his face.  "Steven!!  What's wrong?  What happened?!"  It kills me to see him in pain.  "I know what I need to do."  Is his response.  "Steven wha-"  "Don't worry" he interrupts me.  "It'll be ok."

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