A New Keeper.

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"Okay Runners, I'm the new med-Jack. Here's how it works. Everyone will have a tracker. Everyone will get a small watch-like device that tells you where I am at all times in the maze. If you are hurt, dehydrated, or something that you need me for, come hunt me down. If for some reason you are unable to get to me, there will be a red button at the bottom. Press it. I will then be singled and will come to you as quickly as possible. I will also have extra water in case anyone runs out." You explained to the runners and they all nodded, seeming to like the idea.

You waited until everyone ran out to run into the maze.

Minho was behind you and you looked at him.

"Not running today Cinderella?" You teased

"I am. It's just I have to tell ya a few things." He said

"And what is that?" You said

"You can now go into the map room. And map out whatever you studied." Minho said before running into the maze saying "catch up later."

"Ok!" You said and looked around

(Btw, you already had your bag filled with supplies and knew when to cut the ivy when running.)

All the runners had already went into the maze and it was your turn.

You ran inside the maze and did the routes you were told to.

After a few hours, a runner came running towards you.

You stopped and he told you he needed something to fix his bleeding arm.

You fixed it and he ran away back to his section.

You kept running your path and eventually, got a beep from your watch.
You ran to that area, and it was a runner that was hurt on this leg, and couldn't get up without bleeding a lot.

You treated his leg and he ran off once again, better then ever.

You smiled, knowing that you are doing something good.

You then went back to your route, and realized that it's almost time to go back.

You turned and followed your ivy path, back to the Glade 5 minutes before they closed.

Some runners were already in the map room, while some were running to it.

Not to soon after a couple more runners came through including Minho and Ben.

All the runners were back and went to the map room.

(You already knew it had the map in it.)

Once you got there, you remembered your section, and drew it out neatly on a paper next to the 7 other runners, not including you, Minho, or Ben.

After placing your paper in the rightful place, you trotted over to the kitchen with Minho and Ben, when everyone was just starting dinner.

You guys sat with, Newt, Gally, and Winston and ate.

It was nice and home like.

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