Sick day.

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You woke up feeling terrible.

Your nose was clogged up, and you immensely hot.

You were really weak and couldn't move, but you forced yourself to get up and went to find Frypan.

You got your running gear, and went over to the kitchen.

"Morning girly, how's your life going." Frypan said and then saw you looking awful.

"Hey, are you ok? You look terrible." He said

"Thanks." You shrugged in a weak voice

"No no, not like that. I mean you look sick." Frypan said

"Nope! Not sick let's fix up breakfast and talk about what's for lunch." You said in that same weak voice and started picking up some ingredients from the fridge and counters.

"You sure? You seem like you need to stay and-" frypan said

"You know I was thinking about chicken soup for breakfast, and for lunch you can whip up some steak or something." You said cutting him off

Frypan sighed and helped you make the food.

Afterwards you said bye to fry and bumped into Newt and Alby

Great. Of course when your trying to hide the fact that your sick.

"Hey love! How's it feel to be promoted?" Newt asked

"Great." You said in the most normal voice you could (which was still really scratchy and bad.)

"Hey, are you ok? You seem, sick." Alby said

Just then the doors were opening and the runners looked at you

"Uh! Gotta run!" You said quickly and ran

"She is sick!" Newt said

"Minho! Ben! Don't let her in the maze!" Alby yelled as he ran over

They had a questionable look on their face but followed orders and grabbed both your arms, each one grabbing one hand.

Shuck. You say in your head

The keepers came up and wondered what was going on.

Minho and Ben dragged you over to them and turned you around.

"What's going on?" Winston asked

"Yea, why'd you stop her?" Gally asked

"She's sick. But still wants to go out in the bloody maze." Newt said

They all gasped and you blushed, looking down.

"It's already heard enough to run in the maze with full power, why did you think that you'd be able to do it sick shuck-face!" Minho yelled

"That was really stupid, sis. You can't go into the maze today." Ben said

"You were acting sick in the kitchen, I should've don't something." Frypan said

"There's no way we can let you run today." Winston said

"Why did you think you'd be able to escape that easily?" Gally said

"Runners, go. Except you Minho and Ben, we need you to make sure she doesn't make a run for it." Alby said and the runners left

"So a day off?" Ben said with a glimmer in his eyes

"No. We need you guys out in the maze. Well just tie her to the med-jack bed after." Alby said

The glimmer in bens eyes disappeared and you just sat there.

"The reason why I don't want to tell you guys was because I have to make breakfast and talk about lunch. I have to help the ones in the maze if their hurt or something. I have to come back and help fry make dinner. Then I have to make sure that everyone's jobs get done quicker because then we can all sleep on a good schedule to get a good start on tomorrow." You said and by the time you were done you were at the infirmary

"And you do so much work for everybody. You deserve a break." Alby said

Everyone agreed.

They tied one of your hands on the bed and the med-jacks were watching you.

The rest of the day you were stuck on the bed and hated it. But you did loose your sickness and felt better then ever the next day. It was worth staying in.

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