Finding Your Job.

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The next morning, you were woken up by Newt

(Btw they already told you about how the maze works and how the Glade works and stuff.)

"Hey, wake up love." He whispered

"Ugh what..." you said groggily

"You need to come with me." Is all he said before he dragged you to your feet and made you follow him

He brought you over to the slicers, and saw Winston slicing a chicken in half.

You looked at Newt with a questioning look.

"Today is the day you will be trying out for jobs. And this is your first stop." Newt started explaining

"After around an hour, I'll pick you up from this door and you'll go get blood off ya by the washroom. Then you'll go to your next stop. And every stop until you finish. Tomorrow, we will decide your job." Newt finished and walked away

Winston looked at you "ok. So since your a greenie, you can start slicing something small. Like this chicken. Oh an don't try to faint if you see a lot of blood. It happens."

"Are you just saying that because I'm a girl?" You asked, narrowing your eyes

He looked at you with fake eyes and said "no."

"Sure." You said grabbing a sharp knife made to gut big animals

Winston moved back a bit, knowing you were mad and didn't want to get stabbed.

You clutched the knife and turned to a large cow and walked up to it.

You had a slight sad glimpse of killing a innocent cow.

But it had to be done.

(ALERT to all the fans who don't want to see an innocent cow die, skip this part until you see the line "Winston ran out before Newt (with Minho since runners came early today.)came up to pick you up to your next stop.")

You brought your knife up and stabbed the poor cows stomach, ripping its meat and sliding your knife to the right, getting more blood on your hands.

The cow fell and you continued to gut the cow.

Getting blood all over you and seeing all it organs.

You got its organs out, and saw the meat.

You grabbed it and ripped it out.

Looking at Winston, with your eyes of guilt and anger, and bloody hands with a blade, he stood there. Pale and frozen.

Winston ran out right before Newt (with Minho since runners came early today.) came up to pick you up to your next stop.

"What's wrong Winston? Is y/n hurt?" Newt asked

"Did she faint or something?" Minho asked

"No! She's viscous! She gutted an entire cow in one fatale swipe! She has blood all over her and doesn't care one bit! She even took its organs out and it spilled all over her shirt and got on her face! Ugh it's so creepy! I think she's gonna stab someone if you don't take that knife from her!" Winston whined like a little girl

Newt and Minho ran to the slicers and saw you cutting the cow even more viscously.

You turned to them with fire filled eyes, and then turned back to your prey, cutting it more.

They slowly went up to you and grabbed you by both arms away from the poor creature.

Winston came up and grabbed the knife from your hands.

"AGH!! Let me kill it! Let it be FREE!" You yelled trying to get out of their grip.

"Minho! We need to get her to the med-jacks! She's insane! We need to calm her down!" Newt yelled

Minho nodded and then dragged you over to the med-jacks

Once you were over there, you calmed down because you only acted crazy because you wanted to get out as fast as possible, and because you wanted to prove, that you could do anything boys could. Maybe a little bit better. (Controversial line right there.)

You explained to Minho and Newt that you only acted up for those reasons but they still weren't so convinced, but they mad no choice but to let me do every other job and wash up.

Not to long after night fell, and you did all the jobs.

But you knew what 2 jobs you wanted.

For sure.

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