Chapter 1. The Trip

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heeeyyyyy guuyyyyssss, this is one of my first fanfictions i ever published ( i have alot more but that is personal fanfiction ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) . I'll draw a cover later when i feel like it :P

( if anything isn't accurate please critique me, but kindly... pls?)


(Y/N) Stood in line to board the plane. She looked at her watch. 6:23 am. She yawned and looked at the view outside the airport.  (Y/N) Mulligan was going to be a student at kings college and join her older brother, Hercules Mulligan. (Y/N) is usually a kind, loving student that has a love for knitting and drawing. And flowers. She's obsessed with flowers.

"May I see your boarding pass ma'am?" Said an elderly man with a strong British accent. "Oh sure." (Y/N) said softly ,handing him the ticket. 

"New York, aye? I have a grandson that studies there." He said, checking your passport.  "Mmhmm.." (Y/N) said awkwardly, trying to avoid his gaze. Your eyes fell upon his name-badge. It read: Alan Seabury ( idk just accept the Seabury ).

After a few failed attempts at small talk, he finally returned the ticket and your passport. "Right this way ma'am, have a safe trip." He gave a weary smile and continued his job. (Y/N) nodded and boarded the plane. 

~Time skip brought to you by Thomas Jefferson in a Maria Reynolds costume~

"Plane will be landing in 10 minutes. Please open all windows and please put on seat belts. This is your pilot speaking, thank you." The voice said form above the plane. (Y/N) opened her window and was blinded by the power of a thousand suns. "HISSSSS" She hissed, and covered her eyes. "Geez calm down girl." Said her seatmate. (Y/N) Rolled her eyes and looked at the view once more. 

The view was nothing like she had ever seen. It was a city full of skyscrapers, but also had its equal share of natural scenery. It was beautiful. Her eyes started to tear up because of the beauty, or it was just the blinding power of a quadrillion suns. She wiped her eyes and turned back to her phone. She decided she should message Hercules.


CrazyCookie (y/n) : Herc I'm in NYC

HERCULESMAULIGGUN: I'm on my way to the airport! Mind if i bring some friends of mine?

CrazyCookie (y/n) : As long as they aren't any of your weird friends that are always drunk.


CrazyCookie (y/n) : IM NOT YO SON

HERCULESMAULIGGUN: Huehuehue okay bye Cookie

CrazyCookie (y/n) : Cyuu!!


(Y/N) sighed, Hercules mulligan was the best brother anyone could ask for. But, Lets just hope his friends aren't that weird. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen please fasten your seat belts. we will be landing soon."


Hercules shoved his phone into his pocket. He looked up at his friends. Marquis de Lafayette was lying on the bed, opened bags of chips surrounded him. John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton were playing a game of overwatch on the console. 

"Guys we have to pick up my sister" Hercules said. Nothing. "Ahem, GUYS... We need to go to the airport to pick my sister." More nothing. Hercules huffed. "THE SCHUYLER SISTERS NEED DATES FOR A PARTY!" Then Chaos.

Lafayette Rolled out of bed and fell on his face "DIBS PEGGY!" 

Alex dropped the remote control and scrambled to his feet "WHO? WHERE? WHEN? WHAT? WHY?"

And John fell off the sofa "Guys calm down!"

Hercules chuckled and said once more "Just kidding, The Schuyler sisters already have dates." Lafayette pouted and grabbed a chocolate chip that fell onto the ground. Alex was taken aback and huffed. John just sighed and grabbed the controller.  Hercules slapped the controller out of his hand. "NOPE"

"What the hell Herc!?" Growled John and looked away. "gUYS wE nEEd To pICK uP mY sIStEr" Hercules shouted

"Hercules, chu never told us you have a sœur" (Guys i don't know french, I'm relying on google translate to help me :0 ) Lafayette said, getting up from the floor. "Ve should go pick up , non?"

"Oui Oui" John said, Reaching for his turtle print jacket. "Letz go" Alex said, dashing towards the door.

~Time skip brought to you by John Laurens buried in turtle plushies~

Hercules crushed (Y/N) with his signature bear hug and buried his face in her hair. "God I miss you!" 
(Y/N) giggled and pushed him away. "Don't hug me you grizzly bear!" She laughed, and looked behind him. Her eyes caught another pair of beautiful eyes. You held his gaze a little longer before looking back at Hercules. There was a combination of a smirk and a fangirling smile on his face.

"C'mon, let me introduce you to my friends"


Ty for reading me fanfiction! I will try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible!
I hope you liked it!


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