Chapter Seventeen

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"Ms. Hayes, there's someone here to see you," Leo informed from the other side of the line.

"What's her name?" I asked. I wondered who would want to see me---it couldn't be Kimberly because she was in Las Vegas for the week to see God-knows-who. She said she was going to see a friend she hadn't seen in a long time. Caspian was in California with his family. I hadn't seen him since he left my place on Wednesday and now it was Tuesday, but we had been texting non-stop.

"Actually, it's a man. He says he's a very good friend."

"Describe him... Never mind, send him in."

The door to my office was pushed open by none other than Aiden Carlton. My palms instantly got sweaty and it felt like the room was closing in on us. His presence gave me an uneasy feeling--it always did.

He gave me an innocent grin and greeted me. I wasn't going to bother myself with pleasantries with him.

"Why are you here? How do you know where I work? Are you following me now?" I looked at him skeptically while gripping the edge of my desk tightly.

"Hey, hey, no need to be on edge. Won't you at least offer me a seat?" He said.

I looked at him for a while before offering him a seat. His blond hair had been cut short and he had started sporting a beard. He looked different compared to the last time I saw him; the day I found him in my apartment. The beard suited him.

"Why are you here?" I wasn't going to beat around the bush with him.

He sighed heavily. "I wanted to apologise, again. I'm really sorry for the way I treated you, I was a jerk. I took advantage of your naivety and treated you like dirt. When you called off the wedding, I-I started thinking... What if we had a family? What if--"

"OK, stop. I know you are lying. Did my dad put you up to this? If he did, you can tell him that--" Aiden cut me off before I could say anything else.

"No, he didn't put me up to this. I came here on my own."

"I'm not interested. Thanks but no thanks." I looked back at the report I had hastily dropped when he entered my office, hoping he would get the hint and leave my office.

He got up from his seat and walked slowly towards me. I got up too. Before he could get too close I put my hand on his chest, making it clear I wanted him to stop.

"Baby, I know you still want me. I know you still dream about me buried deep in--" I placed my hand on his mouth to prevent him from saying another word.

He licked my palm.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You can't come into my office and say shit like that. I-"

"Shhh," he said, putting his hand stop his lips, "I want you too."

"Well, newsflash bitch, I don't want you. I have forgotten about you and so should you. I have left you and dad behind so forget about me."

He squinted his eyes at me before frowning. "So you really don't want me?"


"I'm sorry for whatever just happened. I'm going to leave now." He looked... genuine, like her really thought I liked him and he was sorry for all he had done. I couldn't care less.

"Do you forgive me though?" He asked.

I had forgotten about it-at least I tried to, but I had told my mom I had forgiven my dad when she asked. What was the harm in forgiving Aiden? I forgave easily in the past so why hold it against the poor guy now?

"It's all in the past."

"Thank you. I'm going to go now," he said, a full grin etched on his face.

Finally, leave. Now, I thought.

He walked straight out until he got to the door. He stopped with his hand on the doorknob.

"Can we be friends?"

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves now. We'll see about that." I scrutinized him cautiously, trying to see where his niceness was coming from. I wouldn't get to comfortable.

"Can we at least have breakfast on Friday?" He asked.

"Okay." I sighed.

With a final nod in my direction, he walked out. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and sat down.

He couldn't have some ulterior motive, could he?

I sat there for some minutes, worrying about... Nothing. I worried. Aiden never liked me, why would he start now? I remembered the cruel words he spoke to me while we 'dated', how he lowered my self-esteem and confidence. Why did he want to be friends?

I was worrying too much. Again.

I picked up my bag and took out the small orange bottle of pills that I had long abandoned and held it in my trembling hands.

This hadn't happened in a long time, precisely nine months ago. I couldn't call Dr. Shay, he was all the way in Nevada. After a few minutes, I calmed down. I walked to the mini fridge and took out a bottle of water.

Seeing Aiden, even as friendly as he was brought back memories I tried to erase.

I took a seat and got back to work.


"A little birdie told me you've been prancing around with your new marketing manager."

I stilled at my dad's words. I wondered how he knew. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. Of course he'd know, he always had an eye on his kids.

"Eh. Maybe, maybe not." I was going to try and avoid the topic as best as I could. Sadly, I couldn't.

"From what I heard, you've been seeing her pretty frequently for a month now. Is it serious or is she just another groupie?"

"She's my girlfriend."

His eyes bulged out. I couldn't blame him.

"You have a girlfriend? And you couldn't tell your mom and I?" He asked, looking genuinely hurt.

"I'm sorry. It's serious though. She's not like the other girls, not to mention, she's hot." I grinned just thinking about Kat.

"This is unexpected. Are you sure she's not after you for your money? You and I both know what's happening to her dad's company, so shouldn't you be cautious?"

"There you go with your stupid conspiracy theories. Kat is not like that. She hardly even thinks about my wealth or status. In fact, she doesn't––at all." I didn't appreciate him talking about Kat like that.

"You really like her don't you?"

No shit.

When did I become such a pansy?

"I do."

I walked out of his study a few minutes later with him following behind me. We found mom in the kitchen chewing on strawberries.

"Caspian has got a girlfriend."

Dad could never keep his mother shut.

She dropped the strawberry mid-flight and ran over to me.

"Who is she? Why didn't you tell me? Where is she?" She was no doubt already planning my wedding in her head.

Here we go.

After answering all her questions and giving her the details, she made me promise to bring Kat in three weeks.

If I liked Kat so much, then why was I hesitant to let her meet my family?

I'm sooo tired. I published this even tho my goal for the last chappy hasn't been reached.

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