Shortcake ( Pidge)

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A/n: this is girl X girl BTW,so if you feel uncomfortable you can skip it.
You were with your girlfriend Katie saying goodbye as she was going to the Garrison.You stopped in front of the school with her."I'm going to miss you Ka-Pidge"you said quickly,she informed you earlier that her name was to be "Pidge Gunderson" when people were around."I'll miss you too (y/n),but you can visit me"She smiled up at you.God I'm going to miss her so much. Without warning tears started to spill on your cheeks.You let out a sob and hugged her,"o-oh p-pidge h-how am I g-going to survive highschool without y-you!"you cried into her shoulder."Don't cry,your way to pretty to cry (y/n)",she went on her tiptoes and pecked your mouth."t-thanks my s-shortcake",you said calling her the nickname you gave her in ninth grade.She blushed "I'm not that short!" she pouted making you giggle. "There's that beautiful smile"she tucked a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear and kissed you again before walking into her new school.That was the last time you saw her.

She went missing for a few days,then days turned into weeks, then weeks turned into months.You were awfully worried about her,you hung up 'missing' posters everywhere to find her.Shes out there somewhere I just know it.

After a year you were about to lose hope when you heard a knock on your front door,you gasped and sunk to your knees at the sight of your long lost girlfriend.Tears ran down your cheeks and she bent down to hug you,you clung to her like she was the only lifeboat on the Titanic."K-Katie your b-back I thought y-you were d-dead"you cried into her shoulder,breathing in her familiar scent.She wiped your tears,"Nothing can separate me from you"she cooed.She peppered your face with kisses, "I love you (y/n)"."I love you too shortcake"you said giving her a watery smile.

She was right when she said nothing can ever separate her from you.Nothing could separate you then and nothing can separate you now.Your wedding vows were proof.

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