Chapter 14: My world broke.

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So wow, I had a broken computer. (My computer is my life, okay!) Like my mum said it would 'help me' breathe in. It was her favourite metaphor to use. I couldn't sleep that night, my phone was glitching and Facebook hadn't been working so I'd been using my computer, but I couldn't as it was broken! I woke up at literally 5am so I could beg on my hands and my knees to my mum asking if she'd drop me off at the local PC repair shop before she left for work. I clinged onto her leg and she finally said 'FINE!, you're paying half though' I was so happy it was going to be fixed, I throw on some 'lazy' clothes and don't even bother to brush my hair or put socks on. I 'jump' into my Holographic shoes and scramble for the keys, I jump into the car and sit tapping on the dashboard waiting for my mum to finish brushing her teeth. I double check I had the charger for my computer in case they needed. Well, I say 'double' checked I must of checked at least 23 times. We pull up to the shop and the breaks go 'SQUEAAAAK' my mums car was playing up and the breaks made so much noise it was physically painful! I grab my computer bag and fling myself out the car and run into the shop, thinking back, they must of thought I was part of a certain dealership of drugs. I suddenly acted professional and started asking how long it would take... This is the part I died internally...

'It will be done in like 4-5 days... Theres a reasonable amount of damage'

I was like nO NO nO. 5 DAYS, my poor soul was crushed into a trillion fragments. It felt like I died. I lived a sad life, addicted to the internet.... nothings changed, oops!

I leave my computer with the 'friendly' man but I was NOT keen on this person as they were taking my life away for nearly a week. A SCHOOL WEEK! The only bonus was no work for a week. Before I even put one foot into the car I was shouting at my mum...


She held her hands up and did a weird stop motion which I totally ignored. In a annoyed tone she mumbled 'Shut up, its 6:17am' I sulked the whole way home, and sluggishly walked into my house, I miserably waved bye to my mum and flopped onto my bed grabbed my phone and rang Joe...

*ring ring*

*Joe answers*






'DAMN IT, your camera is broke isn't it' -Joe

'Sure is....'

It felt like the worse day nothing could go worst..


Sav: Hi, my mum is being awkward. I have to leave the internet for about a month. I need to feel like her when she was young apparently...ugh I'm sorry ily!

Okay things DO get worse. I stare at the screen and actually start crying. 1 MONTH without Sav. I already missed her because I had met her now 31 DAYS without her. I wiped my tears and tried to fall back to sleep. How much fun I was going to have! 5 days without my laptop... I clearly survived as I'm here to tell the story but I was SO SO SO BORED!

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