Come Hell or High Water

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Our love is a storm.
We have
In our souls
In our touch
In our hearts
"Dean?" A voice asked, disrupting his daydream, it belonged to the peppy Charlie Bradbury.
"You want to take these notes, they seem important." She advised,  tossing him a pencil and staring off at the board.
"Oh um...sure." He nodded, beginning to write.
"What's gotten into you lately anyway? You're so -spaced out- and smiley. Like it's almost creepy" Charlie pondered, though she was focused on taking notes.
"Oh? I do? I am? Didn't realize." He shrugged, staring her blankly in the eyes and glancing at the board. He shoved his back against his chair, uncomfortably.
"Oh come on..." She whined, "You laughed at one of Crowley's jokes for 5 minutes straight, and he's not funny, Dean."
"There's nothing to tell." He stated dryly.
"Is this about Bela?" She teased and Dean  cupped his hands in his face.
"No," he grumbled, "Like anything would be about her."
"Is, Tessa?" She questioned after a moment and Dean shook his head.
"It's nothing to do with a girl."
"Is it Castiel?" She questioned and Dean smiled at the name.
"It is, isn't it?"
"No." Dean growled defensively, and Charlie giggled in response. Dean shifted awkwardly against the back of his chair.
God damnit, not now.
"I'm uh, I'm going to the washroom. Tell Mr.Crowley if he asks, will ya?" Dean requested, trying to keep his cool.
"Sure thing, Double D." Charlie teased, and Dean turned towards her, raising his eyebrows
"Charlie, we've talked about this." He started rather seriously,
"I'm at least a Triple D."
"But...It doesn't have the same ring," She pouted and Dean sighed with a laugh.
"She's right." Kevin commented blandly, eyes still trained to his work. Dean laughed through his pain.
"Fine,you win princess. Double D over and out."
"Oh, and I know what you're up to by the way."
"Whatever lie you were just thinking, save it. Can't fool me, Dean." She giggled.
'You'd be surprised.' Dean groaned  under his breath, and he couldn't get into the hall fast enough. As predicted, the pain worsened, rippling  up his back, and the sound of shifting bones hissed through the air. Through the halls, he stumbled, not sure if his legs would carry him or give way with every step, but he managed to throw himself into the nearest washroom panting and breathless as he tried to think of anything but the stabbing sensation cutting through his tender flesh. It was as if an animal was caged in his skeleton, and through sharpened claws, was  scratching its way out. Without a second thought, he pulled his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside.

Dean twisted the tap on, washing his face in crystal solace.His back ached wickedly, they were crying for freedom, imprisoned in flesh and bone. He knew better than to release them there, in the middle of the public washroom, but it seemed as if they'd burn through his skin and tear him open. It overthrew him, the urge for freedom and the unrelenting agony. Wings  burst from the confines of his vulnerable back. They were fashioned merely as an ivory aesthetic, short of  the strength the divine had for flight. They were weak, and an absolute pain in the ass. Dean wished he could rip them clean off.
"Fuck." He cussed under his breath, stretching his cramped wings over the expanse. An exhilarating rush pumped through his blood, it felt the adrenaline of being found out, it wouldn't let him focus enough to retract them.
He grabbed onto a wing, forcing and bending it in as he checked for  passerby's outside the washroom. The coast was clear, but it seemed he'd have to skip class yet again-like his bad boy reputation wasn't bad enough already-.
He felt his skin stretch to accommodate   more bones, jutting out his back, twisting and contorting until they came to an abrupt stop.
Dean's chest heaved, he was covered in a thick sweat, but the pain subsided in seconds, the wings remained the only validation of the transformation.
Again, he poked his head out into the hallway to assure no one was there, and sighed before heading over to the mirror and staring at his wings. How the hell was he supposed to get them back? He could usually control them so well...
A toilet flushed, and Dean's heart hammered against his chest, in a desperate frenzy to fit his wings back into his frame.
"Goddammit, goddammit. " His slurred curses seemed even louder as they echoed through the bathroom, he was too late.
It was Castiel's voice, and it was already too late. Without even looking, Dean felt his eyes trailing over him.
"Cas..." Dean breathed aloud in a frenzied panic, and his wings flapped out of control. 
"Cas I...You're..." Dean was breathless, goddamnit, he couldn't know! He couldn't know!
Dean shoved his back into the wall, twisting and groaning, but he couldn't get them to budge.
"What's wrong?" Castiel's voice held concern, and he stepped towards him.
"Cas! N-no, stay back I..."
He'd already stared directly at his wings, Dean felt his face flushing and feathers shifted to shield it.
"What happened to your shirt?" Castiel asked finally, stalking towards him.
"M-my uh, oh right." Dean flushed a dark red, staring off at the pile on the floor before the realization hit. Why hadn't he reacted? The answer was simple, he couldn't see them...Could he? Dean dared to stare back into his eyes which were crinkled with a mundane confusion, it wasn't shock or surprise. He took a breath.
Nobody had ever seen his wings before, he never gave them the chance to and now... Now they were out of control, but it was good that Cas didn't seem to see.
"I um... I'm good. Don't worry about it." Dean breathed, feeling Castiel's eyes on him and realizing he was still shirtless. His heartbeat raced as he reached for his shirt, but his wings shoved it out of the way.
He gulped nervously, what the hell? What the hell.
Castiel picked up the shirt instead and handed it to Dean. His gaze dropped and he scratched the back of his neck, blushing, but Dean was too preoccupied to notice. Quickly, he accepted the shirt, but his wings were still outstretched and he couldn't fit it over.
"Thanks, Cas." Dean gulped nervously, and one of his wings stretched out to wrap around him.
"Cut it out!" Dean growled under his breath and Castiel stared back, confused and unaware of the giant wing coiled around him.
"Don't worry about it."
"Dean, we should get going. Classes." Castiel reminded him, and with a crushing sensation  that stopped almost as quickly as it started , he felt his wings snake back into his frame. Woah, did that...Did that just happen? They listened to Cas, but not him?  Shaken and dazed,Dean pulled his shirt over his head with a slow nod and followed Cas into the corridor.
"What's wrong?" Castiel frowned, walking alongside Dean. So close, he was so close.
"Nothing." Dean laughed, trying to play off the whole show.
"I know you're lying." Castiel accused, and Dean sighed, "You don't have to lie to me."
'Yeah, I do.' Dean felt like saying but buried it instead.
"I should get to class, I'll uh...I'll text you." Dean changed the topic, slipping back into class in time to hear another one of Mr.Crowley's lectures. Inside the class, it was like nothing had ever happened, but he didn't know how to handle Cas. He needed an excuse, some sort of excuse for acting like a full blown weirdo. God, what if he didn't want to hang out anymore? Dean closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Could he tell him?

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