Do I Wanna Know?

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I don't know what it was
Or if it was
Only that something was.

Your whisper up my spine
Your hand in mine
Resting on my shoulder

Held the warmth of last July.

I wasn't sure if I loved more
Than I said
But I saw the old pictures by my bed
And I know my eyes have never been
softer than they were then

< Ty guys so so much for your patience and support <3  This chapter's moreso building up into the next one which I'm super excited for c:>

Dean hadn't seen Cole since the encounter at Harvelle's, and though liberating, he hadn't seen Castiel since then either. It felt like he was slipping away from him, and he couldn't do anything about it. Sometimes he'd pick up his phone to send a text, but his fingers would falter. He knew there wasn't anything stopping him now, but part of him told him it was better like this. Valentine's day was hugging the corner, he could hear it foretold in murmurs and giggles, and the way everyone's eyes seemed to glow like street lamps on a foggy night. He'd set up Charlie's friend, Alice, with a charming gamer. He'd been looking out for them the past couple days, they always seemed to be holding hands. It was kind of the most adorable thing ever.

"Dean?" Charlie whispered sharply, leaning over.
"That's my name." Dean answered with a soft smile, and Charlie's eyes darted towards his phone on the desk.
"You're acting weird again. Like really weird. Is there something on your phone? You keep staring at it." Charlie observed, scrunching her face in confusion.
"God, I hate that." Dean chuckled from deep in his chest.
"What?" Charlie asked, aloof.
"How you see into my soul, it's freaky." He explained, through a deadpan expression, "I was thinking of texting Cas but I dunno." He expelled a breath, rotating his phone in his hands.
"So? Why wouldn't you? Didn't he have a date? Ask him how it went." He'd already contemplated it , but he hadn't really cared to ask.
"I'd rather not." Dean responded stiffly.
"Oh my god, I've got the perfect idea!" She beamed , twiddling a pencil between her nimble fingers.
"We're going shopping, if he wants to be prepared for the final boss fight, he needs a makeover." Charlie grinned ecstatically, flicking her hair as she turned to face Dean.
"I'm not sure he's a 'makeover' kinda guy." Dean arched an eyebrow, though he couldn't help but be amused by Charlie's excitement.
"He doesn't have a choice," She told him with a malicious glint that seemed to darken her forest green eyes. "Besides, what kind of friends are we if we let him go in that dirty old trench coat?"
"It's not dirty." Dean retorted defensively.
"Whatever, this is happening. Tonight. So get Count Clueless in, stat. We'll go to that old thrift store. Usually go there for cosplay, but I guess casplay could work too."
"Casplay?" Dean snorted in place of a laugh, "You're so bossy."
"How else is a queen supposed to rule? Pretty pretty please? Don't think so." She smiled, twirling a lock of red singed hair and tapping her fingers expectantly.
"Alright, okay. We'll be there." Dean relented, holding his hands up in the air.
"Better be, 5:00." Charlie ordered, turning back to her work. When class was over, Dean decided to head directly to Cas's locker. He was nowhere in sight, but there was a face Dean recognized, Samandriel. He was friendly enough.
"Hey,man." Dean smirked coolly, adjusting himself against the locker and crossing his legs.
"Oh, hi again." Samandriel nodded, "Looking for Cas?" He grinned.
"Uh...Well actually I'm...Yeah." Dean chuckled, averting his eyes and focusing instead on a flyer posted on a classroom door. It had a drawing of the earth, though it was barely recognizable except for the blues and greens, like it had been drawn by a child.
"He should be here soon." Samandriel commented, sliding his laptop into a bag and heading off.
"See ya."
"Yup." Dean responded with a nod. He waited for a couple more minutes, tapping his foot. What was taking him so long? Was he coming? He straightened his back with a sigh.
"Are you humming Metallica?"
Dean let out some muddled sound equivalent to a "hm?" when he noticed Cas. He was wearing his too tight, white, collared shirt and a tie, and it felt like he was bare compared to the heavy coat.
"Yeah, guess I am." Dean chuckled, "Don't judge me."
"You know I wouldn't. I always enjoy our talks." Cas smiled, and Dean's chest melted.
"Right...Alright. Here's the deal. Charlie wants us at the Thrift Store off Gerard street. She's got her mind made up, and when she's like that it's best to just do whatever she wants."
"How come?" Castiel asked, brushing arms with Dean as he approached his locker.
"It'll make you even more of a babe magnet. Plus, Charlie has a thing for dressing people up.And it's all on us." Dean half smiled as Cas fumbled with the lock. It opened with a soft click.
"You shouldn't spend your money on me." Castiel pouted, throwing his books in his bag and sliding on his trench coat. Dean smirked a little, it was kinda badass, he understood its charm.
"Oh, come on. It's no big deal. It'll be fun." Dean insisted, closing Cas's locker with a hand. Cas began to walk away, and Dean followed beside him persistently.
"C'mon man. For me? She was so excited. Plus I'm scared of what she'll do to me if you don't."
Castiel sighed before shrugging and nodding.
"Well, if you say so...I'd like that."
"Great." Dean grinned, tilting his head down and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Wanna fetch Baby and head off then?"
Castiel nodded again, but this time he smiled widely.
There were fewer students in the halls now, and Dean felt like they were staring, but passed it off his imagination. Most of the faces he recognized, and he was thankful none of them belonged to the lady he'd bumped into, or Cole, even if they had come to some sort of agreement.
"So...How was the date?" Dean almost felt weird asking about it, but it was the polite thing to do , and he wasn't sure how to fill the silence today.
"Pleasant for the most part. Though her odour was overly sweet and flowery." Dean leaned over and sniffed Castiel without a second thought, and he turned to meet him, nose to nose. He jumped back in a maddened panic, red crawling up his ears as he put distance between them.
"Sorry, I don't know why I did that." He chuckled nervously, "I guess I wanted to see if she got any on you or-I dunno, forget it."
"Did she?" Castiel pondered, and Dean shook his head.
"No, but I do smell watermelon."
They only realized the ridiculousness of their conversation when their eyes met, and they broke into laughter.
"That's a relief." Castiel breathed, catching his breath.
"What were you up to? At Harvelle's?"
Dean ducked his head with a hearty laugh, it was too exaggerated.
"Meet someone?"
"No." Dean tightened his lips into a smile, "Just the usual." He shrugged, he didn't feel the need to burden Cas with the story. Castiel nodded hesitantly, but didn't seem convinced. He let it slide anyway.
"It's been...Awhile." He murmured finally, as the thin blanket of snow crunched under his feet.
"Yeah." Dean agreed softly, fading into the silence. The rest of the walk was rather quiet, and Dean was lost in his surroundings, noticing with awe the under appreciated beauty of the streets. The snow was so white it nearly hurt his eyes, and the sky was plastered with hundreds of snowflakes, each with their own intricate pattern and dance. Some of which were caught in Cas's hair, sticking out against the dark strands, and the rest crumpled to the ground like quartz towers . Sure, the trees were dead, and the grass-wherever it was- was surely drained of colour , but there was something about it. He'd felt this before, maybe it was on the car ride or maybe... He looked over to Cas, whose warmth seemed to cut through the cold.
"What is it?" Dean asked, kicking a mound of snow.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable..." Castiel began, in a voice criminally soft.
"See here's the issue. Me and uncomfortable? Those words don't mix." Dean tightened his lips in affirmation.
"Forget it." Castiel answered, staring the other way and squinting his eyes.
"It's really nice out, don't you think?" He asked.
Changing the subject? Smooth Dean thought with a chuckle, but let it go anyway.
"Yeah, it's alright." Dean smirked, enjoying the pale grey blue sky. He was aware of the cold too, but it didn't bother him. He figured Cas was a lot colder in his trench coat, and he felt the urge to pull him closer like he did when Sam was younger, before he realized what he was doing and stopped himself. The car ride was shorter, but a little more lively. Dust in the Wind was playing, and Dean turned to Cas with a hopeful smile.
"Who's this?"
Dean caught his eyes flicker to the stereo for answers, and covered his vision with a hand.
"Hey! No cheating."
Castiel closed his eyes, and Dean placed his hand back on the steering wheel.
"Come on, Cas. If you can't get this, it's a failure on my part."
Castiel's brow furrowed in concentration and Dean glanced from him to the road.
"Guns N' Roses?" Castiel guessed, it was more of a question than an answer.
"Nope. You've got it in you, I know it. Listen." Dean insisted, singing the lyrics in a quieter, minor key.
"I close my eyes. Only for a moment and the moment's gone. All my dreams, pass before my eyes, a curiosity. Dust in the wind, all they are is dust in the wind."
"I um...Is it Kansas?" Castiel asked.
"Yeah! Nice!" Dean grinned with too much excitement, patting him twice on the shoulder.
When they arrived, Charlie was paying for something at the checkout. They found themselves sieving through clothing racks while they waited. Castiel pulled out some sort of disco suit, and handled it with a puzzled expression.
"I think that's the one." Dean snorted.
"You like it? I thought it might be too shiny." Castiel thought, running a hand over the sequins.
"I was being sarcastic. Ditch the sequins, they're babe killers."
Castiel nodded, putting it back in the rack and venturing further down the isle. Dean searched through it himself, there was a Hawaiian looking shirt, some plaid, and some brand names. None of which caught his eye.
"Dean?" Castiel addressed, and he turned over to see him holding up a black Metallica shirt.
"Nothing else matters." Cas added with a small, proud smile.
"Did you just do what I think you did?" Dean raised his eyebrows with a grin, and then his eyes slid back to Cas, who was holding the shirt right in front of him, so it looked like he was wearing it. Would he wear that kind of thing?
"Crap." Dean hissed, flicking his head in a rapid motion and smacking it off the rack,
"Are you okay?" Castiel pouted, approaching Dean who waved him off.
"Yeah." Dean chuckled, mortified.
"Hey, I think I found something." Dean thought, pulling out a red flannel.
"Seriously, Dean? I leave you boys alone for how long? Step away from the cheap flannel and Metallica." Charlie raised her brows and Dean frowned, hanging the flannel back on the rack.
"Oh, right. Hey bitches." Charlie tilted her head, accompanied by a grin and a peace sign which Castiel mirrored.
"What's in the bag?" Dean asked, squinting his eyes and hinting to the plastic bag in her grip.
"Comics, mainly. Some manga, even managed to get some-Oh! Right, I already picked out a couple things for Cas, over there." She motioned to a small stack of clothes, "Could use a vest or jacket though...And maybe some new pants or a tie. Follow me."
Dean glanced from Charlie back to Cas and then shrugged as she led them. The amount of clothes and fabrics was overwhelming, and Dean wasn't sure where to start. He noted a posed mannequin in a velvet dress, and a stack of hats and canes. There were other things too, mostly children's toys , footwear, books, and some records that Dean was more than eager to check out.
"I never understood how these work." Castiel frowned, and Dean did a double take at the sight. He was holding a large, lacy pink bra , and Dean whacked it out of his hands with a cat like reflex.
"What the hell?" Dean breathed, the edges of his voice shook with what almost sounded like laughter.
"What?" Castiel asked obliviously , glancing back towards where Dean had tossed it.
"That's just-Don't do that like ever. Where'd you even get that?" Dean whispered sharply.
"Hey! What about these?" Charlie held up a pair of shiny leather pants, and Dean was glad for the change in subject. He looked at Cas for a reaction.
"They look confining, but I'll try them if you think they'll look good." Cas responded, indifferently.
"Sweet! Lets keep looking." Charlie exclaimed, still tearing through the racks with a passion, and Dean wandered off to the next aisle. It was mostly tee shirts, and his nose scrunched up in disgust at some of them.
"Man, these people. Where's their sense of style?" He mumbled to himself, staring at a mustard yellow turtleneck with an elephant design that seemed to be clinging to the fabric with a solo thread.
"Find anything?" Charlie called from the other aisle.
"Aside from lace and bad fashion sense? Nada." Dean frowned at a frilly shirt.
"I got this." Castiel held up a grey V neck shirt in the other isle, and Dean glanced over his shoulder at it.
"Not bad!" Charlie smiled, raising her hands, "Toss it." Castiel tossed the shirt to Charlie who caught it, and Dean continued his search. He slid past a couple more shirts before his eyes met with a stylish black jacket.
"Woah. Look at you." Dean grinned wolfishly , licking his lips and taking it off of the rack.
"How's this, Cas?"
"Are you sure it suits him? I was thinking more of a vest or something." Charlie questioned forcing her mouth to the side.
"I like it." Castiel grinned, and Dean felt himself smiling too, before shooting a smug look at Charlie.
"Mkay, fine. We can try bad boy. Might work well with the pants." She shrugged, and Dean headed back over to join them.
"How about some jewelry? Just a little." She suggested, gazing over towards a glass case with various necklaces. It was way too cluttered.
"I saw a pretty cool cross, and there's chains n' stuff." Dean shrugged.
"Got it. You guys grab a change-room, I'll be back. Whatever you do, don't ruin the look." She commented before bounding off contently.
Dean gathered the clothes Charlie had picked out earlier. A couple of shirts, some long sleeved, some short. He liked the navy one with white dots the best. Then, they got a change room and Dean instructed him to try on the shirts Charlie had picked first. She was back in time to see the first, and Dean looked thoughtfully. It was a dark grey tee with some futuristic looking lines that hugged his torso. However, it was still baggy-Too baggy-, and he didn't think it was fancy enough.
"Its a no for me." Dean's eyes hardened, as Castiel twiddled with the fabric, he was clearly uncomfortable in it. Charlie nodded in agreement, and Castiel shut the door again. The next one was practically a muscle shirt, rather it was supposed to be or not. He avoided staring at his arms, and instead turned his attention to Charlie.
"This is your idea of semi formal?"
"I dunno, thought it might be good for day to day." She shrugged, and Cas raised a brow.
"It's nice-Don't get me wrong. But I don't think it suits you, y'know?" Dean tried to explain, and Cas agreed without hesitation, disappearing again. There were a couple more suited candidates after that, a red embroidered dress shirt, a light blue collared tee,. Charlie grabbed a worn but stylish brown leather coat from the used rack , adding it to the queue. It was taking awhile for Cas to change this time.
"Cas? You good?" Dean called out.
He didn't answer for a moment before opening the door and stepping out timidly.
"I um. Here it is." He laughed, tightening his lips and spreading out his arms awkwardly. Dean stared off for a moment, with a lopsided grin as he twisted his palms in his lap. He was wearing the studded leather jacket he'd picked out, the tight, shiny pants Charlie chose, the low cut tee that showed off a small section of his bare chest, and the cross necklace. However, he'd decided against the chains. It was definitely a different look, but there was no denying that it was tailored to him. It even seemed to catch glances from some strangers.
"Why's everyone looking at me?" Castiel frowned, dropping his hands to his side. "Is it that bad?"
"No!!!" Dean nearly shouted, glancing over at Charlie who was looking at him strangely, but seemed excited. "You look...Damn, you're a badass! Don't you think Charlie!?"
"Straight out of Shadowhunters." She added, and though neither of them understood the reference, they felt themselves grinning too. Cas was still studying Dean when he looked back.
"Now try on the other jacket I gave you with the black shirt. Don't think anything can top that, but you might as well." She instructed, and Cas nodded with a smile.
When the door was shut, Charlie turned to Dean, voice hushed to a sharp whisper.
"What was that!?" She grabbed onto his shoulders, shaking him with a crazed expression.
"Huh?" Dean managed.
"You know what I mean, that!" Charlie gestured at seemingly nothing, and Dean
squinted his eyes, giving her her a confused look.
"You two are so madly in love it physically hurts me."
"What!?" Dean gaped overly loudly, taken aback, "No!?I'm not, he's not, we're not..."
"Then what's with the staring? You literally just eye 'effed each other into next year, and you both talk to each other like you've been married for the past 20. I'm not seeing things."
Dean stared at the ground, trying to control his flushing face and biting into his tongue. Why'd she even think that?
"We're just friends, Charlie. The whole reason we're here is to dress him up for his Valentine's date." Dean clarified, trying to let it sink in.
"I don't know, "just friends" take their eyes off each other now and then, and they don't look at each other like that!" Charlie gestured again towards the door, and Dean urged her hands down.
"Shut up." His blush had worsened, and he was trying his best to clear his mind and focus on something-anything-else.
"Well then, who are you going with?" She pressed relentlessly , readjusting so she was sitting on her feet in an uncomfortable twist.
"I'm not going." Dean put plainly, still trying to shake off the heat trapped in his cheeks.
"What!?" Charlie gasped, "That's so not allowed. Do you not have anyone to go with?"
"No, no. I've got some," He assured with a grin that was cockier than his words, "I could ask Pamela. Or Lisa" He pursed his lips in thought, staring off at a four year old and her mother who was trying to get her to let go of the dress. The slide of the door broke his train of thought, and he turned to find Castiel in the brown leather. It was nice-really nice, but they all decided on the black one, and Cas returned with a bundle of clothes.

"I realized, I forgot to try this one." Cas stated, gesturing at the navy shirt in the stack.
"Wait, that's perfect! Dean can try it on so he has something to wear." Charlie announced, taking the shirt from Cas and offering it to Dean.
"I'm not going." Dean reiterated uneasily , and Charlie shook her head.
"You're such a bad friend, you can't just leave him! You want him to come, don't you Cas?"
Cas stared off, as if he hadn't heard it, but his flustered expression suggested the opposite.
"Cas?" Dean asked.
"If you don't want to, you don't have to...I'm sure one of my brothers or sisters would-" He stammered like when they first met.
"No,no. I mean, Is it fine with you?" Dean clarified carefully.
"Of course, Dean, why wouldn't it be?" Castiel cocked his head to the side before handing Dean the shirt.
"Now get in there already." Charlie clapped her hands together with a smile. Dean rushed, throwing the shirt over his chest and taking a moment in the mirror. He looked...Surprisingly good. It wasn't as stylish as Cas's, but it fit like it was made for him and the others seemed to agree.

"Wait, Dean." Cas frowned, glancing behind him at the shop. "What about you? Didn't you want to check out the records?"
He squinted in confusion, he hadn't mentioned it, had he?
"How'd you know?" He questioned.
"I noticed you staring at them." Cas clarified, staring right into his eyes, which sent a chill rocketing down his spine and he shifted in discomfort. Charlie's words rung in the back of his head, but so what? Yeah, Cas looked him in the eye lots, but that was just Cas. He didn't seem to be shy about that kind of thing, nor was there reason to be.
"Oh." Dean laughed , "Nah, I'm good. Besides, all I can smell is dust and old people."
"You think you're funny, don'tcha?" Charlie teased,
"I think I'm adorable." Dean's grin widened when he heard Cas chuckle.
"See? Cas thinks I'm hilarious."
"I don't believe I said that." Cas put a finger to his lip thoughtfully, and Dean turned his attention to him.
"Betrayed, by my best friends." Dean sighed melodramatically, hardening his gaze.
"Hurry up and get over it, 'cause we've gotta buy this stuff. We're doing god's work here."
"Literally." Dean mumbled to himself with a chuckle as they neared the register.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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