Chapter Sixteen

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April 18, 2017
"I'll come to get you soon, love you."

I squat so I can be eye to eye with him. I straighten his hoodie and fix his jeans at the bottom.

Swaggo muffin.

"Cool my dude?" I ask.

He looks at me then fixes his eyes on the floor. I playfully punch his chin and he looks at me.

"Cooel," he drags out and pouts.

"Hey, It's not gonna be bad," I try.

He shakes his head.

"I have to work I'll be back," I try.

"Take me," he says and opens his arms out.

Don't make me even more sad.

It breaks my heart.

I honestly feel a way about leaving him here, but it's about time. He'll be going to pre-k in the fall so he needs to get used to it.

I feel so horrible.

"I can't. Come on be a big boy for me. You're daddy's warrior," I run my hands through his hair.

"Wa-why can't Silas get me?" He struggles.

His dark eyes seem to darken.

"She's busy," I stand and scoop him up.

"Come on king. You got this. I packed you a Nutella sandwich."

He lays his head on my shoulder and starts humming our song. It makes me wanna just run outa here with him and call out of work.

But I can't.

The door opens and Mrs. Quinn comes out. I give her a smile and point at his back.

"It happens," she mouths, understanding what's going on before I even tell her.

I like her and I've grown to trust her. She used to teach at my school.

"Hey, look," I pat Moses's back.

He turns to her.

"Hi, you must be Moses," she smiles.

He nods his head.

"Well your dad told me a lot about you," she says.

I tickle him and he laughs. I put him down and hand Mrs. Quinn his lunch box.

"My name is Mrs. Quinn," she introduces herself to him.

Moses sticks his hand out to her and she starts laughing. She reaches down and he gives her a firm handshake.

I swear he's a little old man.

"Mo-ses," he nods.

Before she can say anything Moses gasps and turns to me.

"They have blocks," he says with his eyebrows raised.

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