Their arrival

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Not a day goes by, when Shiro doesn't think about the twins. Such an idiot. The intimidating, powerful exorcist was to afraid to take care of the two children a dear friend left behind but will happily destroy level 8 demons. Not a day goes by when he does not regret making that stupid deal.

In exchange for my children I promise you I do no harm. They will not suffer any pain from me, and I shall honor your dear friend my love. I promise to give them the proper life they deserve. Do we have a deal?

For 16 years he thought of what went wrong. What would've happened if he said no to that stupid deal. He could've watched two children grow up, play in the snow, teach them how to tie their tie, carry them home after a long day of school, to prove that his friend wasn't crazy. But he didn't.

One day....

"Shiro, we have a problem. There's two demons playing on a playground." A exorcist said, Shiro sighed and said, "then take care of it." The exorcist gulped and said "the demon children who are playing are engulfed in flames. The flames of Satan." At this, Shiro immediately stood up and sprinted towards the playground. Surrounding them was every exorcist the Vatican had and some of the Exwires, standing next to Mephisto.

"Now, my favorite students! Meet your new friends!" Mephisto yelled, gesturing to the flaming twins. Yukio, the one with brown hair, was spinning his brother around and around on this wheel. Rin, the one with jet blue hair, tried to throw a punch towards his brother with every turn. Their laughter was contagious. This moment would've been adorable if the two weren't on fire.

"Rin and Yukio okumura." Shiro said, the twins froze and turned towards the man. Eyes as bright as stars and yet a gaze so cold they could freeze Hell.

"Well well look at our audience." The twins were perfectly in sync, from movement to choice of words. "We were starting to think there was no one to kill, for you see, Ghenna is always looking for new residents." The playground behind them started to melt, for the were cursed with one of their fathers traits. Touch anything from the human world and it shall turn to ash.

"I don't understand, they were so happy and smiley a few minutes ago. Now I think I might have nightmares." A girl with blonde hair, shiemi, said.

As the twins walked forward the flames spread, burning the exorcist who couldn't escape the flames. Those who remained started to shoot, only to watch the bullets go through and the bodies heal with no scar left behind.

"We were hoping for a challenge, guess we have to wait for a worthy opponent." Mephisto stepped in and put his arms around the two twins. "Well well how are the youngest brothers in the family?" Mephisto asked, "we don't know, how's the disappointment of the family?" They asked, causing Mephisto to pout. "Father sent you here to learn the way of the mortals, their magic, beliefs, and methods. We all know he wouldn't send you here for fun." The twins unconsciously touched the robotic replacement on their body and said "that is not the only reason we are here. But sure, let's start with that." Mephisto walked the twins over to the exwires, who were all holding their breath. "Rin, Yukio these are the exwires. Your new friends." Shiemi hesitantly held her hand out. With a smirk Rin tried to reach for her hand before Mephisto grabbed rin's wrist. "I advise you all not to touch their skin, unless you want your body to burn and your souls banished to hell." Shiemi immediately pulled her hand away, fear went across her face as she saw the twins devilish grins.

"And this is shiro, he is in charge of you two. Don't stress him out, he has a long history with your mother." The twins looked at each other then at shiro. "What kind of stupid asshole do you have to be to try to take care of us? Must've been a good friend ship, to bad you couldn't keep her alive, plus thousands of others."

The two giggled in a mischievous yet cute way before disappearing into a pile of ash.

"Not how I planned our meeting to go." Shirt said with disappointment.

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