Ghenna's way

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( I need to make this very clear, i love you all but i have many pet peeves. I believe the reason why someone writes is to show others what goes on in their minds hopefully finding someone who will like or relate to the writing. Of course i will consider request, you would not believe how much i love comments...but i have limits. You can make request but please dont be specific. For example:
Can so and so do this and this and and so on? Can you make so and so do (UNHOLY WORDS, GET SOME INNOCENCE), or me least favorite is twincest. I respect if you ship it its just wont be apart of the story. I hope this makes sense but, YOU CAN make a simple request, similar to an idea. YOU CANNOT ask for specific things that come straight from your mind, that is YOUR story. Thank you for reading and i love you all :) ))

    Shiro was called into Mephisto's office along with the other exwires. Everyone knows that anything can happen in there, even if it has nothing to do with anything. "I've gathered you all here today for a change in your education. As we all know, demons have their own thoughts and lives and other things. So for today, exwires, the twins will be your teacher while Shiro supervises. Any concerns?" After Mephisto explained the schedule of the day every exwires except shiemi and shima were panicking. Shiro texted Shura that he was busy today and he needed her to take over a small little job. Most of the exwires were paranoid walking to the classroom, especially with some lady barely wearing clothes and has a sword resting on her shoulder. When they walking into the classroom they saw Rin sitting on top of Yukio repeatedly punching him in the face.

    "What the hell are you doing?" Shura asked, aiming her sword towards the twins. Rin spoke up and said "we're trying to see which would break first, his face or my hand. Y'know, for science." Yukio looked at them with his healing, bloody face and said "It took 4,836 punches to really break Rin's face. It took him like an hour to heal his face." "Yeah but its taking longer to break Yukio's face or my hand." "Maybe because im stronger." "Maybe it's because your face is so damn ugly my beautiful hand is deflecting it." The twins stood up and went to the board, in unison the twins said "okay students and the bitch in the corner, time for class, so sit down and get whatever you need to stay awake." Yukio pointed to a tray and said "we heard most humans are really sleepy so we made some drinks." Rin then pointed to the empty cans and coffee bag and said "we wanted to make sure you were awake so we got this thing called coffee it that helps you stay awake in the morning and this energy drink that helps you stay awake in the afternoon. So we boiled the energy drink and dripped coffee in it." The twins smiled like they just got a star sticker on a drawing when they were little. Half of the exwires said "this is Red Bull" and the other half asked "you boiled Red Bull and made coffee with it?"

    The exwires politely passed on the highly caffeinated drink and sat down in their seats. "Okay class today we are going to talk about Gehenna. What is it you ask? Glenna has no real definition, for it is a figment of your greatest fears, angers, and triggers brought into reality for eternity." Yukio explained as Rin wrote on the board the "notes" the "students" were supposed to take. For around thirty minutes the twins quickly and efficiently explained Gehenna, the myths or confusions were answered in a surprisingly easy way. Everything was normal...until Rin decided to flip a table and yell "field trip" and then gesturing to the gate ALREADY OPENED in the floor. This entire time their has been a portal to hell under a plastic table. "Okay everyone please keep your hands, arms, feet, tails, and horns inside the portal. When we close it there will be a force strong enough to cut all of those off so unless you can grow those back i highly suggest you don't do that. "

No one really moved or said anything, they just stared at the portal like they weren't even surprised anymore. Surge stood up and said "oh what the hell" and walked into the portal. The others rolled their eyes and walked in except Shima and shiemi. Shura walked in the portal with shiemi, easing her nerves the best she can. Shima stayed with the twins, that way they could walk in together.

"So have you two ever watched a movie? We should go see one sometime." Shima said.

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