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The next day the expires were summoned to watch the twins in training, to analyze their movements and spells. Shiro was invited to watch, Mephisto said that "it will help you see that you made the right choice, to see how strong they have become." When the expires and Shiro arrived Rin and Yukio were facing each other while standing in the middle of a satanic star. "My dearest little brothers," Mephisto said with pride dripping from his voice, "I have gathered you here today to show these mortals how we fight down in the underworld." Rin rolled his eyes and said " Being related to you is an insult." Yukio grinned in agreeable with his brother and said "what do you know about the underworld? You look like you were raised by fairies." Mephisto growled in annoyance and said "let's just get on with the fight. I had shiro draw this spell on the floor, that way if your fight gets out of hand, anyone outside this circle will not be affected in any way. The rules are simple, you are not here to show off you are here to fight and practice."

Rinn and Yukio charge at each other, their flames darker than before. Shiro was brought to the fight to see how the twins have grown, he was hoping to see how they've grown together, as a family. Instead he saw Rin and Yukio fighting, like they would not be able to see tomorrow if they didn't win. They broke each other's bones and hissed as it fixed itself, he saw them ripping each other's skin with their nails and their teeth,  the hate in their eyes could almost make you forget that they are just children. Almost. For when Shiro looked closer he saw fear, he saw their hands shake before they hurt the other, and only the trained eyes could see their hesitation. In the end it was Yukio who won the fight, ripping out Rin's eyes. Rin laid on the floor with his hands covering where his eyes used to be, Yukio gently picked up his brother and gently helped him attach his eyes again.  "How is he able to do that? He's like a zombie." Bon said, looking at mephisto. "Why don't you ask them yourself? They are your future friends after all" Mephisto then turned into a dog and trotted away.  Bon walked up to the twins, hiding his fear. "How are you able to break each other's bones and rip each other apart and walk away like it was shit and giggles?" Bon asked, Rin looked up at him slowly adjusting his eyes. "Holy shit you're ugly, and i thought it was because my eyes were ripped from my skull." Rin chuckled as Bon rolled his eyes. When he processed the question his smile faded. "That is none of your business, unless you want to see for yourself." Rin slowly brought his flaming hand to Bon, only to have it pulled away by shiro. "Now, now, we aren't practicing spells on students."

Shiemi wasn't allowed to watch the twins perform their curses, Shiro made that decision when he heard that one of the twins favorites was called "the curse of hunger for crawling things." So the twins were presented with two criminals, both who were given the punishment of death. The priests have already blessed the prisoners and were asked to leave the grounds. Yukio went first, the curse of hunger for crawling things have always been his favorite. Yukio chanted some words in Latin, the flames on his hands turned black instead of blue. The touch of his finger on the prisoners skin spread. The black flames on his hand soon spreading inside the body. The prisoner choked, the started breaking his hands on the rock below him. His hands were a bloody, broken mess until he found the earth. He reached deep into the soil and started eating the maggots and rats he found below. Each crunch and gulp made everyone present shiver.

As the prisoner enjoyed his meal it was Rins turn. His favorite spell was the curse of disgust. Unlike Yukio this curse doesn't really involve anything gross. This spell cause the victim to feel disgusted f their skin, doing whatever they can to get rid of it. Rin grabbed the prisoner's neck and set it to flames. The prisoner started to scratch at their skin, ripping it off piece by piece and biting off their fingers and toes. Soon they became nothing but a pile of blood, skin and bones. The prisoner who fell victim to Yukio's spell then exploded, the maggots and rats still gnawing at the now exposed organs. The expires started to puke, running to the nearest grassy area and started to unravel their insides, those who had an iron stomach were wiping off the blood splattered onto them.

The exwires were walking back to their classroom, for the rest of the week they were granted time to rest and recover. When they arrived to the classroom the twins were already there, looking innocent in the onesies Shiro provided. the twins looked to each other and started signaling to each other. "Sign language" Izumo whispered. Rin slowly walked up to the exwires.  "My brother and i would like to apologize for our...harsh actions. Back home we've never had to make friends before, it was just us. But now that we're here we thought it would be nice to have a friend." Rin looked back to his brother and gestured towards the others. "We found a bunch of blankets and some games. We were wondering if we can bond over these?" Yukio shyly asked. Bon picked up one of the blankets and examined it, "these are the blankets they use to cover people in the morgue." Rin retreated back to his brother and held his hand. "I told you those people weren't sleeping." "How was i supposed to know I've never seen someone sleep before." The twins slowly retreated to the shadows behind them, but Shima reached out to them. "I would love to play games with you. Have you ever played chess?'" Shima sat on the mat and pulled out the board game. The twins sat down in front of him and watched him. "So this is the queen uh...demon and this is the king demon. Then there's knights and smaller demons..." As the exwires watched shims explain chess in a demonic way, they joined, making it a small chess tournament.

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