Show them love

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    When the exwires and shura arrived they saw darkness with grey shadows moving around and that the twins were tightly holding hands with a fake smile plastered. "What's going on? Why don't we see anything horrifying?" Surge asked, Rin and Yukio then answered with "You are all alive, you are here in body and spirit, not just spirit. Only those who have died and been sent to hell can see what they identify as terrifying. Besides, none of you can really see hell, for it differs for everyone based on their worries and fears. For example, one can be struck being tortured for eternity or living in an endless loop of the worst day of their life for eternity." Two of the grey (gray???) shadows then went up to the twins and dragged them away. The exwires noticed that a spell was put on them when they entered the portal, making sure that no demon or evil spirit would be able to sense or see that they were there. They followed the twins to a chamber, filled with tubes and needles, containers filled with a silver liquid.

    The twins were soon brought to their knees and chained, tubes going into their necks and arms. One spirit entered the room glowing blue, everyone held their breath knowing who that was. Soon there was a small and dark whisper, "I am doing this out of love. You should've know this would happen when you helped Amaimon escape his room." When the blue light disappeared the silver liquid started to enter the twins body, causing them to start seizing and screaming. The exwires started to back away before they received a vision along with Shura. There was a field of flowers on both sides of the bridge that they appeared to be standing on. Below them was a river filled with colorful fishes and sunlight reflecting on it. Suddenly the twins appeared in front of them, smiling in their best clothing. Together they said "find our room, gather the books, carry the bags, find the moss." Still confused on their surroundings they didn't understand what the twins were trying to say. "What are you talking about?" Shura asked, slowly pulling out her sword. "It burns." the twins said, Shura took a step forward and asked "what? What's wrong?" The twins screeched and said "IT BURNS" much louder. The illusion around them started to fall away into ash, when the illusion faded they saw the twins screaming against the gains with steam emitting from their bodies. Shura suddenly gasped, causing the exwires to give her their full attention.

    "what's wrong? What's happening?" Izumo asked, Shura pointed to the tubes of silver liquid with her sword. "Mercury." She said, Izumo raised her eyebrow (a.k.a commas) and said "yeah? So what?" Shura then said "Long ago in ancient Egypt the people discovered that mercury has the power to control and burn away evil spirits. That knowledge was once lost when the temple holding the information collapsed. A few weeks ago archaeologists discovered the lost tapestry and informed one of our priests. These monsters are burning the twins from the inside. We need to find whatever they said and get out of here before things get worse." Every exwires nodded in agreement except Shima, who was watching the twins go through a painful torture. "Yeah...lets go help our friends."

    First was the room, after walking around in the abyss like hell Surgoo found a door similar to the ones created on earth. When they opened the door they found that the room was created out of things only found on earth. "Okay, now the bags and the books." Shiemi and Izumo were packing clothes into bags, Surgo and Shura were putting books they could fit inside the bag, but shima was packing the stuffed penguin and elephant on the beds. "Dude, why are you packing those?" Surgo asked, Shima looked down at the stuffed toys and said "the twins had these for a reason. They obviously are really attached to these little guys so I thought after all they've been through today they should at least have their fluffy companions next to them when the recover." The exwires understood so they nodded. "Now what did they mean when they said moss? There's no plants in here." Izumo said, Shura then said "helping amaimon escape...find the moss...find amaimon! We have to find him!" As they were running out of the room they actually ran into Amaimon. "Amaimon we need your help!" Shura said, holding her sword to his throat. "And why would I help a filthy humans like you. In fact, what is stopping me from removing that spell on you and exposing you to the demon world?" Amaimon replied, using the tip of Shura's sword to open the candy wrapper before putting the candy in his mouth. "If you dont help us, Rin and Yukio will be a victim of mercury for helping you escape." Amaimon swallowed his candy without chewing and nodded.

    Amaimon slowly sneaked up on the guards before using a vine to rip the grey (gray??) shadow's head off. Shura cut off the chains and the tubes, allowing the twins to breath and throw up the mercury that entered their bodies. Shima and Amaimon both put one of the twins on their back, Amaimon then opened a portal and allowed the exwires to escape, shura then allowed shima to pass before she did with amaimon being last so he can close the portal.

    The twins were now in their new room, resting with the stuffed animals Shima saved. "Why would the twins bring you to ghenna?" Shiro asked while looking down upon the twins, disgusted with the idea that they were being injected with mercury. "I believe they knew that if they entered ghenna again that they will surely be captured and wouldn't be able to escape with the mercury in their system. So they brought me and the exwires to retrieve the spell books in their room and to help them escape." Shura said, Shiro then nodded and looked at Kuro who was rubbing against his leg. "Exwires, from now on until the twins recover you will all take hourly shifts looking after the twins. No exceptions, that is an order." Shiro said before walking over to their beds. First he adjusted the blanket over Rin and fixed his hair, then he fixed Yukio's pillow and the stuffed animal that fell off the bed before leaving.

    Before Amiamon left he looked at Rin and said "I will protect you like you protected me," then at Yukio, "I promise."

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