Part 7

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"Should we stop by the kids section first to get you a paci and stuffie?" Lucio asks making my eyes light up. "I'll take that as a yes." We make our way to the kids section and I see a joker and harley quinn paci and immediately grab it. Lucio and I used to be that cheesy joker and harley quinn cute version of the couple, so basically without the violence and name calling. This was long before the suicide squad came out so no it was way before everyone claimed they were. "Still love joker and harley?" I nod my head. "You are so cute." We grab a stuffie then finally head to the family planning section of the store, its weird since it's next to the condoms and pads. We grab a box of tests while Lacey and Ryan grab condoms. We roll our eyes.

"Hey! This will be you one day!" Lacey said. We get close to the checkout lines before we stop.

"I forgot something!" Lucio quickly runs away from us.

"What could he have forgotten?"

"No idea." Next thing we know Lucio is running at us with boxes of apple juice in his hands.

"Almost forgot about my princesses apple juice." We quickly buy everything and all drive to Lucio's place.

"She said she's taking the day off cause the stress from work is bad for the baby." Lucio groans. "So let's just hope another guy isn't over." We enter the house and see Jessica on the couch sipping wine and watching tv. "Really?"

"Oh honey you're home!" She quickly puts the wine down, "I was just drinking cranberry juice." I walk over to her and grab the wine and sniff it.

"Red wine, expensive."

"Look Jessica, I need proof that this child is real. If not we are getting a divorce." Lucio says in a deep voice.

"How dare you think this child isn't real!"

"Look, just take this pregnancy test in front of me and if it's positive I'll apologise." Her eyes widen at the pregnancy tests being pulled out of the bag he was holding.

"Why should I need to take another test!"

"Because there are gag tests that you could've bought." Lacey chimes in.

"Who is this? Your whore?"

"No. These are my friends. They are as sick and tired from you lying to me as I am!"

"Now go in the bathroom and pee on this stick in front of your husband." Ryan says handing her the box of tests. (normally there are 2 in each box) They walk into the bathroom and come out 15 minutes later with Lucio smiling. Everything is silent for a few moments till Ryan breaks it. "So? Cause knowing you you'd be smiling if you were or weren't having a baby."

"We are getting a divorce. Knowing her, I'll send it through the court so she has a time limit to sign." I run and jump into his arms. "As soon as it goes through the system I will be the best daddy you've ever had. I promise." We leave and head towards the courthouse. He fills out paperwork for almost an hour and makes sure everything is correct before he turns it in.

"We should be able to send an officer to give it to her today." The man says. "So she has till the end of the week after next to fill it out and turn it back in."

"Thank you."

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