(2.2) Hacking time!

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"Uuuuggggghhhhh!" Kirasaya groaned loudly as she collapsed into her seat, seemingly exhausted. "I spent hours researching last night, and didn't find anything at all! It's like he doesn't even exist!" Fumei was sitting at her own desk, furiously typing into her beaten-up, old laptop. She seemed laser-focused on what she was doing, but nodded when Kirasaya spoke to indicate she was listening, or at least pretending to.

"At this point I'd probably learn more Interviewing the class!" She put on a serious interviewer voice, and mimed holding a microphone. "Miss Tsuyo, tell us something you know about Nagisa-sensei."

"In his third year of middle-school, he snuck into a party at a bar, dressed like a girl," Fumei said, not looking up. "In his third year of high-school, his class had a pool going to see how many underclass boys they could get to ask him out, and he got pissed when he found out. He had long hair until he went off to college because his mom wouldn't let him cut it, so he looked even more like a girl then." Kirasaya stared at her friend slack-jawed.

"Are you making all that up, or..."

"Nope," Fumei said, then got sidetracked with her computer again. "Oh no you don't you sneaky fucker. Shit, that was clever." Kirasaya looked over her friend's shoulder, but it just looked like a bunch of jumbled up computer nonsense to her. "I can ask Karma for that middle-school photo of Nagisa-sensei in a dress for your project, if you want; it's fucking great. He's the one who told me that stuff, by the way."

"When?" Kirasaya asked, utterly confused.

"When I disappeared for a while," Fumei explained. "Aunt Mae called Nagisa-sensei, and he and Karma helped her look. Karma was the one who finally found me, and brought me down from my panic attack."

"Wait, What?" Kirasaya demanded. "Why didn't you tell me this‽"

"Because I—" Fumei cut herself off when several lines of ampersands showed up on her screen. "Shit. Shit. Shit! Sorry, I can't talk anymore, I really have to focus. Shit!"

When Nagisa walked in, he saw that Kiya had left a post-it on his desk, saying that she had chosen to do her project on a famous mathematician. He marked the name down on his list, and the few other students who hadn't chosen a subject came to him with one as well.

When Asui took her seat, after coming in seven minutes late and claiming she'd barely avoided being attacked by a bear, he began his lesson. It was difficult to teach about the periodic table, however, when Fumei let out a burst of cuss words every few minutes, glaring angrily at her laptop.

"Fucking hell‽ What the fuck is that‽" was the comment that finally made Nagisa snap.

"Fumei, what are you doing‽" he asked angrily. "You're disrupting class, put that away, and pay attention."

"Can't," Fumei said.

"Why not?" Nagisa asked.

"I do, and this fucking mutant-ass firewall will fry my circuits," she responded, her words coming out in a jumble. "Fucking MOD upgraded their web security since last time, the fuckers."

"What are you talking about?"

"I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me," she mumbled, then her face lit up. "YES!" Then it fell. "Oh, FUCK NO! You sneaky bastards."

Nagisa, tired of Fumei's antics, opened Ritsu on his phone. "Ritsu, please scan Fumei's computer and tell me what she's doing."

"Of course, Nagisa," Ritsu replied; a moment passed. "I'm sorry, Fumei-chan has protected her device somehow, this will take me a few more minutes."

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