(4.8) Attempt time!

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Over the next couple of days, Saishuu and Shirota tried as hard as they could to come up with a solution, but the possibilities just became more and more ridiculous the longer they were at it. They went from turn Nagone and his gang in to the police and live alone, which Shirota vetoed since he didn't want to be responsible for sending his brother to jail, and he didn't want anyone gunning for him when they got out; to buy an elephant and use it to trample the hideout so they don't have a meeting place and have to disband.

When the weekend was over, Saishuu decided to approach someone smarter than them about the issue. He caught Fumei at lunch, and let her in on the situation.

"Hey Fumei-kun," he walked over to her desk. "Can I talk to you privately for a minute?"

"Why the hell not?" Fumei replied, and they stepped out to a place where they wouldn't be disturbed. "What's up?"

"It's about Shirota-kun," Saishuu started. "He got pressured into joining his brother's gang, and now his brother wants him to be part of some big project the gang is working on. But see, this gang, they... Shirota-kun said they killed somebody, and he's really freaked out, but he won't turn them in to the police because his brother brainwashed him into being super loyal, and he also doesn't want people like that to have a grudge against him."

"What the fuck do you want me to do about it?" Fumei questioned, crossing her arms. "I warned him that family was bullshit, and he went and made his fucking bed anyway. Now he's gotta lie in it."

"Fumei..." Saishuu knew that she cared, she just wasn't any good at emotions like that. "He's been living with me for the past few days, and he's turned down dozens of calls, and tons of texts from his brother. He's trying to act like everything's fine, but I can tell he's really scared. You're smart, Fumei-kun, and you're a badass, I know you can figure out some sort of solution! We've been trying, but so far... we got nothing."

"What's this gang called?" Fumei asked.

"Um... Midoryu I think..."

"Fuck it." Fumei sighed heavily and walked away. Saishuu hoped that was an I'll work on it and get back to you 'fuck it,' as opposed to a that sounds like a you problem 'fuck it.' But it was hard to tell.

"Hey, uh, Saishuu-kun," Shirota closed the door behind him as he stepped into the other boy's room. "I think I'm gonna head home. Maybe... maybe I can talk some sense into my brother. I can't stay here forever, so I'm gonna have to deal with this sooner or later."

"Screw that, you can stay here as long as you need," Saishuu insisted. "My parents love you, and I'm sure they'd agree. Stay here for a hundred years if you have to, you're my friend, bro, and I want you safe."

"Thanks, but this is something I need to do," Shirota insisted, and turned to leave. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

Shirota pulled out his key when he reached his front door, only to notice that it was already open. He stepped through, and looked around, but he couldn't see anything. He searched the house, and finally figured out what was up when he got to the kitchen.

Fumei was there, and his brother was unconscious on the floor. Nagone was breathing, but clearly he wouldn't be going anywhere. Yukine had no idea how she'd managed to knock him out. Nagone was easily more than twice her size, and an experienced fighter.

She stood over him with a disgusted frown. Her sunglasses sat on the counter, folded neatly, and her eyes mirrored the twilight out the window, and burned with something unmistakably sinister. In her hand was a kitchen knife.

"Fumei! What are you doing‽" Yukine demanded.

"Saishuu asked me to help take care of your family problems," she explained. "I'm helping."

"By what‽ Killing my brother‽" She said nothing, and did nothing, merely standing there in solemn silence. "You can't do this! He's my brother, and he's never done anything but protect me!"

"By inducting you into a violent gang of criminals?" Fumei argued. "As long as he's alive you'll be living under his thumb!"

"What if it was your older brother‽" Yukine tried to reason. "Kosho, right? Could you kill him then? You couldn't, could you?"


"See—" he started to say, but she cut him off, glaring at him so harshly he had to force himself to stand his ground and not shrink away from her gaze.

"You're right, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to, someone else already did," she said sourly.

"What?" His voice was weak.

"My psychotic parents killed him for getting 'F's on his finals," she explained. "Don't you remember? I said I used to have a brother. Just like I used to have parents. I've said it before and I'll say it again; family is bullshit Shirota. They're parasites, and handcuffs, and cement shoes in the ocean. If you don't get rid of them you'll suffer until you die."

"No Fumei!" he insisted. "My family... my brother... he's important to me. And I won't let you kill him! I won't. I'll... I'll... I'll figure something else out. I won't let you do this..." Yukine was on the verge of tears.

Fumei had never seen him like this before. He was always joking around, flirty, cool, collected; he didn't get all emotional like this. He didn't get scared like this. It was so unusual, eerie even, to see this side of him. So stressed out and afraid that he'd break-down right in front of her. She returned the blade to the knife block, and picked up her sunglasses, putting them back on.

"Fine, have it your way," she said, and stepped past him, making sure to bump his shoulder with her own. It was as close as she could get to a hug without feeling awkward; she didn't really know how to do the whole 'physical contact' and/or affection thing. "Let me know if you need help. I'm still your friend, even if I disagree with your life choices. I'll see you in school tomorrow."

Yukine nodded, and as soon as he heard the front door close behind his friend, he fell to his knees, and wept.

[Stan Lee is dead, California's on fire again, my little brother thinks that ketchup is an acceptable substitute for tomato on his BLT! The world is ending! Screw update schedules! *sobs pathetically* I'm sorry!

I've decided that the rest of this arc will be updated whenever I am able to update it. I will try for Fridays, but I won't officially reinstate an update schedule until the next arc. Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!]

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