(3.8) Swimming time!

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"Alright class, now that you've all worked up a sweat," Nagisa announced, clasping his hands together, pleased with the effort his students had given. "How about we do something fun, and relaxing. I hope you all brought your bathing suits like I told you to in the guidebook, because we're going to the mountain's natural swimming hole."

"There's a swimming hole?" Fuyu asked no one in particular.

"Bro, did you even look at the guidebook?" Natsu chided her twin.

"I skimmed it..." he responded.

"Alright, you've got twenty minutes. Dress down, grab your towels and meet back here." Nagisa directed. "Go."

Class five dispersed, going to their tents to dig through their bags for bathing suits they may or may not have remembered to bring. After a few moments, Kurra heard an argument from Nagisa and Karma's tent.

"Hey Karma?" Nagisa inquired. "Did you take my swim trunks out of my bag?"

"Don't worry," Karma replied. "I put a replacement in there for you."

"You mean this?" Nagisa asked, and Kurra had to wonder what 'this' could possibly be, but judging from Nagisa's tone, 'this' was not a good thing.

"Yeah," Karma affirmed. "See, you found it just fine."

"Hey Kurra-kun, what—" Misono started to ask.

"Shhh!" Kurra hissed, cutting him off.

"I can't wear this!" Nagisa shouted indignantly, only adding Misono to the list of students curious about what 'this' was.

"Why not?" Karma questioned.

"It's a bikini!" Nagisa pointed out, uselessly. "It's a tiny, ruffly, white bikini!" Ah. So that was what 'this' was. Well, no one in the slowly amassing crowd of students were disappointed by the revelation, to be sure.

"I don't see the problem," Karma said. By this point even those who weren't standing nearby the adults' tent were listening to the argument.

"You wouldn't," scoffed Nagisa. "I'm not wearing this."

"Why not?" complained Karma.

"What do you mean, 'why not?'" demanded, Nagisa, bordering on enraged. "I'm not wearing the world's skimpiest bikini! Especially not to go swimming with my students!"

"I wouldn't say it was the world's skimpiest," Karma argued. "I think you're exaggerating."

"That's not the point!" Nagisa took a deep breath. "You know what, I jut won't swim. That's fine. Problem solved."

"Oh come on, don't be like that!" Karma whined in a very undistinguished manner.

"Nope! Not happening." Nagisa began unzipping their tent, apparently having made an executive decision that the discussion was over. Karma scrambled out behind the bluenette, realizing too late that his bikini stunt had just lost him an opportunity to see his boyfriend shirtless. Not that those were particularly rare, but still.

"Hey wait!" the taller man urged. He had already changed into his trunks, and several of the girls found themselves either staring, or unable to look. "You don't have to not swim! We can check the shed, maybe there'll be spare swim trunks in there. That's where all the gym stuff got kept, and I don't think we ever got rid of any of it."

Nagisa frowned up at his boyfriend. He had to admit that that wasn't a half-bad idea, not out loud though. With a reluctant nod, Nagisa went to a shed behind the building. He was followed by a handful of students, curious to see what was kept in this mysterious shed.

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