(4.6) Murder time!

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"Gear up, let's go!" Nagone shouted, slamming open the door of his little brother's room and flipping on the light switch without warning.

"Huh? What?" Yukine groaned and pushed himself up. "Go where? What time is it?"

"1:30," Nagone answered.

"What‽" Yukine jumped out of bed and scurried to get dressed. "Why wouldn't you wake me up sooner‽ I'm late for school! It's  after lunch al—" he looked out his window—" it's still dark out... Nagone did you wake me up at 1:30 AM? Why the fuck, Nagone?"

"We're doin' a patrol tonight, and I want you on it," Nagone explained.

"I have school today, I need my sleep,"

"Too bad, you're comin', you need the experience," Nagone ordered, "and don't forget a jacket, it's cold out tonight."

"Your concern is touching," Yukine muttered as his brother left. He threw on a pair of sweatpants and a band t-shirt. He dug through his sock drawer for the gun holster Nagone had gotten him for his eleventh birthday, great role model that guy, it fit him a lot better now than it had when he first got it. He wore it under his leather jacket with his .35 caliber pistol.

Once he'd put on his shoes and slipped his phone in his pocket, he went out to meet his brother at the front of the house.

"Ready Yu?" Yukine nodded. He was not ready, not at all, but he did really want to get it over with. "Let's go then. We're patrolling the east side."

"What do you even do on patrol?" Yukine asked.

"Scare people off, protect our own, and if you see anyone with an Ozoku jacket, beat 'em up," Nagone explained.

"So you just go around beating people up for their fashion choices?" Yukine mumbled tiredly.

"The Ozoku are our rival gang," Nagone explained with a scoff.

"Uh-huh. And our gang is..." the younger brother drawled.

"The Midoryu, you know this Yukine!" Nagone hissed in annoyance. "Now just shut up and come on, we're meeting up with a few of my other guys at the next corner." Yukine did as he was told.

They only waited for a few minutes at the next corner before a girl showed up, dressed entirely in black, from the bandana in her raven hair, to her tactical boots. Despite the cold, she wore a sleeveless shirt that showed off her well-muscled arms, and the tattoo on her left shoulder, they symbol of her gang, a coiled green dragon. Yukine didn't recognize her from his initiation the other day.

"Yu, this is Yonaka, she joined up last year," Nagone introduced.

"Nice to meet you," Yukine said politely, and Yonaka nodded, stony faced.

"She doesn't talk much," Nagone informed him, "but she can be brutal." Yukine had no trouble believing that, though it was a little odd how much it sounded like a compliment when Nagone said it.

"We're just waiting for Hakushaku and Kareo, they should be here soon." Yonaka nodded silently again. Not even a minute later, a lanky man, maybe a year or two older than Nagone sauntered up. He had long hair pulled back in a ponytail, and smiled easily as he approached.

"Hey Kareo, you didn't happen to see Haku-kun on your way over, did you?" Nagone greeted. So this was Kareo... Yukine had fought with him during his inititiation, but hadn't learned his name.

"Nah, But you know him—"

"I'm right here." No one had seen him walk up, but there he was, the same guy who Yukine had defeated with what could easily be defined as sexual harassment.

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