(1.5) Celebrity time!

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"Hey, did you hear?" Fukara told anyone who would listen. "Haruna Mase is in town right now for a red carpet premiere! I wish I could go see her. She's amazing! Did you know she does all her own stunts? She's so cool!"

He was a more heavyset boy with shaggy brown hair and a light sprinkling of freckles on his cheeks, and he was infamous among his classmates for being a film buff and a fanboy. He gushed all morning about how he was Haruna Mase's biggest fan. And complained loudly about how he couldn't meet her because his parents grounded him, and he couldn't sneak out because of his dad's security cameras.

Nagisa couldn't help but smile at his student's enthusiasm, even though the rest of the class found it excessive (despite the fact that, like Fukara, most of them were also excited about the celebrity visitor in town). He knew the actress Haruna Mase best as Kayano Kaede, and was actually pretty good friends with her, but he wasn't going to tell them that.

Nagisa somehow managed to get his students to settle down enough for a lesson. That only lasted until about second period, however, when something . . . unexpected happened.

"And that leaves us with two, plus five times the square root of negative one, plus seven, minus four, which can be simplified to 5i+5." Nagisa was explaining imaginary numbers to to the class. "Now, if you want to get the trigonometric formula of that imaginary number, all you have to do is sub-" he was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in!" he called, without knowing who it was.

To his surprise, in walked a girl with long black hair, stylish clothes, and a distinctly annoyed expression. The class watched the young woman slack-jawed. "Hey Kayano," he greeted, "not to sound rude, but what are you doing here in the middle of a school day?"

"Sorry to interrupt you at work Nagisa," she apologized, not really sounding sorry at all, "but this was my only break today. I'm here to chew you out for not showing at the annual campus clean-up."

"I had to!" Nagisa defended. "I couldn't miss the first day of school. I promise I'll be there next year."

"You promise huh." Kayano looked at him skeptically. "Well, I suppose since it was your first time ditching I'll let it slide, but it'd better not happen again. Got it?" Nagisa nodded with an easy smile.

"Uh, Nagisa-sensei?" Misono interrupted, raising his hand to draw attention. Nagisa nodded for him to continue. "Er . . . how do you know Haruna Mase? And why were we not made aware of this fact sooner?"

"Oh, well . . ." Nagisa was about to say that she was a friend from middle school, but Kayano interrupted him with an answer of her own.

"Nagisa was my first kiss," Kayano said with a cheeky grin. "Off-screen of course. What did Professor Bitch say about it? Fifteen hits on a ten second kiss?"

"Yeah, she really gave me crap for that," Nagisa scratched his cheek sheepishly. "Kept insisting I could've done better. But it did the trick, didn't it? I'm still sorry about that by the way."

"Will you stop apologizing already?" Kayano laughed. "It's been seven years. Besides I really didn't mind, even at the time. In fact, I had the biggest crush on you for quite a while after that."

"Really?" Nagisa hadn't known that.

"You're kidding?" Kayano laughed even harder. "I did a really terrible job of hiding it, too. You must've been denser than Mr. Karasuma not to have noticed."

"Hey, to be fair, my mind was on other things back then!" They both seemed to have forgotten about the class of high-schoolers for a moment until they heard a chair scrape on the floor, and a pair of hands slam down on a desk.

"HOLY CRAP!" Fukara practically screamed. "Haruna Mase is in my classroom, talking about the crush she had on my teacher! Holy shit! This is the greatest moment of my life! Haruna Mase can I get your autograph? A picture maybe? Please? I'm a humongous fan of yours Haruna Mase!"

"Sure. You know, you don't have to use my full name." Kayano said, a bit awkward, but still smiling. "Mase is fine, or even Yukimura if you want. That's my real name." Fukara seemed like he'd forgotten how to breathe.

"Oh no,"  Marihara commented from the back of the class, giggling. "Fuka's having a fangirl attack." As soon as she said it, Fukara began to squeal and rapidly flip to a blank page in his notebook to get the autograph, and then dug his phone out of his pocket.

After that, almost the whole class asked for autographs. Nagisa couldn't help but apologize continuously for the fuss, but Kayano just smiled cheerfully and insisted she was used to it and didn't mind at all. When she was finally finished, and the class had begun to quiet down a bit, she gave Nagisa a quick peck on the cheek before waving goodbye, saying she had an important lunch to get to.

After she left, Nagisa barely managed to calm his students down again. With a tired sigh, he leaned on his desk and asked, "Does anyone remember what we were doing before Kaede's surprise appearance?"

"Two, plus five times the square root of negative one, plus seven, minus four, can be simplified to 5i+5." Katsura said, sounding bored. Katsura had dirty-blonde hair in loose curls, and wore round glasses, and come to think of it, Nagisa remembered that she was one of the few students who hadn't bothered to get Kayano's autograph. "To get the trigonometric formula of that imaginary number, all you have to do is . . ." she trailed off, that being the point where Nagisa had been interrupted.

"Uh, thanks Katsura." Nagisa was quite impressed by her memory. "Do I need to recap for anyone?" Almost every hand shot up, including Katsura's oddly enough, and Nagisa sighed. "Alright then, listen closely." And with that, he began again.

[No changes except some added description for Fuka and Katsura. Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!] 

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