Chapter Thirty-One

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And we're back in the proverbial saddle! A new chapter, specially made for YOU!

... I don't really have anything else to say, and I can't think of a witty comment either.



          The rest of the afternoon was spend in the House of Practitioners, where Terrance first made the healing potion, then went to show off his skills by performing all kinds of unimaginable tasks. June was worried he would attract unwanted attention, but the opposite appeared to be the case; the other alchemists did not like the show-off, and they made an effort to ignore him. Only the Grandmaster, Mr. Michael Feebly, admired Terrance’s handiwork.

           Eventually though, this had to come to an end. As the night grew nearer, they left the guild. Back to the inn, before Marc would get worried something may have happened to them. June was glad to finally breathe some fresh air.

           In the inn, they could not find Marc—apparently, he hadn't come back from the castle yet. Not at all worried, Terrance suggested they'd have dinner and, with the help of a piece of gold, he managed to convince the innkeeper to serve them dinner in the common room instead of having the alchemist return to his private quarters. He grinned when the man brought them a roasted chicken, glancing at June. She tried to ignore the delicious smells and refused to give in to the instinct to lunge for the poultry. She managed to control herself enough to rip a leg off with a soft growl.

           “Told you that eating was fun, didn't I?”

           She blushed, but didn't stop eating. He finally took a leg too, before she would finish the whole chicken without him.

           “It's nice, isn't it? But still, nothing like the taste of raw meat.”

           She made a disgusted face. “Raw meat? No thank you.”

           “Trust me, you may think it's horrible, but...” He shrugged. “Well, you'll experience it sometime in the future I guess. Every werewolf does. Don't let ruin your appetite though.”

           She didn't; without hesitation, she took another part of meat that she quickly wolfed down. She ate and all the while listened to Terrance's chuckling remarks. He motioned the innkeep to get them another chicken—which the man quickly brought; after all, if he was willing to pay gold for a place in the common room, who knew how much more the strange alchemist would spend?

           Terrance got the better part of this second bird, mainly because June was feeling a little sick from gobbling down the first one. When she almost choked on a bone, she muttered, “I'm full,” and watched how the remaining pieces were picked clean by the werewolf in front of her.

           “So did you like it?” he asked.

           She nodded. “Definitely.” Despite the instincts she had to suppress, she had very much enjoyed the meal. In fact, she suspected that it was even better than usual, thanks to her superhuman senses—they added to the flavor, making the chicken absolutely delicious. “This is actually one of the pro's of being a wolf.”

           “So it's not all bad then. Good to hear that. I told you that it wasn't all bad, right? Some parts of it are okay: the eating, the strength... the ability to bleed to death and jump right up to scare people.” He grinned, then gestured to the other side of the room; in the doorway, Marc let his gaze slide through the room, searching for them. When he noticed them, he seemed a bit relieved. Terrance smiled at him. He threw him an angry look.

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