Chapter Thirty-Two: The Roped Princess

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I didn't drown today!

And also, that story appeared to be in English. So no boring translations!

Reason To Rejoice.



          “Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl was both clever and beautiful, and her parents were blessed when they received her. They gave her a beautiful name and made sure she never lacked anything. And when she was eighteen, she was to be wed to a prince.

          “But this girl, she lived far away from the palace, and the king was very impatient with the wedding. He demanded that she should reach the prince within four days, or he would find another bride for his son.

          “This journey the girl faced would have to be fast-paced, or else she would not make it in time. Therefore, she was presented with the fastest horse around, a beautiful and strong animal, that she’d known since she was a child.

          “So, with the prospect of a perfect wedding in her mind, she began her travel. She rode quickly and with few rests, and the horse barely tired. She made much distance that day.

          “However, when the first day of her travel ended, and it became twilight, the girl was trying to find a safe place to sleep. She was anxious to find a good place – an inn or anywhere else where she would be safe from any danger – because she feared her horse might be stolen whilst she slept. That would destroy her entire future with the prince.

          “So she searched and searched, but could find no place. In the dark, she rode on, still hoping to get lucky. There, she came across an old man, who was sitting at the edge of a magnificent lake. He got up and walked towards her, and she saw he was blind. When she asked him what he was doing, he answered:

          “’Fair lady, in my oldest wisdom I have come to this place. I am a beggar and a blind one at that, but before I die, I wanted to see true beauty once more. This lake, I cannot behold. But your beauty radiates like the sun and I can die a happy man now. So let me wake over you, so that you might sleep. I’ll bask in the radiance of your limitless beauty while keeping danger at bay.’

          “The princess-to-be was relieved when he said this and immediately accepted the old beggar’s request. However, afraid this might be a trick, she tied the reins of her horse to her own left arm, so it could not be stolen without her knowing.

          “And she slept well and had good dreams as the blind man watched over her.

          “In the morning, both the horse and the old man still were at her side when she woke up. She thanked the man and he thanked her as well. But when she got up her horse to leave, the Devil suddenly appeared. He smiled and told her cunningly that this beautiful lake was his, and everyone that slept next to it received good dreams, because he gave them. However, this gift was not without a consequence: it costs a soul. The old man hadn’t slept a wink, but she had, so she had to give the Devil his payment.

          “The girl hesitated, but the old man did not.

          “’Await!” he told her. “You have granted my dying wish, so I will be your sacrifice. Hell is Heaven with your beauty in mind, but Earth is Hell without it.’

          “And before she could protest, the Devil had taken the beggar with him, and she was alone with her horse again.

          “Shocked with the events, the princess quickly fled. She was scared of the Devil and did not want to stop for rest, until the next twilight finally came. This time, she managed to find a house – or, it seemed more like a shack, she thought. It was small and poor, but still better than sleeping outside. So she knocked on the door and asked to stay the night.

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