Chapter 2

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Arabella's P.O.V

Well, the one thing that d#ckhead has taught me is that three suitcases around Kensington is bloody hard. Especially at 10pm on a Friday night.

Turning the corner, I see a group of men walking towards me wolf whistling and calling me names. Turning and running away, I ran all the way into the nearest shop which happens to be Starbucks.

"Hello Miss, I am really sorry, however were just about to close." some worker told me.

"I know, but I'm scared and worried. There were these five men chasing me down the street! Can I please stay here whilst I phone my family member to come and pick me up?"

"Yes, I suppose that is okay, I will be in the back if you need me."

"Thank you very much."

Sitting down on a chair, pulling my iPhone out, I found the nearest person who is classed as family, my Aunty.

"Aunty, I know this is a very long shot however, I need someone to come and pick me up."

"Oh dear, of course I will come and get you, what has happened, why are you out so late?"

"Aunty, I will tell you later I promise. however, can it be soon as the place where I am sat is about to close."

"Oh yes dear, of course, I am just visiting my friends and her children, I will say goodbye and then come and get you, just text me the address of where you are."

"Okay, sure, see you in a bit."


Xavier's P.O.V

We were sat with my mums best friend having dinner and a drink.

"I am so sorry Lillian, boys. However my niece is calling me, I need to go and answer her." Emily said whilst getting up from her seat.

"No, that is absolutely fine, go and speak to her" My mother said whilst waving her hand in a shoo like motion.

"Mum, is her niece the one whose parents died when she was young? Wasn't she 7 when it happened?"

"Yes darling, her parents have died, but she was 6 when they passed, she has had nearly thirteen years alone without them."

"So how old is she then? Isn't she around my age, I think I remember her from when I was younger, didn't we used to play together?"

"She is eighteen, however her birthday is tomorrow so she'll be nineteen. And, yes, you used to play together all the time as her mother was my best friend, just like her aunt is my best friend. They were twins." Saying whilst putting the dishes into the dishwasher.

"Lilli, Xavier and Alexander-" Emily started

"Xander" my brother whispered

"Sorry and Xander, better, I am going to have to go, Arabella needs me. Something has happened this evening and I need to go." She said, whilst getting her jacket.

"Oh Emily, bring her here, we have a spare bed and dinner, we haven't finished yet, I don't believe that she wouldn't want to come. I'd love to see her again, it has been nine years since the last time. You never know, she may even remember some stuff. Even her heritage." Mum said whilst hugging Emily.

"I will ask her, but it will be her choice."

"Of course, I understand that." Mum waved goodbye at the door, turning to us.

"Boys go freshen up, we may have a guest coming, oh and Xavier stay for just one minute." she said whilst Xander was walking up the stairs to his room.

"What is wrong mum?"

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to say that if you feel anything for Arabella, it is fine, all of those weird feelings. I don't know if you remember but when you were twelve, you were obsessed with her, you even told her that you loved her, you had very strong feelings towards her. Look at this!" She said whilst handing me a photo.

The photo was of me and a girl only a few years younger than me, her giggling whilst I was kissing her cheek with admiration in my eyes.

Going up to my room I freshen up, when I hear a car pull up.


Thank you for reading another one of my chapters, if there is a mistake then please let me know.

Again, if there are any suggestions then let me know, I'll see if there is any way of using it.

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