Chapter 23

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Arabella's POV

*2 months later"

"Good morning Xavi, its time to get up." I said, while peppering light kisses all over his face.

"Morning my princess." He said huskily while turning onto his side to face me fully. He reached up slowly and placed his giant hand on my cheek, caressing it lightly.

"We need to get up Xavi, come on." I said whilst standing up, lightly pulling his arm. He turned o look at me and groaned. "Don't you groan at me mister. Even if you are the king." I knelt on the bed and pecked his cheek.

"Urgh, you sound just like a mother." He turned his head away, causing me to giggle.

"Well, I'll be one very soon." I said quickly, not really leaving time to think.

"What was that Belle, you spoke too soon. A little slower for me baby." He said, while leaning back closing his eyes.

"I said Xavi, that I will soon be a mother. And you a father." I said, quite quickly again. However, Xavier heard, and his eyes shot open and turned to me.

"Are you serious Belle?" he asked in a stern voice.

"Yeah, I am. I am sorry, you don't love me, you don't want our baby." I said, getting off the bed and walking to our bathroom.

"Baby, wait, I love you so much don't you ever say I don't!" he said, getting out of the bed and running up behind me. He slipped his arms around my waist and laid his hands on my slightly raised stomach. "I love you both so much, I want your babies, I was just so shocked. I am beyond delighted my princess. How many weeks are you?" He said, turning me around and slowly placed his lips on mine, devouring them slowly.

"Well, I am 10 weeks along, I know I haven't told you, I just wanted to make sure definitely. I know that was wrong of me, but I am so sorry. How shall we tell everyone Xavi?" I said once we finished our make out session, he lead me to the bed. "You know I am not disabled right?" I questioned.

"I know you are Belle, I am just concerned about our little one, and I think we shall just go and tell them. Or we can talk to Xander, as I think he has something to announce too." He said, smiling at me, pulling me back onto the bed. He slowly leaned over me, putting his body weight onto his elbows, placing his lips on mine we ended up making out once again.

"Xavi, stop, we need to get up." I said whilst giggling slightly as he nuzzled into my neck. "Xavi, stop, that tickles." I giggled. Saying that, he decided to start tickling me. "Stop it, Xavi stop it!" I tired to say in between laughs.

"Hmm, my princess, I will only stop if you call me 'the most handsome man on this earth. Oh, and, he is the best king and husband you can ever have' try saying that baby." He said, stopping for a second before starting to attack me with his fingers again.

"Xavi my sexy husband. You are the most handsome man on this earth, and you are the best king and husband anyone can ever have. I love you so much." I said, laughing.

"Well baby, those added things were amazing to hear out of you sweet mouth. Now come on let's get ready." He said, nuzzling his head back into my neck, before standing up and giving me his hand. Taking it, he lightly pulled me up and we walked into the bathroom.

Finishing getting dressed, we walked down to the living room, where we found Aunt Emily, Lillian, Xander and Isla. "Good morning everyone" I said, walking into the room, getting their attention.

"Arabella, it is not the morning anymore, it is now 1pm." Lillian said, walking over to me, embracing me in a hug.

"Oh, I didn't even notice. Well then, good afternoon everyone." I said, which caused them all to laugh.

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